Crespo Ratna Deepthi

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Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

Essay on Art and Life

Madrid Fine Arts College

Submitted by

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo


Adriano Agapito

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

Art is life

There are difficulties in defining art, but as generally defined, it's the

merchandise of creative human action during which materials are molded or

selected to convey a visually interesting idea, emotion, or shape. Art cannot easily

be defined as simple as any ordinary object because it implies value ... monetary,

social, and intellectual. And it's also constantly changing and growing, making it

harder and almost impossible to possess a standardized clear definition. As said,

when people ask, "What is art?" or they state that something is "not art", they

typically don't seek a philosophical definition, but rather express the opinion that

a painting isn't realistic enough, that it's offensive or that it doesn't use traditional

materials. This also shows that individuals not only make art, but also choose

which objects should be called as art.

Make judgments, but be specific ... that's one in each of the principles of the art.

you can't say that something isn't art simply because you wish to mention it;

you have got to administer good reasons. Originality, individual expression,

something to behold instead of wear ... these are a number of the qualities

commonly related to art. But as we all know, most works of art are famous and

are considered works of art nowadays because of some powerful bodies, like

church and government, who considered it that way, instilling within the minds of

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

each those that of fact could be a work of art with no further questions. you've

got to work out that art all told its forms can show power. except for power, art

shows wealth and prestige within the sense that a piece of art is sort of priceless.

it's no price that may give an extreme emotion to people who own it or who get

to determine or hear it.

Life will be boring without art, that's how invaluable art is. There's art in our

everyday life. Music plays almost everywhere. we will hear music almost

everywhere we go. Enjoy the Art in any form.

- Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo


Adriano Agapito

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito


Ha habido dificultades para definir el arte, pero como se definió en general,

es el producto de la actividad humana creativa en la que los materiales se

moldean o seleccionan para transmitir una idea, emoción o forma

visualmente interesante. El arte no se puede definir fácilmente tan simple

como cualquier objeto ordinario porque implica valor ... monetario, social e

intelectual. Y también está en constante cambio y crecimiento, lo que hace

que sea más difícil y casi imposible tener una definición clara constante.

Como se dijo, cuando la gente pregunta, "¿Qué es el arte?" o afirman que

algo "no es arte", por lo general no buscan una definición filosófica, sino

que expresan la opinión de que una pintura no es lo suficientemente

realista, que es ofensiva o que no utiliza materiales tradicionales. Esto

también muestra que las personas no solo hacen arte, sino que también

eligen qué objetos deben llamarse arte.

Haga juicios, pero sea específico ... esa es una de las reglas del arte. No

puedes decir que algo no es un arte solo porque quieres decirlo; tienes que

dar buenas razones. Originalidad, expresión individual, algo para

contemplar más que para usar ... estas son algunas de las cualidades que

comúnmente se asocian al arte. Pero como todos sabemos, la mayoría de

las obras de arte son famosas y se consideran obras de arte hoy en día

debido a algunos cuerpos poderosos, como la iglesia y el gobierno, que lo

consideraron así, inculcando en la mente de cada pueblo que de hecho es

una obra de arte sin mas preguntas. Tienes que ver que el arte en todas

sus formas puede mostrar poder. Aparte del poder, el arte muestra riqueza

y prestigio en el sentido de que una obra de arte es casi invaluable. No

tiene precio que pueda dar una emoción extrema a quien lo posee o quien

llega a verlo u oírlo.

La vida es tan aburrida sin arte, así de invaluable es el arte. Hay arte en

nuestra vida diaria. La música se reproduce en casi todas partes. Podemos

escuchar música en casi todos los lugares a los que vamos.

- Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

Enjoy the Art and Life

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

I am Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

What is the meaning of name Ratna Deepthi?

“Ratna deepti” in a Indian name and Crespo is a spnaish name. In Sanskrit Ratna Deepthi means

the brilliance of a jewel or the radiance of a pearl. Medapati is my maiden Name. Crespo Is last

name. “Ratna" can mean a treasure, precious stone, jewel, pearl or something of excellence. Its

meaning extends to gift or wealth.

It is used quite specifically to denote a pearl. The name could be understood to mean “radiant (or

shining) pearl". ‘Ratna’ means “Precious stone" or “Gem stone" which reflect light, like

Diamond, Ruby, Emerald and many more. And 'Deepthi’ (in southern Indian languages like

Tamil, Telegu and some other language, there is no pronunciation of 'ti’, they pronounce it as

'thi’.) means 'light’. So “Ratna Deepthi" means “the reflected light from gem stone”.

Ratna means Gem. Deepthi means light or brightness. The meaning of Ratna Deepthi is

brightness of a gem.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Adriano, Agapito

Adriano Agapito Name is Spanish.

Meaning ?

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

I am Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

What is the meaning of name Ratna Deepthi?

“Ratna deepti” in a Indian name and Crespo is a spnaish name. In Sanskrit Ratna Deepthi means

the brilliance of a jewel or the radiance of a pearl. Medapati is my maiden Name.

“Ratna" can mean a treasure, precious stone, jewel, pearl or something of excellence. Its

meaning extends to gift or wealth.

It is used quite specifically to denote a pearl. The name could be understood to mean “radiant (or

shining) pearl".

‘Ratna’ means “Precious stone" or “Gem stone" which reflect light, like Diamond, Ruby,

Emerald and many more. And 'Deepthi’ ( in southern Indian languages like Tamil, telugu and

some other language, there is no pronounciation of 'ti’, they pronounciate it as 'thi’.) means

'light’. So “Ratna Deepthi" means “the reflected light from gem stone”.

Ratna means Gem. Deepthi means light or brightness. The meaning of Ratna Deepthi is

brightness of a gem.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Adriano, Agapito

“Ratna deepti” in a Indian name and Crespo is a spnaish name. In Sanskrit Ratna Deepthi means

the brilliance of a jewel or the radiance of a pearl. Medapati is my maiden Name.

“Ratna" can mean a treasure, precious stone, jewel, pearl or something of excellence. Its

meaning extends to gift or wealth.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

It is used quite specifically to denote a pearl. The name could be understood to mean “radiant (or

shining) pearl".

‘Ratna’ means “Precious stone" or “Gem stone" which reflect light, like Diamond, Ruby,

Emerald and many more. And 'Deepthi’ ( in southern Indian languages like Tamil, telugu and

some other language, there is no pronounciation of 'ti’, they pronounciate it as 'thi’.) means

'light’. So “Ratna Deepthi" means “the reflected light from gem stone”.

Ratna means Gem. Deepthi means light or brightness. The meaning of Ratna Deepthi is

brightness of a gem.

Adriano Agapito Name is Spanish.

Meaning ?

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

and Deepthi Ratna Medapati, Crespo, Adriano, Agapito

I am Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

What is the meaning of name Ratna Deepthi?

“Ratna deepti” in a Indian name and Crespo is a spnaish name. In Sanskrit Ratna Deepthi means

the brilliance of a jewel or the radiance of a pearl. Medapati is my maiden Name.

“Ratna" can mean a treasure, precious stone, jewel, pearl or something of excellence. Its

meaning extends to gift or wealth.

It is used quite specifically to denote a pearl. The name could be understood to mean “radiant (or

shining) pearl".

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

‘Ratna’ means “Precious stone" or “Gem stone" which reflect light, like Diamond, Ruby,

Emerald and many more. And 'Deepthi’ ( in southern Indian languages like Tamil, telugu and

some other language, there is no pronounciation of 'ti’, they pronounciate it as 'thi’.) means

'light’. So “Ratna Deepthi" means “the reflected light from gem stone”.

Ratna means Gem. Deepthi means light or brightness. The meaning of Ratna Deepthi is

brightness of a gem.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Adriano, Agapito

Adriano Agapito Name is Spanish.

Meaning ?

I am Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

What is the meaning of name Ratna Deepthi?

“Ratna deepti” in a Indian name and Crespo is a spnaish name. In Sanskrit Ratna Deepthi means

the brilliance of a jewel or the radiance of a pearl. Medapati is my maiden Name.

“Ratna" can mean a treasure, precious stone, jewel, pearl or something of excellence. Its

meaning extends to gift or wealth.

It is used quite specifically to denote a pearl. The name could be understood to mean “radiant (or

shining) pearl".

‘Ratna’ means “Precious stone" or “Gem stone" which reflect light, like Diamond, Ruby,

Emerald and many more. And 'Deepthi’ ( in southern Indian languages like Tamil, telugu and

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

some other language, there is no pronounciation of 'ti’, they pronounciate it as 'thi’.) means

'light’. So “Ratna Deepthi" means “the reflected light from gem stone”.

Ratna means Gem. Deepthi means light or brightness. The meaning of Ratna Deepthi is

brightness of a gem.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

and Deepthi Ratna Medapati Crespo, Adriano, Agapito

Adriano Agapito Name is Spanish.

Meaning ?

I am Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

What is the meaning of name Ratna Deepthi?

“Ratna deepti” in a Indian name and Crespo is a spnaish name. In Sanskrit Ratna Deepthi means

the brilliance of a jewel or the radiance of a pearl. Medapati is my maiden Name.

“Ratna" can mean a treasure, precious stone, jewel, pearl or something of excellence. Its

meaning extends to gift or wealth.

It is used quite specifically to denote a pearl. The name could be understood to mean “radiant (or

shining) pearl".

‘Ratna’ means “Precious stone" or “Gem stone" which reflect light, like Diamond, Ruby,

Emerald and many more. And 'Deepthi’ ( in southern Indian languages like Tamil, telugu and

some other language, there is no pronounciation of 'ti’, they pronounciate it as 'thi’.) means

'light’. So “Ratna Deepthi" means “the reflected light from gem stone”.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo & Adriano Agapito

Ratna means Gem. Deepthi means light or brightness. The meaning of Ratna Deepthi is

brightness of a gem.

Ratna Deepthi Medapati Crespo

Adriano Agapito

Crespo Ratna Deepthi Medapati, Ratna Deepthi and Adriano Agapito, Ratna Deepthi Medapati Ratna Deepthi and Adriano Agapito, Crespo Ratna

Deepthi Medapati Ratna Deepthi and Adriano Agapito, Crespo Ratna Deepthi Medapati Ratna Deepthi and Adriano Agapito, Crespo Ratna Deepthi

Medapati Ratna Deepthi and Adriano Agapito, Crespo Ratna Deepthi Medapati Ratna Deepthi and Adriano Agapito,

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