NC - Spring 2021



Nazareth<br />


THE HOLY<br />


NAZARETH //<br />

VOL. 15 //<br />

NO 1 //<br />

SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />



With a<br />

Father’s Heart<br />



St. Joseph<br />


Dear Friends of Nazareth,<br />

This past December, Pope Francis<br />

proclaimed the Year of St. Joseph, in honor<br />

of the 150th anniversary of Blessed<br />

Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St. Joseph<br />

as Patron of the Universal Church. St.<br />

Joseph is a pivotal figure in the Catholic<br />

faith, not only for his role as the protector<br />

and patriarch of the Holy Family, but<br />

also in the example he sets for all of us<br />

in showing that even the most ordinary<br />

people are capable of the extraordinary.<br />

He is a figure of hope for all of us,<br />

particularly during these difficult times.<br />

Joseph was by most means an ordinary<br />

man, a carpenter, betrothed to Mary and<br />

faced with a difficult question of faith, far<br />

greater than any he could have imagined.<br />

And yet, he let his faith guide him and<br />

took his place as Mary’s husband and<br />

earthly father to the Christ child. It is easy<br />

to see how Joseph can be considered a<br />

paragon of faith, but it may take a little<br />

closer look to discover how Joseph is also<br />

a figure of great hope.<br />

Throughout his adult life, Joseph was<br />

confronted with moments of great fear:<br />

fear of how he would be perceived if he<br />

should take Mary as his bride, fear of<br />

what the road to Bethlehem may hold<br />

for him and his burgeoning family, fear<br />

of Herod’s deadly decree. And yet, Joseph<br />

greeted each of these moments not only<br />

with faith in the Lord’s plan, but also<br />

the great hope for the future that lay<br />

before him. His is an example that should<br />

resonate with all of us.<br />

For more than a year, we have faced<br />

our own fears and an uncertain future.<br />

The world around us could have easily<br />

shaken the faith we held dear, and yet,<br />

like Joseph, we persevered. We looked<br />

towards a brighter day with great hope<br />

in our hearts – hope that these troubles<br />

would someday pass, hope that our<br />

lives could resume some semblance of<br />

normalcy, hope that we, even as we are<br />

ordinary people ourselves, would find<br />

our way along the path that God had set<br />

before us.<br />

I leave you now with a prayer of hope,<br />

words very much like what Joseph himself<br />

may have thought when the angel first<br />

visited him and spoke of the path his life<br />

was to take. In this year of St. Joseph, let<br />

us all fill our hearts with hope of a better<br />

day to come.<br />

Heavenly father, I am your humble servant,<br />

I come before you today in need of hope.<br />

I need hope for a calm and joyful future.<br />

I need hope for love and kindness.<br />

I pray for peace and safety.<br />

Some say that the sky is at its<br />

darkest just before the light.<br />

I pray that this is true, for today seems<br />

stormy and dim.<br />

I need your light, Lord, in every way.<br />

I pray to be filled with your light.<br />

Help me to walk in your light, and live<br />

my life in faith and service.<br />

In your name I pray, Amen.<br />

In the Holy Family,<br />

Sister Kathleen Maciej<br />


We invite you to pray with us, to listen to God’s call with us and to love with us<br />

as we find God in ordinary experiences. Learn more about our community life,<br />

our ministries and our mission at Or contact<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le, CSFN, National Vocation Director, at 972-641-4496 x111<br />

or<br />


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VOLUME 15 //<br />

NO 1 //<br />

SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />

Nazareth Connections is published<br />

three times a year by the Sisters of<br />

the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

in the USA.<br />

Editor:<br />

Tammy Townsend Denny<br />

Proofreaders:<br />

Sr. Clare Marie Kozicki<br />

Sr. Jude Carroll<br />

Sr. Lucille Madura<br />

Contents<br />


4-5 I am home:<br />

a vocation story<br />


6-9 With a Father’s Heart:<br />

The Year of St. Joseph<br />

10-11 Life’s Traffic Light<br />


12 Sr. M. Eleanor Woods<br />

Sr. M. Lauretta (Laura) Matusik<br />

Sr. M. Paul (Genevieve) Rozanska<br />

Sr. M. Susanne (Cecilia) Danoski<br />

Sr. M. Irmina Paszkiewicz<br />

Sr. M. Roberta Garczynska<br />

Sr. M. Francesca Onley<br />


16 Our Prayer<br />

Remembrance Program<br />

18 Have you thought<br />

about your Estate Plans?<br />


St. Joseph in the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth’s<br />

former St. Joseph Province chapel in Pittsburgh, circa 2002.<br />

18<br />

Editorial Board:<br />

Sr. Angela Szczawinska<br />

Sr. Barbara Frances Samp<br />

Sr. Carol Szott<br />

Sr. Jude Carroll<br />

Sr. Kathleen Ann Stadler<br />

Sr. Lucille Madura<br />

Sr. Marcelina Mikulska<br />

Sr. Marcella Louise Wallowicz<br />

Sr. Mary Louise Swift<br />

Sr. Teresilla Kolodziejczyk<br />

Katherine Barth<br />

Design/Print:<br />

McDaniels Marketing<br />

Questions, comments, suggestions?<br />

Please contact:<br />

Communications Department<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

310 N. River Road,<br />

Des Plaines, IL 60016<br />

847-298-6760, x144<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />



I am<br />

home:<br />


by Sr. Maria Sophia Gerlach, CSFN<br />

A not-so-small miracle in my adult<br />

life is that I did not stop going to<br />

Sunday Mass when I went off to<br />

college; nevertheless, it was not until<br />

after I graduated that I got involved<br />

at the Catholic Center (CC) at my<br />

undergraduate institution. Through<br />

the ministry of the chaplains and staff,<br />

and through the witness of students<br />

and fellow young professionals, God<br />

brought me into closer relationship<br />

with Him and kindled in my heart a<br />

very strong desire for prayer before<br />

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.<br />

After a couple years of working as<br />

a high school teacher and planning<br />

my out-of-school hours around daily<br />

Mass and CC activities, grabbing<br />

moments at adoration wherever I<br />

could, Jesus brought me to a point<br />

where I was given the advice, “It’s<br />

not a career question, Maria, it’s a<br />

vocation question.” On the eve of my<br />

25th birthday, at the Sunday vigil Mass<br />

with friends, I prayed, “Jesus, I need to<br />

hear what You are asking of me – how<br />

would you have me spend my life?”<br />

The next two years were an<br />

interesting adventure. Fortunately,<br />

I was able to take a year’s leave of<br />

absence from my teaching position<br />

and journey back to my hometown<br />

before heading for a volunteer<br />

stint with the Sisters of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth (CSFN) at one<br />

of our convents in Poland. I wanted<br />

to both volunteer and try to learn<br />


more of the Polish language, so a<br />

Sister involved with vocation work<br />

connected me with a convent where I<br />

could do both.<br />

Meanwhile, at home, I was invited<br />

to spend one academic quarter as a<br />

part-time substitute teacher at my<br />

high school, a CSFN school, of course.<br />

During that time, the sisters there<br />

connected with me and began inviting<br />

me for prayers and supper in not one<br />

but two local homes. By the time I left<br />

for Poland and my live-in volunteer<br />

experience, there was a definite<br />

tugging at my heart and soul. The time<br />

away with more time for quiet – it<br />

helped that I could not understand a<br />

lot that was going on around me and<br />

You see, through it all, everything I<br />

could imagine for my future was now<br />

connected to this congregation, this<br />

group of women who welcomed<br />

me so lovingly into their midst in<br />

every place I encountered them. Our<br />

current US Province “tag line” – Family<br />

is the heart of our mission – resonates<br />

with the home where I grew up;<br />

there was always room for one<br />

more around the table. Hospitality, a<br />

particular characteristic of Nazareth,<br />

fits just right in my heart and soul. To<br />

this day, I get excited when I find a<br />

chapel with exposition of the Blessed<br />

Sacrament, and I cannot fathom ever<br />

living in a home where Jesus is not<br />

present. I am home.<br />

Sr. Maria Sophia on the train in<br />

Philadelphia on her way to the World<br />

Meeting of Families in 2015.<br />

The Record of Final Profession that<br />

CSFNs sign when they profess their<br />

final vows.<br />

Sr. Maria Sophia during the profession<br />

of her final vows in 2016.<br />

Sr. Maria Sophia during Mass for the<br />

profession of her final vows in 2016.<br />

“...and I cannot fathom ever living in a home<br />

where Jesus is not present. I am home.”<br />

that I had free access to the sisters’<br />

chapel – really helped solidify things.<br />

While I was in Poland during that<br />

Easter season, I wrote to the vocation<br />

director in the States to ask for<br />

admission to the congregation.<br />

Sr. Maria Sophia entered the<br />

congregation in 2010, professed her first<br />

vows in 2012 and final vows in 2016.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />


6<br />


With a<br />

Father’s Heart:<br />


This past December, Pope Francis<br />

proclaimed <strong>2021</strong> as the Year of St.<br />

Joseph in celebration of the 150th<br />

anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s<br />

declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of<br />

the Universal Church. He also issued<br />

the Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (With<br />

a Father’s Heart) which describes St.<br />

Joseph’s role as “a tender and loving<br />

father” who showed courage and<br />

humility.<br />

St. Joseph was the patriarch of the<br />

Holy Family, their provider and<br />

protector. His faith in God allowed<br />

him to go against the cultural norm<br />

of his time and accept Mary as his<br />

bride, caring for her and the young<br />

Jesus when many might have cast<br />

them out. God is our Father in heaven,<br />

but Joseph stands as an example<br />

to all fathers here on Earth, a quiet<br />

and comforting presence providing<br />

strength and humility to their children.<br />

As Pope Francis tells us in his Patris<br />

Corde, “Fathers are not born, but<br />

made. A man does not become a<br />

father simply by bringing a child<br />

into the world, but by taking up<br />

the responsibility to care for that<br />

child. Whenever a man accepts<br />

responsibility for the life of another,<br />

in some way he becomes a father to<br />

that person.” In accepting Jesus as his<br />

son on Earth, Joseph paved the way<br />

for all of us to find acceptance in the<br />

Kingdom of God.<br />

Pope Francis goes on to write, “Joseph<br />

is certainly not passively resigned, but<br />

courageously and firmly proactive.<br />

In our own lives, acceptance and<br />

welcome can be an expression of the<br />

Holy Spirit’s gift of fortitude. Only<br />

the Lord can give us the strength<br />

needed to accept life as it is, with all<br />

its contradictions, frustrations and<br />

disappointments.”<br />

During this Year of St. Joseph, our<br />

sisters are spending time deepening<br />

their relationship with St. Joseph<br />

through prayer and study. The<br />

following are two reflections that have<br />

resulted from our year dedicated to<br />

celebrating St. Joseph.<br />


ASYLUM<br />

by Sr. Catherine Fedewa, CSFN<br />

I love to see the way filmmakers<br />

depict the relationship with Joseph<br />

and Mary. Most depict Joseph as being<br />

attracted to or in love with Mary, not<br />

viewing theirs as an arranged marriage<br />

which it might very well have been. I<br />

prefer the former… why else would<br />

Joseph be in such a dilemma when<br />

he discovered Mary’s pregnancy?<br />

But, as guided by his dream, he made<br />

that commitment and then found a<br />

whole other level of depth to their<br />

relationship. He would take her into<br />

continued on next page...<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />


strength to care for and protect his<br />

family.<br />

I couldn’t help wonder if it was to<br />

the United States today that Joseph<br />

and his family were fleeing, would<br />

they pass the credible fear test of<br />

the Border Control to qualify them<br />

to seek asylum? Or would they be<br />

summarily dismissed and deported<br />

back to their country of origin, despite<br />

the dangers that would await them?<br />


IN EGYPT<br />

by Sr. Jane Frances Malaczewski, CSFN<br />

his home and care for, protect and<br />

defend his new bride (and their child).<br />

So many details are missing from<br />

Scripture, so I continue to use my<br />

imaginative prayer and reflect on what<br />

that early life meant for them. Did<br />

they start out in Joseph’s home in<br />

Bethlehem or did they have to travel<br />

there for the census? How long was<br />

it before the magi came to visit them?<br />

And when was Joseph informed (again<br />

in a dream) to flee, to leave their<br />

home and their family behind, to “get<br />

out of town” before danger caught up<br />

with them?<br />

Immigrants on the move, that was<br />

what this little family became. We see<br />

so many fathers today doing exactly<br />

what Joseph had to do…pack up their<br />

family, their belongings and flee…far<br />

“We see so many fathers today doing exactly what<br />

Joseph had to do…pack up their family, their<br />

belongings and flee…far away, on foot (and maybe<br />

donkey), to a strange country, a strange culture, a<br />

strange language.”<br />

away, on foot (and maybe donkey), to<br />

a strange country, a strange culture,<br />

a strange language. And once there,<br />

would they be accepted? Where<br />

would they live? Would Joseph find<br />

work? He was now responsible for<br />

something he never planned for. But<br />

like so many immigrants today, he<br />

had faith. Did he understand that his<br />

stepson was the Son of God? I don’t<br />

think so, but he knew that God was<br />

guiding him, that God would continue,<br />

one day at a time, to give him the<br />

Humble and obedient to the will of<br />

God, St. Joseph did not question, only<br />

pondered what God asked of him.<br />

His pondering made him such a great<br />

saint. To me, his life was a life of love<br />

and self-forgetfulness. His actions,<br />

not words, spoke of his love for Jesus<br />

and Mary—his family. He truly was a<br />

loving protector of this family. To keep<br />

his family safe, he even, without any<br />

hesitation, traveled to Egypt to escape<br />

the wrath of King Herod. To me, this is<br />

LOVE in the highest form.<br />

In my own life, I don’t remember the<br />

beginning of my tatulek’s [daddy] life,<br />

only what my mamusia [mommy]<br />

told me. From her recollection, I can<br />

truly say that my tatulek walked in<br />

the footprints of St. Joseph. No, he did<br />

not migrate from Poland to Egypt, but<br />

from Poland to Cleveland, Ohio. Why?<br />

I will try to explain. Rumors were<br />

spreading about a war. Tatulek did not<br />

hesitate; he prayed and took action.<br />

He wrote a letter to his aunt (his<br />

mother’s sister) in Cleveland, asking<br />

for an invitation to come to the U.S.A<br />

with his family. The invite came within<br />

a few months—but only for Tatulek.<br />


The reason why only for him was<br />

simple. Tatulek was a citizen of the US<br />

and Mamusia was not; she was a Polish<br />

citizen. Tatulek was born in Cleveland<br />

and at the age of six, his parents and<br />

their children returned to Poland due<br />

to poverty in the US from the Great<br />

Depression. They settled on a farm<br />

belonging to his grandparents. Here,<br />

Tatulek lived and at the age of twentytwo,<br />

was married on May 22, 1938.<br />

Because of his decision to migrate<br />

and the “invite” from his aunt, Tatulek<br />

with a sad heart, left his family and<br />

came alone to Cleveland. Life was<br />

very hard for Tatulek without us. He<br />

lived with his aunt, for a time, until he<br />

got a job and began getting paid for it.<br />

That’s when life got even harder. His<br />

aunt made him pay for the meals he<br />

ate and for rent. Because of this, and<br />

his health, Tatulek could not help us as<br />

much as he wanted. Also, World War<br />

II started in 1939. His dream did not<br />

come true until nine years later when<br />

as a family we were united together<br />

once again.<br />

In my life, I believe I am also following<br />

in the footprints of St. Joseph. I was<br />

asked to go to places unknown to<br />

me. I was changed from Michigan<br />

to Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh to Erie,<br />

Pennsylvania, to Cleveland and back<br />

to Pittsburgh. I had no idea what<br />

awaited me, but I trusted God and my<br />

leadership teams. With God’s help and<br />

His protection, I am in the community<br />

for sixty-three years, and can truly say<br />

every convent was and is a “home”<br />

for me; a place of acceptance, respect,<br />

understanding and love.<br />

In St. Joseph, let us take refuge all the<br />

days of our life!<br />

Sr. Josephine Garrett with her uncle<br />

who raised her “with a father’s heart.”<br />

Photo taken at her final vows in 2020.<br />

Sr. Catherine Fedewa at the 2018<br />

Archdiocese of Chicago Annual<br />

Posada for Immigration Reform.<br />

Sr. Jane Frances Malaczewski, left,<br />

with Sr. Carol Szott, right, rang<br />

their Nazareth chimes on Poland’s<br />

Constitution Day in 2020 in honor<br />

of healthcare workers. Both sisters<br />

are wearing shirts with an eagle, the<br />

national emblem of Poland.<br />

Sr. Catherine in 2020 for the “Run/<br />

Walk for Refugee Kids” sponsored by<br />

Exodus World Service. She raised over<br />

$500 for refugee children.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />



NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />


In Memoriam<br />

Sr. M. Eleanor<br />

Woods<br />

April 20, 1936 -<br />

November 14,<br />

2020<br />

Sr. Eleanor was a<br />

woman of deep<br />

faith and love for God. She loved the<br />

outdoors and was an avid sports fan.<br />

Born in New Haven, Connecticut on<br />

April 20, 1936, she was the oldest<br />

of seven children. She attended St.<br />

Stanislaus Elementary School and<br />

Wilbur Cross High School both in<br />

New Haven. After graduating from<br />

high school, she worked for a year as<br />

a secretary at Yale University Press<br />

before entering the Sisters of the<br />

Holy Family of Nazareth in 1955. She<br />

credited the CYO (Catholic Youth<br />

Organization) in her parish with<br />

planting the seed of her vocation<br />

to religious life. Upon entering the<br />

novitiate in 1956, Eleanor received<br />

the name Sr. Mary Charlotte. She<br />

later returned to her baptismal name.<br />

She professed final vows in 1964.<br />

She began her education ministry as<br />

a third grade teacher in St. Adalbert<br />

School, Elmhurst, New York. Feeling<br />

the inner call to be a missionary,<br />

she later volunteered to serve in<br />

our Santa Cruz, Peru mission. After<br />

earning a BA in education, she spent<br />

four months in Ponce, Puerto Rico<br />

for an intensive Spanish course before<br />

arriving in Peru in December 1964.<br />

She fell in love with the people of<br />

Peru, their land, their culture and<br />

their gracious spirit.<br />

After Peru, Sr. Eleanor taught<br />

Spanish at St. Mary’s High School in<br />

Worcester, Massachusetts where<br />

she also started a physical education<br />

program. She also served as principal<br />

of St. Peter Claver School in Brooklyn,<br />

New York. She later transitioned to<br />

the role of pastoral minister at St.<br />

Peter Claver Parish. After receiving<br />

her certification as a spiritual director,<br />

Sr. Eleanor was appointed director<br />

at the House of Prayer in Riverhead,<br />

New York. Through the years, she<br />

also served as director of religious<br />

education at Our Lady of the<br />

Presentation and Our Lady of Loreto<br />

in Brooklyn, chaplain with Momentum<br />

AIDS Project of Manhattan, and<br />

chaplain at the NYS Veteran’s Home<br />

in St. Albans, Queens, New York.<br />

Sr. Eleanor retired from her<br />

ministry in June 2013 and moved to<br />

Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent,<br />

Monroe, Connecticut.<br />

Sr. Eleanor’s declining health may have<br />

lessened her physical and mental<br />

capabilities but it did not take away<br />

her pleasant disposition, her beautiful<br />

smile and her acceptance of all<br />

persons. Sr. Eleanor died as she lived,<br />

peacefully and calmly, on the evening<br />

of November 14, 2020. Her interment<br />

was private.<br />

Sr. M. Lauretta<br />

(Laura) Matusik<br />

May 1, 1922 -<br />

January 1, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Born May 1, 1922<br />

in Jamaica, New<br />

York to John and<br />

Katherine Poska Matusik and baptized<br />

at St. Joseph Church, Laura grew up<br />

sharing the joys and triumphs of a big<br />

family.<br />

Laura and her siblings were educated<br />

at St. Joseph School by the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth. She<br />

attended and graduated from John<br />


Adams Public High School. Quite<br />

adept in the business world, she<br />

worked in government jobs until she<br />

entered the Congregation at 30 years<br />

old on January 13, 1952. She professed<br />

final vows on August 11, 1960.<br />

She was a member of the first<br />

graduating class at Holy Family<br />

College (now Holy Family University),<br />

graduating with a BA in 1958. She<br />

went on to earn an MA at Marywood<br />

College in 1968.<br />

Following a brief time at Sacred<br />

Hearts of Jesus and Mary in Scranton,<br />

Pennsylvania, Sr. Lauretta began her<br />

life-long love of teaching the young<br />

women at Nazareth Academy High<br />

School in Philadelphia as a teacher, a<br />

mentor, and a friend to so many young<br />

women. She taught there for 42 years.<br />

In 1997, Sr. Lauretta retired from her<br />

position at Nazareth Academy High<br />

School, but her heart remained there.<br />

Her students continued to keep in<br />

touch with her. In retirement, Sr.<br />

Lauretta served as the receptionist<br />

and took care of the mail delivery<br />

at the provincial offices. Collecting<br />

canceled stamps for the missions,<br />

clipping coupons for those in need,<br />

and corresponding with family and<br />

friends were daily activities that<br />

followed her when she moved to<br />

Mount Nazareth in Philadelphia<br />

in 2007. She never missed an<br />

opportunity to support one of her<br />

sisters who was in need of her<br />

thoughtful notes and promise of<br />

prayer. She also treasured the love of<br />

her family and friends.<br />

Sr. Lauretta passed away on January<br />

1, <strong>2021</strong>, on the feast of Our Lady, at<br />

Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia. Her<br />

interment was private.<br />

Sr. M. Paul<br />

(Genevieve)<br />

Rozanska<br />

June 5, 1934 -<br />

January 13, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Sr. Paul was a<br />

clever, talented,<br />

and knowledgeable woman who<br />

centered her life on prayer. She had a<br />

humble and quiet nature. Sr. Paul was<br />

an avid and knowledgeable fan of the<br />

paintings of Thomas Kincaid as well<br />

as the music of violinist Andre Rieu.<br />

In the everyday, she could often be<br />

found completing puzzles, watching<br />

Columbo, and enjoying the occasional<br />

5th Avenue candy bar.<br />

Born on June 5, 1934, she was<br />

baptized at St. John Cantius Parish in<br />

Philadelphia. The only child of Paul<br />

and Genevieve Rozanski, she attended<br />

the parish school and later enrolled<br />

at Nazareth Academy High School.<br />

She was received as a postulant and<br />

novice and made her first profession<br />

of vows on July 3, 1952 and her<br />

final vows on August 12, 1958. Sr.<br />

Paul received a BA at Holy Family<br />

College (now Holy Family University)<br />

in Philadelphia and an MS in math<br />

education from Marywood College<br />

(now Marywood University) in<br />

Scranton, Pennsylvania. She taught at<br />

Our Lady of Czestochowa and Little<br />

Flower High School in Philadelphia<br />

as well as St. Anthony in Throop,<br />

Pennsylvania and Colegio Espiritu<br />

Santo in Puerto Rico. Sr. Paul also was<br />

fluent in Spanish and Polish.<br />

She served as the director of<br />

postulants from 1968 to 1971.<br />

Introducing these young women<br />

to life in our congregation was not<br />

always the easiest job. At times, the<br />

postulants felt her expectations were<br />

too high, yet they knew in their hearts<br />

that she just wanted them to be the<br />

best they could be. According to<br />

one of these postulants, she always<br />

reminded them to “live on the third<br />

floor of faith,” a phrase she quoted<br />

from a book she used for readings:<br />

Keys to the Third Floor by Philip Dion.<br />

Sr. Paul also served as treasurer at<br />

Holy Family University. She retired<br />

from the finance office at the<br />

university when she was 79.<br />

She carried a quiet affection for<br />

everyone in her life. Holidays<br />

presented special opportunities for Sr.<br />

Paul to engage with those she cared<br />

about. At Halloween, she always found<br />

a clever costume to dress up in and<br />

entertained her students and staff.<br />

Sr. Paul also enjoyed making special<br />

cookies at Christmas and “jelly eggs”<br />

at Easter. She often went out of her<br />

way to give of herself to make others<br />

smile.<br />

On the afternoon of January 13, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />

Sr. Paul quietly went back to the Lord<br />

and His Mother at Nazareth Hospital<br />

in Philadelphia. The interment was<br />

private.<br />

Sr. M. Susanne<br />

(Cecilia)<br />

Danoski<br />

May 20, 1936 –<br />

January 17, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Cecilia was born<br />

on May 20, 1936.<br />

Her parents, Joseph and Catherine,<br />

had Cecilia baptized on the feast of<br />

the Visitation at St. Adalbert Church<br />

in Elmhurst, New York. She entered<br />

St. Adalbert’s Elementary School, then<br />

pursued her education at Nazareth<br />

Academy High School and Holy Family<br />

College in Philadelphia. On January<br />

11, 1953, Cecilia entered the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth where<br />

she became a novice, receiving the<br />

name Sr. Susanne. She received her<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />


master’s degree in French from Seton<br />

Hall University in South Orange, New<br />

Jersey.<br />

Her ministry of teaching took her<br />

across several states from St. Mary’s<br />

in Massachusetts to St. Joseph’s and<br />

St. Stanislaus in Connecticut to St.<br />

Joseph’s in New Jersey, and finally to<br />

St. Stanislaus, and Holy Cross, coming<br />

full circle to her home parish of St.<br />

Adalbert’s in New York. After thirty<br />

years in teaching, Sr. Susanne became<br />

a student again, this time studying to<br />

be a hospital chaplain. She ministered<br />

at St. Charles Hospital in New York<br />

and St. Francis Medical Center in<br />

New Jersey. Sr. Susanne was one<br />

of the first National Association<br />

of Catholic Chaplains (NACC)<br />

certified chaplains. After serving as<br />

a secretary in a diocesan ministry<br />

in New Jersey, she retired to Mount<br />

Nazareth in Philadelphia in 2013.<br />

Her determination and perseverance<br />

enabled her to acclimate to her<br />

surroundings at this time in her life.<br />

In her retirement, Sr. Susanne<br />

enjoyed watching EWTN daily. She<br />

had a dry sense of humor and a<br />

funny way of describing challenging<br />

situations that uplifted many of the<br />

sisters in her local community. Her<br />

kindness to those who serviced her<br />

in any way did not go unnoticed. This<br />

kindness was a virtue that was part<br />

and parcel of her life. She was long<br />

known for remembering friends and<br />

acquaintances on important days, a<br />

generosity that was also extended<br />

to the poor. Many of these acts of<br />

kindness were done without the<br />

knowledge of others.<br />

On the afternoon of January 17, Sr.<br />

Susanne quietly went back to the Lord<br />

at Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia.<br />

The interment was private.<br />

Sr. M. Irmina<br />

(Evelyn)<br />

Paszkiewicz<br />

September 28,<br />

1929 – January<br />

27, <strong>2021</strong><br />

From a loving<br />

home on the East Coast of the US, Sr.<br />

Irmina (Evelyn Frances) Paszkiewicz<br />

began a journey that can only be<br />

compared to that of our foundress,<br />

Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good<br />

Shepherd, who left Poland for Rome,<br />

Italy, and then eventually the US.<br />

Evelyn Frances was born in Baltimore,<br />

Maryland to Thomas and Frances<br />

Paszkiewicz on September 28,<br />

1929. She graduated from Sacred<br />

Heart of Mary School and headed<br />

to Nazareth Academy High School<br />

in Philadelphia. Entering the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth in<br />

1947, she pronounced her first vows<br />

in 1949 and her final vows in 1955.<br />

Receiving her BA from Holy Family<br />

College (now Holy Family University)<br />

provided the foundation for Sr. Irmina<br />

to begin a worldwide ministry. Her<br />

ministry as a teacher led her to<br />

St. John Cantius, St. Adalbert, and<br />

Nazareth Academy Grade School in<br />

Philadelphia. Her next set of travels<br />

took her to Colegio Espiritu Santo<br />

in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, where she<br />

continued her role of teacher.<br />

In 1962, Sr. Irmina traveled to the<br />

Holy Spirit Province in Australia<br />

where she served in a variety of<br />

ministries including teacher, aspirant<br />

directress, superior, principal, assistant<br />

provincial, and provincial treasurer.<br />

In 1981, she left Australia to return<br />

to her home parish of Sacred Heart<br />

of Mary in Baltimore. At this time,<br />

she also cared for her aging parents<br />

who lived across the street from<br />

the parish office. Sr. Irmina treasured<br />

her family. Through the years, she<br />

taught at St. Gregory’s in Plantation,<br />

Florida; Visitation BVM in Trooper,<br />

Pennsylvania; and, Queen of Peace in<br />

Ardsley, Pennsylvania.<br />

Sr. Irmina also journeyed to<br />

the Philippines to oversee the<br />

construction of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth School. Her legacy remains<br />

in the Philippines where the school<br />

stands as a silent witness to her zeal<br />

and dedication. Her last assignment<br />

was aiding our sisters on the<br />

infirmary floor of Mount Nazareth<br />

in Philadelphia. Quietly stepping in<br />

to help out, whether to deliver a<br />

tray, hand out mail, or just pray with<br />

a sister in pain, were qualities that<br />

defined Sr. Irmina.<br />

On the morning of January 27,<br />

<strong>2021</strong>, Sr. Irmina went quietly back<br />

to the Lord at Nazareth Hospital,<br />

Philadelphia. The interment was<br />

private.<br />

Sr. M. Roberta<br />

(Dolores)<br />

Garczynska<br />

March 2, 1929<br />

– February 22,<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

Sr. Roberta<br />

(Dolores) Garczynska was a woman<br />

imbued with the spirit of prayer.<br />

Faithful to her religious vocation, she<br />

was one of the first sisters in chapel<br />

every morning. She believed strongly<br />

in the power of prayer often asking<br />

sisters to pray for her and promising<br />

her prayer in return. Sr. Roberta had<br />

a deep love and devotion to Our<br />

Blessed Mother and the Martyred<br />

Sisters. Close to her family, she kept<br />

in touch with her nieces and nephew<br />

through telephone conversations and<br />

visits. An avid reader, her days were<br />

spent perusing the daily newspaper,<br />

the latest religious newspapers, and<br />

spiritual books. She enjoyed sharing<br />


what she had learned with the sisters<br />

with whom she lived. Her smile<br />

attracted many people to confide in<br />

her.<br />

Dolores was born in Clifton,<br />

Pennsylvania, the eldest of two<br />

children born to John and Anna<br />

Garczynski. She attended St. Charles<br />

Elementary School before enrolling<br />

in Nazareth Academy High School<br />

in Philadelphia. After graduating,<br />

she entered the Sisters of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth in 1947. She<br />

professed her first vows in 1950 and<br />

her final vows in 1956. She graduated<br />

from Holy Family University with a<br />

bachelor’s degree in science, and from<br />

Villanova University with a master’s<br />

degree in secondary science.<br />

Sr. Roberta taught for many years,<br />

ministering to children at St. Adalbert<br />

School in Elmhurst, New York; SS.<br />

Cyril and Methodius School, St.<br />

Stanislaus Kostka School, and Bishop<br />

Ford High School in Brooklyn, New<br />

York; St. Stephen School in Paterson,<br />

New Jersey; and St. Joseph School in<br />

Ansonia, Connecticut. She was also<br />

an adjunct professor at St. John’s<br />

University in Jamaica, New York.<br />

However, it was at St. Mary’s School,<br />

Worcester, Massachusetts, where<br />

she spent 27 years as a high school<br />

teacher and later as principal of the<br />

elementary school. Sr. Roberta was<br />

also an accomplished organist, often<br />

filling the position of organist in the<br />

parishes where she ministered. She<br />

retired from active ministry in 2004.<br />

On the afternoon of February 22,<br />

Sr. Roberta quietly went back to the<br />

Lord at Immaculate Heart of Mary<br />

Convent in Monroe, Connecticut. The<br />

interment was private.<br />

Sr. M. Francesca<br />

(Patricia) Onley<br />

March 4, 1933 -<br />

April 17, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Sr. Francesca<br />

(Patricia) Onley<br />

was born on<br />

March 4, 1933 to Edward and Marie<br />

Onley. Always a force with which to<br />

be reckoned, she exuded strength,<br />

wisdom and a spirit of Nazareth in all<br />

she did. Baptized in St. Joachim Church<br />

in Philadelphia, she and her siblings,<br />

Joan (later to be known as Sr. Michael),<br />

David, and Edward were a close-knit<br />

family who later became parishioners<br />

of St. Matthew Church.<br />

She became familiar with our sisters<br />

when she was a volunteer at Nazareth<br />

Hospital. At Nazareth Academy High<br />

School, she was mentored by many<br />

of our sisters particularly, Sr. Benedict<br />

Jaskiewicz. Patricia entered the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth shortly<br />

after graduation. She became a novice<br />

and then pronounced her first vows in<br />

1953 in Torresdale, Pennsylvania.<br />

Higher education for Sr. Francesca<br />

began with a BA in business at Holy<br />

Family College (now Holy Family<br />

University), followed by an MA in<br />

business and secondary education at<br />

Marywood University, and finally a<br />

Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University<br />

in higher education administration.<br />

She began her education ministry at<br />

Nazareth Academy Grade School in<br />

Philadelphia as a fourth-grade teacher.<br />

She went on to teach science and<br />

serve as a guidance counselor and<br />

later principal at Nazareth Academy<br />

High School also in Philadelphia.<br />

In 1980, she was asked to serve as<br />

assistant to the president of Holy<br />

Family College under Sr. Lillian Budny,<br />

CSFN, PhD. In 1981, Sr. Francesca<br />

was appointed the fourth president<br />

of the college to replace Sr. Lillian<br />

upon her retirement. At the college,<br />

Sr. Francesca was distinguished by<br />

her leadership ability and gained<br />

the respect of those who worked<br />

with her, earning numerous awards<br />

and overseeing many advancements<br />

including the transition of the college<br />

to a university.<br />

Prayer was central to her life. Even<br />

after retiring from Holy Family<br />

University, she was present at Delaney<br />

Hall for the 6:15 am Mass and<br />

recitation of Morning Prayer. Whether<br />

answering the door or cleaning the<br />

Community Room, she was always<br />

available to anyone who needed her<br />

help. She never missed a community<br />

gathering whether it was a meeting,<br />

jubilee, profession, funeral, or chapter<br />

meeting. Her concern for all her<br />

fellow sisters exhibited itself as she<br />

would always ask how one was doing<br />

in school or ministry and she would<br />

listen attentively.<br />

On April 17, <strong>2021</strong> at Nazareth<br />

Hospital in Philadelphia, Sr. Francesca<br />

quietly went back to the Lord. Her<br />

funeral Mass was celebrated April<br />

25 at St. Katherine of Siena Catholic<br />

Church in Philadelphia.<br />

Donations in memory of<br />

a deceased sister may be<br />

mailed to Development<br />

Office, Sisters of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth, 310<br />

N. River Rd., Des Plaines,<br />

IL 60016. Please include a<br />

note with the name of the<br />

Sister in whose memory<br />

you are giving. Donations<br />

may also be made online at<br /><br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />



We Invite You to<br />

Participate in Our Prayer<br />

Remembrance Program<br />

When a relative, friend, or loved one passes away, celebrates a birthday or<br />

anniversary, or is experiencing ill-health, you can express your sentiments, honor<br />

them in a meaningful way, and offer a gift to the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth. Those you choose to honor will share in the spiritual works and<br />

prayer of the Sisters, and be remembered during daily liturgy and a special Mass<br />

each month. Their name will also be placed in the Prayer Remembrance book<br />

located in the chapel at our Provincialate House. Contributions to the Prayer<br />

Remembrance program are used to help care for our elderly and infirmed<br />

Sisters, as well as those who continue to minister for and with families.<br />

If you would like to participate in the Prayer Remembrance program, order from<br />

our website ( or call us<br />

at 847-298-6760 x. 143; email us at;<br />

or write us at Development Office, Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth,<br />

310 N River Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60016-1211. We will send you as many greeting<br />

cards as you would like, so you can send them to your relatives or friends, as<br />

well as a convenient reply envelope for your contribution.<br />


Verse:<br />

May God bless you<br />

and keep you<br />

in His loving care.<br />


CARD<br />

Verse:<br />

Thank you so much.<br />

Your kindness is truly<br />

appreciated.<br />


Verse:<br />

Let not your hearts be troubled.<br />

Believe in God; believe<br />

also in me. In my Father’s<br />

house are many rooms. If it<br />

were not so, would I have told<br />

you that I go to prepare a<br />

place for you? And if I go and<br />

prepare a place for you, I will<br />

come again and will take you<br />

to myself, that where I am you may be<br />

also. And you know the way to where<br />

I am going.<br />

~John 14:1-4<br />



CARD<br />

Verse:<br />

O Holy Family, bless and<br />

protect all the families of<br />

the world; safeguard them<br />

in every way. Enable<br />

everyone to be faithful to<br />

their baptismal call to<br />

holiness. Grant us the<br />

grace to see God in the<br />

simple and ordinary<br />

moments in our lives, so<br />

that we may give<br />

ourselves in service to<br />

others. Amen.<br />


Verse:<br />

May the Holy Family bless you with<br />

birthday joy and cheer.<br />

May the gifts of love and peace<br />

be yours today and throughout<br />

the coming year.<br />


CARD<br />

Verse:<br />

Happy Anniversary<br />

God bless and enrich<br />

the love you share<br />

with each other.<br />


CARD<br />

Verse:<br />

Just a note to let<br />

you know that I am<br />

thinking of you.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />



There are many ways to leave a<br />

legacy, but charitable bequests and<br />

beneficiary designations through<br />

Wills and Trusts are among the most<br />

popular. Why? Because these types of<br />

gifts allow you to retain full control<br />

and use of your property throughout<br />

your lifetime, and you are not locked<br />

into a commitment. You may change<br />

your mind at any time.<br />

Would you consider making the<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

a beneficiary of all or a portion of<br />

your estate, after leaving specific gifts<br />

to loved ones? It’s easy to do, and you<br />

don’t need to be wealthy to do it -<br />

you just need to love our Sisters and<br />

want to support our mission.<br />

Have you thought<br />

about your Estate<br />

Plans?<br />

by Katherine Barth, Director of<br />

Development<br />

Your faithful, generous support over<br />

the years clearly indicates your love<br />

for our Sisters and your commitment<br />

to our ministries to families. For all<br />

you are to us, we are grateful!<br />

With this in mind, have you ever<br />

considered leaving a bequest to<br />

the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth?<br />

I ask this question because it’s so<br />

important that every family have<br />

thoughtful estate plans so they<br />

can determine how to share their<br />

assets with their family, their friends,<br />

and organizations they care about.<br />

Without a Will, state laws may go into<br />

effect that distribute your estate in a<br />

very impersonal way.<br />

Through your bequest gifts, you<br />

can create a living memorial that<br />

perpetuates good works. These gifts<br />

ensure the sustainability of your<br />

beloved organizations in a way that<br />

makes your core values known to<br />

others. Generations to come will<br />

benefit from your gifts. Additionally,<br />

you can choose how you want each<br />

bequest gift to be used.<br />

When you remember the Sisters of<br />

the Holy Family of Nazareth in your<br />

estate plan, you become eligible for<br />

membership in the Nazareth Legacy<br />

Society. This society is composed<br />

of generous and forward-thinking<br />

donors, just like you, who have made<br />

the decision to support our long-term<br />

success through a bequest gift.<br />

Whether you name the Sisters of<br />

the Holy Family of Nazareth as the<br />

beneficiary or not, I encourage you<br />

to consult with your financial advisor<br />

to discuss the options. Please make<br />

sure you have a Will that provides for<br />

those you love. And if you decide to<br />

leave a bequest gift to the Sisters of<br />

the Holy Family of Nazareth, please<br />

let us know so that we can thank you<br />

properly.<br />

If you haven’t yet considered a Will<br />

or other estate plans, we offer a free<br />

booklet, Better Estate Planning, to<br />

help get you started. If you would like<br />

this free booklet, just complete the<br />

form on page 19 and return it to our<br />

Development Office. I’ll get it mailed<br />

out to you right away.<br />



Confidential Reply<br />

(Check all that apply)<br />

I have remembered the CSFNs in my<br />

____ Will<br />

____ Annuity<br />

____ Charitable Trust<br />

____ Life Insurance Policy<br />

____ Retirement Plan<br />

Please enroll me in the Nazareth Legacy Society;<br />

____ I give permission to publish my name.<br />

____ Please do not publish my name.<br />

____ Please send me a complimentary copy of the booklet, “Better Estate Planning.”<br />

____ Please contact me. I am considering including the CSFNs in my estate plans, but I have some questions.<br />

Please complete the following and return it to:<br />

Katherine Barth, CSFN Development Office, 310 N. River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016.<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Name<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Address<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

City<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

State<br />

Zip Code<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Phone<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Email<br />

This information is strictly confidential.<br />

To receive the free, no obligation booklet, “Better Estate Planning,” please complete the attached form and<br />

return it to:<br />

Katherine Barth<br />

Development Director<br />

310 N. River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016<br /><br />

847-298-6760, ext. 143<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS // SPRING <strong>2021</strong><br />


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Des Plaines, IL 60016<br /><br />

Non-profit<br />

Organization<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

Paid<br />

Rockford, IL<br />

Permit No. 2495<br />



Then you’re invited to join Nazareth Legacy Society, a group created<br />

to recognize friends just like you who have let us know that they have<br />

remembered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in their Wills or<br />

Estate Plans.<br />

In appreciation for your future gift, you will be remembered in the daily<br />

prayers of our Sisters. You will also receive a certificate denoting your<br />

membership in the Nazareth Legacy Society and receive a special Holy<br />

Family key ring available only to Nazareth Legacy Society members. Your<br />

name also will be inscribed on a special plaque in our Provincialate in Des Plaines, IL. Informing our Development Office<br />

that you have remembered our Sisters in your future plans automatically entitles you to membership in this special<br />

Society! But we won’t enroll you as a member without your permission.<br />

It’s simple to join! Just complete the form on page 19 and return it to CSFN Development Office, 310 N. River Road,<br />

Des Plaines, IL 60016. Or if you prefer, you may contact Katherine Barth at or 847-298-6760,<br />

ext. 143 and let her know that you would like to be a member.<br />

Thank you for including our Sisters in your Estate Plans. We are grateful for your faithful, caring support.<br />

We, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, are called to extend the Kingdom of God’s love among ourselves and<br />

others by living the spirit of Jesus, Mary and Joseph whose lives were centered in the love of God and one another.<br />

We witness to this love through dedicated service to the Church, especially in ministry to the family.

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