Dissertation writing in employment economic research proposal

Dissertation writing in employment economic research is a challenging task for the candidates. The field of economics exhibits that different factors such as economic growth, human development, well-being and happiness are dealing with conflict because of scarcity of resources and the natural practices such as the ability to multiply and increase in the human needs. Read more:https://bit.ly/2RvIzwg Contact: Dissertation writing in employment economic research is a challenging task for the candidates. The field of economics exhibits that different factors such as economic growth, human development, well-being and happiness are dealing with conflict because of scarcity of resources and the natural practices such as the ability to multiply and increase in the human needs.

Read more:https://bit.ly/2RvIzwg


Dissertation Writing In EmploymentEconomic Research ProposalDr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Tutorsindia info@ tutorsindia.comI. INTRODUCTIONDissertation writing in employmenteconomic research is a challenging task for thecandidates. The field of economics exhibits thatdifferent factors such as economic growth, humandevelopment, well-being and happiness are dealingwith conflict because of scarcity of resources and thenatural practices such as the ability to multiply andincrease in the human needs. Having enoughknowledge about the different activities that aretaking place in the field of economics is necessary forthe candidate to write a dissertation. Concerning theemployment economic research it can be explainedthat the employment levels depend on a vast numberof factors. Thus, it is of paramount significance thatthe candidate gathers enough information about thefactors impacting employment levels beforebeginning the dissertation. The employment dependson several factors such as technology, composition ofthe product etc. In the dissertation these factorsshould be discussed in detail and also emphasisshould be laid on the impact of different factors.II. SIGNIFICANCE OF DISSERTATIONThe dissertation or thesis planned by thecandidate actually provides an idea of the planproposed, scope of the dissertation, researchquestions included, research methodology, anoutline of the thesis etc. To summarize, it explains thesignificance of the thesis. Some key points that areoutlined by the thesis are as follows:●●●●In short, your proposal explains what youwant to study, how you will study this topic,why this topic needs Purpose of the projectSignificance of research questionsSignificance of hypothesesProblem statementIII. ORGANIZATION OF THE DISSERTATIONThere are some key steps to organize adissertation. Though the organization of the thesis isalmost similar for the different domains but it isslightly different for the economic domain. Adissertation in economic domain should include allthe key factors that impact the economy and theirimpact on the other allied factors. The organization ofthe dissertation can be explained as follows:1. Theme of the dissertationThe theme of the project should bementioned in this part. It should clearly describethe purpose of the research and briefly explainthe contribution made. The description shouldalso include a snippet of the techniques used.2. IntroductionIn this section the major contribution ofthe project should be discussed. The sectionshould include what the research is about and thepurpose of research. The introduction should beinteresting for the readers and should clearlydescribe the problem statement and thesignificance of the solution. The introductionshould briefly describe the significance of theresearch from an economic perspective, withspecial emphasis on employment. It should besuch that the audience get an idea about theemployment economic area of research and theyunderstand the further terms clearly.3. Literature ReviewOnce the contribution is clearlymentioned in the introduction part, plan andwork on the literature review section citingenough references associated with your piece ofwork. The citations chosen should be associatingwith your topic of study and should enable theaudience to get an overview of the differenttechniques used till now and their limitations.Also give an idea of the different parametersaffected. Through this section of the dissertationyou can describe the difference between yourresearch and the other research works. One of themost important points to be kept in mind is thatthe research work is related to the economic areaand thus the papers cited should be from relatedfields.4. ContributionCopyright © 2021 TutorsIndia. All rights reserved 1

Dissertation Writing In Employment

Economic Research Proposal

Dr. Nancy Agnes, Head, Technical Operations, Tutorsindia info@ tutorsindia.com


Dissertation writing in employment

economic research is a challenging task for the

candidates. The field of economics exhibits that

different factors such as economic growth, human

development, well-being and happiness are dealing

with conflict because of scarcity of resources and the

natural practices such as the ability to multiply and

increase in the human needs. Having enough

knowledge about the different activities that are

taking place in the field of economics is necessary for

the candidate to write a dissertation. Concerning the

employment economic research it can be explained

that the employment levels depend on a vast number

of factors. Thus, it is of paramount significance that

the candidate gathers enough information about the

factors impacting employment levels before

beginning the dissertation. The employment depends

on several factors such as technology, composition of

the product etc. In the dissertation these factors

should be discussed in detail and also emphasis

should be laid on the impact of different factors.


The dissertation or thesis planned by the

candidate actually provides an idea of the plan

proposed, scope of the dissertation, research

questions included, research methodology, an

outline of the thesis etc. To summarize, it explains the

significance of the thesis. Some key points that are

outlined by the thesis are as follows:

In short, your proposal explains what you

want to study, how you will study this topic,

why this topic needs Purpose of the project

Significance of research questions

Significance of hypotheses

Problem statement


There are some key steps to organize a

dissertation. Though the organization of the thesis is

almost similar for the different domains but it is

slightly different for the economic domain. A

dissertation in economic domain should include all

the key factors that impact the economy and their

impact on the other allied factors. The organization of

the dissertation can be explained as follows:

1. Theme of the dissertation

The theme of the project should be

mentioned in this part. It should clearly describe

the purpose of the research and briefly explain

the contribution made. The description should

also include a snippet of the techniques used.

2. Introduction

In this section the major contribution of

the project should be discussed. The section

should include what the research is about and the

purpose of research. The introduction should be

interesting for the readers and should clearly

describe the problem statement and the

significance of the solution. The introduction

should briefly describe the significance of the

research from an economic perspective, with

special emphasis on employment. It should be

such that the audience get an idea about the

employment economic area of research and they

understand the further terms clearly.

3. Literature Review

Once the contribution is clearly

mentioned in the introduction part, plan and

work on the literature review section citing

enough references associated with your piece of

work. The citations chosen should be associating

with your topic of study and should enable the

audience to get an overview of the different

techniques used till now and their limitations.

Also give an idea of the different parameters

affected. Through this section of the dissertation

you can describe the difference between your

research and the other research works. One of the

most important points to be kept in mind is that

the research work is related to the economic area

and thus the papers cited should be from related


4. Contribution

Copyright © 2021 TutorsIndia. All rights reserved 1

Figure 1 Dissertation writing process

In the next section of the dissertation the candidate

should emphasize on elaborating the contribution

of his research work. There should be a detailed

description of the uniqueness of the approach used

by the candidate. The contribution should mention

the difference or limitations of other approaches as

compared to the one being used by the candidate.

5. Data collection and Results

In the further section the candidate should

discuss the data sources and the tools used to

analyze data. Since the research is associated with

the field of economics it is imperative that the

statistics obtained should be compared with the

ones mentioned in other papers so as to explain the

efficacy and superiority of the work.

6. Conclusion

In the last part of the dissertation

present a brief conclusion based on the economic

facts and results. The conclusion should be written

such that the reviewer can decide himself that the

idea presented is suitable or there are some changes

to be made. Also do not make repetitive comments

in the conclusion. Instead try to make the

conclusion short and easier to understand.

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