Ovi Magazine Issue #26: WWI - 100 years - Published: 2014-07-28

2014 marked 100 years from the beginning of the World War I. A war that changed humanity for the best or the worst. 2014 marked 100 years from the beginning of the World War I. A war that changed humanity for the best or the worst.

from Thanos.Ovimagazine More from this publisher

Ihad always the feeling that the reason we commemorate moreoften the Second World War than the First, is not because itis more recent or because there are still alive memories; it isbecause we feel consciously more comfortable. Despite the inhumancrimes the lines between good and evil in WWII arediscreet and visual.From one side there were the Nazis and from the other side the restof the world. And this is another discreet line. We are talking aboutthe Nazis and not about the Germans. It just happened that the Naziswere Germans and the fascists were Italians. And it was the Nazisthat used the most inhuman methods to eliminate whole nations andthere were Germans with the victims.Furthermore in the case of the WWII, the evil has a face and a name.We know who to hate and we know who was responsible. Actuallyonly a reference to his name, Adolf Hitler, includes all the WWII, thegenocide crimes and the murder of millions. But even in his case weavoid the causes that created him for the simple reason that everythingstarted with the First World War.But when we are talking about WWI even though the two sides aresimilar, led by the Germans in the one side and Anglo-Americans inthe other, the lines between good and evil are not so discreet. Bothsides were as evil as good and both sides acted like murderers employingthe most nightmarish and inhuman methods to exterminatehuman lives.What today is unthinkable and in WWII a big no, the use of chemicaland biological weapons, during WWI was a common practice fromboth sides. It was not a war of imperialism but a war for exterminationand it was not about genocide but total death. The darkest sideof human nature was out there and for five years brought humanityto its knees.But here is the twist and the irony of history. Both sides used sciencemore than in any other conflict and that meant that science evalu-

editorialated so much in those five years to get to the point that it change lifeafter the war. Mechanics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, physics,all in the service of death created a new era for the future life. Even artchanged after the WWI.In five years the world changed. Kingdoms and empires disappearedwhile new nations surfaced. The end of the Ottoman Empire that occupiedform Saudi Arabia till Europe overnight and a new empire thatwould become the foe of the western capitalism, appeared in Russia.Colonization sees the beginning of its end and from Africa to Asiaand South America everything seems to change. In USA black soldiersconsidered expendable and used as the first wave to deal with thechemicals and in Africa automatic weapons and iron tanks fight arrowsand spears.The change reached even the global social structure. From an era wherethere was an aristocracy and a working class in many levels but alwayspoor, there is a new class rising. The middle class, the class of the civilservants and the small entrepreneurs. The land is changing hands andescapes from the ownership of the very few and the working classrealises that there are rights and power and not just pain and poverty.Despite the outcome and what happened later, the Russian revolutioninspires millions and changes attitude even in the highest parts of thearistocratic establishment. Nobody wants to live another Bastille.Still the First World War was the bloodiest and more inhuman war inhuman history, compared only with the Peloponnesian War (431-431BC). But it also had another consequence with global effect, the birthof Nazism and the rise of Hitler. Hitler was a creation and a by-productof the WWI and perhaps the WWII was nothing more than the continuationof the WWI with a small break.In this special issue of Ovi magazine, our aim is not to write abouthistory or talk about facts. We only try to remind, motivate to research,learn and understand what happened during those five years that changethe world as we knew it.Thanos Kalamidas


ated so much in those five years to get to the point that it change life

after the war. Mechanics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, physics,

all in the service of death created a new era for the future life. Even art

changed after the WWI.

In five years the world changed. Kingdoms and empires disappeared

while new nations surfaced. The end of the Ottoman Empire that occupied

form Saudi Arabia till Europe overnight and a new empire that

would become the foe of the western capitalism, appeared in Russia.

Colonization sees the beginning of its end and from Africa to Asia

and South America everything seems to change. In USA black soldiers

considered expendable and used as the first wave to deal with the

chemicals and in Africa automatic weapons and iron tanks fight arrows

and spears.

The change reached even the global social structure. From an era where

there was an aristocracy and a working class in many levels but always

poor, there is a new class rising. The middle class, the class of the civil

servants and the small entrepreneurs. The land is changing hands and

escapes from the ownership of the very few and the working class

realises that there are rights and power and not just pain and poverty.

Despite the outcome and what happened later, the Russian revolution

inspires millions and changes attitude even in the highest parts of the

aristocratic establishment. Nobody wants to live another Bastille.

Still the First World War was the bloodiest and more inhuman war in

human history, compared only with the Peloponnesian War (431-431

BC). But it also had another consequence with global effect, the birth

of Nazism and the rise of Hitler. Hitler was a creation and a by-product

of the WWI and perhaps the WWII was nothing more than the continuation

of the WWI with a small break.

In this special issue of Ovi magazine, our aim is not to write about

history or talk about facts. We only try to remind, motivate to research,

learn and understand what happened during those five years that change

the world as we knew it.

Thanos Kalamidas

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