Ovi Magazine Issue #24: Nationalism - Published: 2013-01-31

In this thematic issue of the Ovi magazine we are not giving answers about “nationalism.” We simply express opinions. We also start a dialogue with only aim to understand better. In this thematic issue of the Ovi magazine we are not giving answers about “nationalism.” We simply express opinions. We also start a dialogue with only aim to understand better.

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NewsAgung Rai Museum of ArtIda Bagus MadeIda Bagus Made is a Balinese pioneer,who has been productive for fifty years.His works are infused with a strong andsophisticated religious content, a reflectionof his preistly background.This work shows the male and femaleprinciples emanating in the form ofnaga dragons from Semara, the god oflove.National Gallery of CanadaLeviathans of the SkyIn 2010 the National Gallery of Canadareceived a donation of over 1,500 photographsdocumenting aspects of aviationhistory from the early 20th centurythrough to the 1970s. Consisting primarilyof photographs created for or usedby various press agencies, the collectionchronicles the human fascination withflight through the evolution of aviationtechnology. It features an assortment offlying machines that includes dirigibles,various types of airplanes, ornithopters,gyrocopters, helicopters, jets, jetpacksand hovercraft as well as images of someof aviation’s pioneers including aviators,inventors, engineers and entrepreneurs.Stedelijk Museum AmsterdamLucy McKenzie5 Apr — 22 Sep 2013 In the spring, the Stedelijkwill present a special project by Scottishartist Lucy McKenzie (Glasgow, 1977).Using the trompe l’oeil painting technique (atechnique in which realistic imagery is used toconjure up an optical illusion) she will transformthe large IMC gallery in the historicalbuilding into a number of interiors in whichnew works will be displayed. McKenzie’swork crosses the boundaries of visual art,decorative art, and craft. Together with designerBeca Lipscombe, she recently launched‘Atelier EB’, an exclusive fashion collectionaimed at working women.Who rulesProf.Murray HunterThe world is in a state of turmoiltoday. We have a situation wherepeople elect representatives whodon’t represent them. All thepeople of goodwill and honestywould like to improve this situationwhich causes continuouswars, famine, degradation to theenvironment, destruction of cultures.Traditions, eroding the verybase of life. Very few of us havethe insight to see that the questionis not that of improvement,because there is no reason toimprove something which worksperfectly well.Globalization including the freemovement of trade and capitalworks perfectly well and all theproblems that people complainabout and suffer from i.e., pollution,war, global warming andcrimes etc, are considered by themasters of this problem as collateraldamage.Who are the masters of the worldand how they control it?This is the question and it’s notthe governments.Our mission is to map the systemdesign, information, control andfeedback of this world today. Howhas it evolved and where is it going.We don’t have the answer butthere is a direction where we canpoint to find the right answers,and this requires engagement witha group of people who can go on ajourney to seek the truth.66

News“Who rules” projectOvi magazine invites you to participate in this study/research “who rules.” Write essays andarticles about your countries and who really rules. This way we can create a world atlasstarting a dialogue that only positive results can have and perhaps find some answers thatmight surprise us all in their similarities.67


“Who rules” project

Ovi magazine invites you to participate in this study/research “who rules.” Write essays and

articles about your countries and who really rules. This way we can create a world atlas

starting a dialogue that only positive results can have and perhaps find some answers that

might surprise us all in their similarities.


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