Anti-Racist Allyship Toolkit

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SUSU<br />







UNION<br />

UNDEB<br />




Source: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Source: http://efc.issuelab.org/resources/30855/30855.pdf

Source: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Glossary of Terms<br />

<strong>Allyship</strong><br />

Allies are individuals who belong to dominant social groups and, through<br />

their support of nondominant groups actively work toward the eradication of<br />

prejudicial practices they witness in both their personal and professional lives.<br />

(Disarming racial microaggressions: micro intervention strategies for targets,<br />

white allies, and bystanders)<br />

<strong>Anti</strong>-racist<br />

One who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing<br />

an antiracist idea. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Black Attainment Gap<br />

The Black Attainment Gap is the difference between Black and white students’<br />

likelihood of achieving 2:1 or first-class degrees at university. (NUS)<br />

BAME<br />

Abbreviation for Black, Asian, and minority ethnic: used to refer to people in the<br />

UK who are not white. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

BME<br />

Abbreviation for Black and minority ethnic: used to refer to people in the UK<br />

who are not white. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

Cultural trauma<br />

Cultural trauma occurs when members of a collectivity feel they have been<br />

subjected to a horrendous event that leaves indelible marks upon their group<br />

consciousness, marking their memories forever and changing their future<br />

identity in fundamental and irrevocable ways. (Jeffrey Alexander)

Discrimination<br />

The unequal treatment of members of various groups based on race, gender,<br />

social class, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion and other categories.<br />

(www.leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Diversity<br />

Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all<br />

the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from<br />

another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of<br />

the diversity that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race,<br />

ethnicity, and gender —the groups that most often come to mind when the<br />

term “diversity” is used —but also age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual<br />

orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, and<br />

physical appearance. It also involves different ideas, perspectives, and values.<br />

(www.leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Ethnicity<br />

An ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture,<br />

religion, language, or the like. (Dictionary.com)<br />

Equality<br />

The right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and<br />

receive the same treatment. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

Equity<br />

The quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality (Dictionary.com)<br />

Individual racism<br />

Individual racism refers to the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individuals<br />

that support or perpetuate racism. Individual racism can be deliberate, or the<br />

individual may act to perpetuate or support racism without knowing that is<br />

what he or she is doing. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Micro-aggressions<br />

Everyday verbal, non-verbal and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether<br />

intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative<br />

message to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group<br />

membership. (Disarming racial microaggressions: microintervention strategies<br />

for targets, white allies, and bystanders)<br />

Performative allyship<br />

Performative allyship, by contrast, is where those with privilege, profess<br />

solidarity with a cause. This assumed solidarity is usually vocalized, disingenuous<br />

and potentially harmful to marginalized groups. Often, the performative ally<br />

professes allegiance in order to distance themselves from potential scrutiny.<br />

In many cases, organizational leaders use performance driven activity, in a<br />

way that they believe will protect company brand from being highlighted in a<br />

negative way. (Forbes)<br />

Positive discrimination<br />

Positive discrimination is when you give preferential treatment to people with a<br />

protected characteristic rather than due to their suitability. (Croner)<br />

Prejudice<br />

An unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without<br />

enough thought or knowledge. (Cambridge dictionary)<br />

Privilege<br />

Unearned social power accorded by the formal and informal institutions<br />

of society to ALL members of a dominant group (e.g. white privilege, male<br />

privilege, etc.). Privilege is usually invisible to those who have it because we’re<br />

taught not to see it, but nevertheless it puts them at an advantage over those<br />

who do not have it. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Race<br />

Any social group into which humans can be divided according to perceived<br />

similarities in their physical characteristics. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

Racism<br />

The assignment of people to an inferior category and the determination of their<br />

social, economic, civic, and human standing on that basis. (The man-not: race,<br />

class, genre, and the dilemmas of black manhood)<br />

<strong>Racist</strong><br />

One who is supporting a racist policy through their actions or inaction or<br />

expressing a racist idea. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Systemic Racism<br />

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization,<br />

and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some<br />

people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race. (Cambridge<br />


FAQs<br />

What do I need to do to be an ally?<br />

To be an ally you need to be consistently actively and vocally anti-racist. Speak<br />

out against injustice and amplify the voices of marginalised groups. Drive<br />

change at your workplace, local community and with family and friends.<br />

How do I get started with allyship?<br />

Being an ally is a skill: You build the capability over time and have to be<br />

willing to make mistakes. First and foremost, know the issues. Talk with your<br />

colleagues to understand the challenges they face. People are often afraid to<br />

take this step, because they don’t want to be presumptuous or risk offending a<br />

colleague. This may feel unnatural or comfortable; to help people feel at ease,<br />

try starting off by talking about a challenge you’ve faced or an experience<br />

you’ve had. Second, know yourself. Relate to the issues that you’ve seen based<br />

on your own personal experiences and understand your biases. Third and finally,<br />

take action whenever and however you can. It can be as simple as stopping an<br />

inappropriate joke, encouraging broad participation in a team discussion, or<br />

ensuring inclusion on dinner invitations. Or it can be more dedicated, such as<br />

joining and participating in an affinity group or acting as a mentor or sponsor<br />

for a skilled employee from a group underrepresented in leadership positions.<br />

(Forbes)<br />

Should I share videos of hate crime to raise awareness?<br />

Sharing graphic videos causes more harm than good. It’s traumatic for<br />

communities of colour to see these videos. An alternative option is to share<br />

graphics, facts, and petitions to raise awareness.

Take action<br />

Book recommendations<br />

• Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race by Reni<br />

Eddo-Lodge<br />

• So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo<br />

• Black Labor White Wealth by Claud Anderson, Ed.D. The Color of<br />

Law by Richard Rothstein<br />

• How to Be an <strong>Anti</strong>racist by Ibram X Kendi<br />

• The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander<br />

• When Affirmative Action was White by Ira Katznelson<br />

• Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams<br />

• Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad<br />

• White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About<br />

Racism by Robin DiAngelo, PhD<br />

• Black British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga<br />

• Brit(ish) On Race, Identity and Belonging by Afua Hirsch<br />

• Natives Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala<br />

• Biracial Britain: A Different Way of Looking at Race by Remi<br />

Adekoya<br />

Podcast recommendations<br />

• Systemic Racism in the UK with Adam Pugh & Africa Daley-Clarke<br />

• Black Beauty & Racism with Ateh Jewel<br />

• Intersectionality with Ione Gamble & Olivia Graham<br />

• When Do We Start Presenting Gender? with Juno Dawson<br />

• What Is A White Saviour? with @nowhitesaviours<br />

• Race, Diversity & Its Role in Feminism ft. Shona Vertue<br />

• Why Now White People? Code Switch

Social media accounts to follow<br />

@ogorchukwuu<br />

@antiracismdaily<br />

@angelarutura<br />

@theslacktivists<br />

@iamrachelricketts<br />

@mariebeech<br />

@laylafsaad<br />

@shaunking<br />

Articles/websites<br />

• https://www.antiracismdaily.com<br />

• Why You Need to Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”: https://www.<br />

harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a27075028/black-livesmatter-explained/<br />

• How to design for real race-intelligent inclusion: https://ideas.<br />

darden.virginia.edu/race-intelligent-inclusion<br />

• What now in race work? 3 zones of action: https://ideas.darden.<br />

virginia.edu/what-now-in-race-work-3-zones-of-action<br />

• Sign up for your free guide to Bystander Intervention: https://www.<br />

ihollaback.org/guide-bystander-intervention/<br />

• http://antiracismforbeginners.com/<br />

Videos<br />

13th, A Documentary by Ava DuVernay<br />

https://youtu.be/krfcq5pF8u8<br />

Just Mercy<br />

https://www.justmercyfilm.com/<br />

LHA Panel Presentation: Something’s Wrong: A Conversation in Civility,<br />

Equity & Solutions https://youtu.be/oyrM7kYCquE<br />

Black is the new Black<br />


Dear White People<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=dear&jbv=80095698<br />

When They See Us<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=when%20they%20see%20<br />

us&jbv=80200549<br />

How ‘white fragility’ reinforces racism<br />


PECYN<br />







UNION<br />

UNDEB<br />




Ffynhonnell: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Ffynhonnell: http://efc.issuelab.org/resources/30855/30855.pdf

Ffynhonnell: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Geirfa<br />

Cynghreiriad<br />

Mae cynghreiriaid yn unigolion sy’n perthyn i grwpiau cymdeithasol dominyddol<br />

a, thrwy eu cefnogaeth i grwpiau dienw, yn gweithio’n weithredol tuag at<br />

ddileu arferion niweidiol y maent yn dyst iddynt yn eu bywydau personol a<br />

phroffesiynol. (Disarming racial microaggressions: micro intervention strategies<br />

for targets, white allies, and bystanders)<br />

Gwrth-hiliol<br />

Unigolyn sy’n cefnogi polisi gwrth-grefydd trwy ei weithredoedd neu’n mynegi<br />

syniad gwrth-grefyddol. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Bwlch Cyrhaeddiad Du<br />

Y Bwlch Cyrhaeddiad Du yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng tebygolrwydd myfyrwyr Du a<br />

gwyn o gyflawni graddau 2:1 neu ddosbarth cyntaf yn y brifysgol. (UCM)<br />

BAME<br />

Talfyriad ar gyfer Pobl Dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig: defnyddir i gyfeirio<br />

at bobl yn y DU nad sy’n wyn. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

BME<br />

Talfyriad ar gyfer Pobl Dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig: defnyddir i gyfeirio at bobl<br />

yn y DU nad sy’n wyn. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Trawma diwylliannol<br />

Mae trawma diwylliannol yn digwydd pan fydd aelodau o grŵp yn teimlo eu<br />

bod wedi bod yn destun digwyddiad erchyll sy’n gadael marciau annileadwy<br />

ar eu hymwybyddiaeth grŵp, gan farcio eu hatgofion am byth a newid eu<br />

hunaniaeth yn y dyfodol mewn ffyrdd sylfaenol ac anghildroadwy. (Jeffrey<br />


Gwahaniaethu<br />

Triniaeth anghyfartal o aelodau o grwpiau amrywiol yn seiliedig ar hil, rhyw,<br />

dosbarth cymdeithasol, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, gallu corfforol, crefydd a<br />

chategorïau eraill. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Amrywiaeth<br />

Mae amrywiaeth yn cynnwys yr holl ffyrdd y mae pobl yn wahanol, ac mae’n<br />

cwmpasu’r holl nodweddion gwahanol sy’n gwneud un unigolyn neu grŵp<br />

yn wahanol i un arall. Mae’n hollgynhwysol ac yn cydnabod pawb a phob<br />

grŵp fel rhan o’r amrywiaeth y dylid ei werthfawrogi. Mae diffiniad eang yn<br />

cynnwys nid yn unig hil, ethnigrwydd a rhyw - y grwpiau sy’n dod i’r meddwl<br />

amlaf pan ddefnyddir y term “amrywiaeth” - ond hefyd oedran, tarddiad<br />

cenedlaethol, crefydd, anabledd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, statws economaiddgymdeithasol,<br />

addysg, statws priodasol, iaith, ac ymddangosiad corfforol.<br />

Mae hefyd yn cynnwys gwahanol syniadau, safbwyntiau a gwerthoedd. (www.<br />

leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Ethnigrwydd<br />

Grŵp ethnig; grŵp cymdeithasol sy’n rhannu diwylliant, crefydd, iaith neu<br />

debyg. (Dictionary.com)<br />

Cydraddoldeb<br />

Hawl gwahanol grwpiau o bobl i gael safle cymdeithasol tebyg a derbyn yr un<br />

driniaeth. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Cyfiawnder<br />

Bod yn deg neu’n ddiduedd; tegwch; didueddrwydd. (Dictionary.com)<br />

Hiliaeth Unigol<br />

Mae hiliaeth unigol yn cyfeirio at gredoau, agweddau a gweithredoedd<br />

unigolion sy’n cefnogi neu’n parhau hiliaeth. Gall hiliaeth unigol fod yn fwriadol,<br />

neu gall yr unigolyn weithredu i gynnal neu gefnogi hiliaeth heb wybod mai<br />

dyna mae ef neu hi’n ei wneud. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Mân ymosodiadau<br />

Sarhad geiriol, heb eiriau ac amgylcheddol bob dydd, boed yn fwriadol neu’n<br />

anfwriadol, sy’n cyfleu neges elyniaethus, ddirmygus neu negyddol i dargedu<br />

pobl yn seiliedig yn unig ar eu haelodaeth o grŵp sydd ar yr ymylon.<br />

(Disarming racial microaggressions: microintervention strategies for targets,<br />

white allies, and bystanders)<br />

Cynghreiriad perfformiadol<br />

Cyferbyniad perfformiadol, mewn cyferbyniad, yw lle mae’r rhai sydd â braint,<br />

yn proffesu undod ag achos. Mae’r undod tybiedig hwn fel arfer yn lleisiol,<br />

yn annidwyll ac o bosibl yn niweidiol i grwpiau ar yr ymylon. Yn aml, mae’r<br />

cynghreiriad perfformiadol yn proffesu teyrngarwch er mwyn ymbellhau oddi<br />

wrth graffu posib. Mewn llawer o achosion, mae arweinwyr sefydliadol yn<br />

defnyddio gweithgaredd sy’n cael ei yrru gan berfformiad, mewn ffordd y maen<br />

nhw’n credu fydd yn amddiffyn brand cwmni rhag cael ei amlygu mewn ffordd<br />

negyddol. (Forbes)<br />

Gwahaniaethu cadarnhaol<br />

Gwahaniaethu cadarnhaol yw pan fydd triniaeth ffafriol yn cael ei rhoi i bobl<br />

sydd â nodwedd warchodedig yn hytrach nag oherwydd eu haddasrwydd.<br />

(Croner)<br />

Rhagfarn<br />

Barn neu deimlad annheg ac afresymol, yn enwedig pan gânt eu ffurfio heb<br />

ddigon o feddwl na gwybodaeth. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Braint<br />

Pŵer cymdeithasol heb ei ennill a roddir gan sefydliadau ffurfiol ac anffurfiol<br />

cymdeithas i BOB aelod o grŵp trech (e.e. braint wen, braint wrywaidd, ac ati).<br />

Mae braint fel arfer yn anweledig i’r rhai sydd ganddo oherwydd ein bod wedi<br />

cael ein dysgu i beidio â’i weld, ond serch hynny mae’n eu rhoi o fantais i’r rhai<br />

nad oes ganddi. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Hil<br />

Unrhyw grŵp cymdeithasol y gellir rhannu bodau dynol iddo yn ôl tebygrwydd<br />

canfyddedig yn eu nodweddion corfforol. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Hiliaeth<br />

Aseiniad pobl i gategori israddol a phenderfyniad ar eu safle cymdeithasol,<br />

economaidd, dinesig a dynol ar y sail honno.<br />

(The man-not: race, class, genre, and the dilemmas of black manhood)<br />

Hilydd<br />

Unigolyn sy’n cefnogi polisi hiliol trwy ei weithredoedd neu ddiffyg gweithredu<br />

neu’n mynegi syniad hiliol. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Hiliaeth Systematig<br />

Polisïau ac arferion sy’n bodoli ledled cymdeithas neu sefydliad cyfan, ac sy’n<br />

arwain at ac yn cefnogi mantais annheg barhaus i rai pobl a thriniaeth annheg<br />

neu niweidiol i eraill yn seiliedig ar hil. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)

Cwestiynau Cyffredin<br />

Beth sydd angen i mi ei wneud i fod yn gynghreiriad?<br />

I fod yn gynghreiriad mae angen i chi fod yn wrth-hiliol yn weithredol ac yn<br />

llafar yn gyson. Siaradwch yn erbyn anghyfiawnder a phwysleisiwch leisiau<br />

grwpiau ymylol. Gyrrwch newid yn eich gweithle, cymuned leol a gyda theulu a<br />

ffrindiau.<br />

Sut mae cychwyn arni gyda bod yn gynghreiriad?<br />

Mae bod yn gynghreiriad yn sgil: Rydych chi’n meithrin y gallu dros amser ac<br />

mae’n rhaid i chi fod yn barod i wneud camgymeriadau. Yn gyntaf oll, rhaid<br />

deall y problemau. Siaradwch â’ch cydweithwyr i ddeall yr heriau sy’n eu<br />

hwynebu. Mae pobl yn aml yn ofni cymryd y cam hwn, oherwydd nad ydyn nhw<br />

eisiau bod yn rhyfygus neu ddigio cydweithiwr. Gall hyn deimlo’n annaturiol<br />

neu’n gyffyrddus; i helpu pobl i deimlo’n gyfforddus, ceisiwch gychwyn trwy<br />

siarad am her rydych chi wedi’i hwynebu neu brofiad rydych chi wedi’i gael.<br />

Yn ail, rhaid adnabod eich hun. Cysylltwch â’r problemau rydych chi wedi’u<br />

gweld yn seiliedig ar eich profiadau personol eich hun a sicrhewch eich bod<br />

chi’n deall eich rhagfarnau. Yn olaf, gweithredwch bryd bynnag a sut bynnag<br />

y gallwch. Gall fod mor syml ag atal jôc amhriodol, annog cyfranogiad eang<br />

mewn trafodaeth tîm, neu sicrhau cynhwysiant ar wahoddiadau cinio. Neu gall<br />

fod yn fwy ymroddedig, fel ymuno a chymryd rhan mewn grŵp affinedd neu<br />

weithredu fel mentor neu noddwr ar gyfer gweithiwr medrus o grŵp sydd heb<br />

gynrychiolaeth ddigonol mewn swyddi arweinyddiaeth. (Forbes)<br />

A ddylwn i rannu fideos o droseddau casineb i godi<br />

ymwybyddiaeth?<br />

Mae rhannu fideos graffig yn achosi mwy o niwed na lles. Mae’n drawmatig i<br />

gymunedau o liw weld y fideos hyn. Dewis arall yw rhannu graffeg, ffeithiau a<br />

deisebau i godi ymwybyddiaeth.

Adran Gweithredu<br />

Argymhellion Llyfrau<br />

• Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race gan Reni<br />

Eddo-Lodge<br />

• So You Want to Talk about Race gan Ijeoma Oluo<br />

• Black Labor White Wealth by Claud Anderson, Ed.D. The Color of<br />

Law gan Richard Rothstein<br />

• How to Be an <strong>Anti</strong>racist gan Ibram X Kendi<br />

• The New Jim Crow gan Michelle Alexander<br />

• When Affirmative Action was White gan Ira Katznelson<br />

• Girl, Woman, Other gan Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Blonde Roots gan Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Queenie gan Candice Carty-Williams<br />

• Me and White Supremacy gan Layla F. Saad<br />

• White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About<br />

Racism gan Robin DiAngelo, PhD<br />

• Black British: A Forgotten History gan David Olusoga<br />

• Brit(ish) On Race, Identity and Belonging gan Afua Hirsch<br />

• Natives Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire gan Akala<br />

• Biracial Britain: A Different Way of Looking at Race gan Remi<br />

Adekoya<br />

Argymhellion Podlediadau<br />

• Systemic Racism in the UK gydag Adam Pugh & Africa Daley-<br />

Clarke<br />

• Black Beauty & Racism gyda Ateh Jewel<br />

• Intersectionality gyda Ione Gamble ac Olivia Graham<br />

• When Do We Start Presenting Gender? gyda Juno Dawson<br />

• What Is A White Saviour? gyda @nowhitesaviours<br />

• Race, Diversity & Its Role in Feminism ft. Shona Vertue<br />

• Why Now White People? Code Switch

Cyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol i’w dilyn<br />

@ogorchukwuu<br />

@antiracismdaily<br />

@angelarutura<br />

@theslacktivists<br />

@iamrachelricketts<br />

@mariebeech<br />

@laylafsaad<br />

@shaunking<br />

Erthyglau/Gwefannau<br />

• https://www.antiracismdaily.com<br />

• Why You Need to Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”: https://www.<br />

harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a27075028/black-livesmatter-explained/<br />

• How to design for real race-intelligent inclusion: https://ideas.<br />

darden.virginia.edu/race-intelligent-inclusion<br />

• What now in race work? 3 zones of action: https://ideas.darden.<br />

virginia.edu/what-now-in-race-work-3-zones-of-action<br />

• Sign up for your free guide to Bystander Intervention: https://www.<br />

ihollaback.org/guide-bystander-intervention/<br />

• http://antiracismforbeginners.com/<br />

Fideos<br />

13th, A Documentary by Ava DuVernay<br />

https://youtu.be/krfcq5pF8u8<br />

Just Mercy<br />

https://www.justmercyfilm.com/<br />

LHA Panel Presentation: Something’s Wrong: A Conversation in Civility,<br />

Equity & Solutions https://youtu.be/oyrM7kYCquE<br />

Black is the new Black<br />


Dear White People<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=dear&jbv=80095698<br />

When They See Us<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=when%20they%20see%20<br />

us&jbv=80200549<br />

How ‘white fragility’ reinforces racism<br />


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