Ovi Magazine Issue #24: Nationalism - Published: 2013-01-31

In this thematic issue of the Ovi magazine we are not giving answers about “nationalism.” We simply express opinions. We also start a dialogue with only aim to understand better. In this thematic issue of the Ovi magazine we are not giving answers about “nationalism.” We simply express opinions. We also start a dialogue with only aim to understand better.

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ThemeMirella IontaWhen Spiritual Chaos Begets Political Unity:How Freemasonry United Italy26With structures that haveaccommodated masonicactivities still standing todayin major cities in the WesternWorld, we are often remindedof the existence of a secretsociety that is believed to have controlled the politicaland financial events of modern history. A famousspeech, delivered by President John F. Kennedy in1961, underlining the dangerous power of such anactive fraternity “in a free and open society,” confirmsthe evil nature of an “efficient machine” that is equippedwith military, diplomatic, scientific, economic, andpolitical enterprises and is supported by unelected, eliteintellectuals and private financial bankers. In a timewhen the Federal Reserve, the central banking cartelowned by such wealthy bankers as the Rothschilds andRockefellers, held a firm partnership with the Americangovernment to which it loaned large sums of moneywith interest, the concern of Kennedy evoked an olderconcern expressed by the papal authority during theRisorgimento period in Italy. As the former was leftwith the heavy burden ofpublicly informing hispeople of their eternaldebt to an illegitimateenterprise, Pope PiusIX, whose “divine”order was threatened andeventually becamedisenfranchisedby the masonicmovement inrevolutionaryItaly, reactedwith the sameKennedianurgency to theanti-clerical“propaganda”spreading like aforest fire in histime. If masonic

ThemeMirella Ionta is currently studying languagesat Condordia University in Montreal, Canada.Proficient in three languages, her English articleshave appeared in many alternative magazinesand newspapers worldwide.activity was necessary to undermine the powerof the papal state which was believed to hinderthe process of unification in Italy is not athesis that is easy to develop. The insufficientdocumentation that exists at our disposal limitsour understanding of such concealed masonicencounters, marking a great disservice tothe pursuit of truth. From what is availablefor public scrutiny no one can confirm withcertainty that the Italian underground was solelybased on a genuine patriotic desire to uniteItaly. Declarations of the masons’ mysteriousinclination toward Satanism and occultismrender the society’s activities suspicious.Moreover, the involvement of united Italy’sofficial national poet, Giosue Carducci, in anestablished masonic allegiance, helped shapea new literary tradition, tainted by radicalconvictions. Providing a cultural and literaryrhetoric for the secret society, the poem “Odeto Satan” is a perfect reflection of “New WorldOrder” visions which were interpreted asbeing serious threats to the Old World Order. Thepope’s reaction to the masonry, whose doctrineof NWO spirituality may have inspired the earlypoetic sensibility of Carducci, discloses theserious implication the clandestine operationwas deemed to have had on a changing Italiansociety.Today, with the benefit of hindsight, statingthat a secret society composed of a tight groupof the powerful gentry was responsible forworld wars, political divisions, global Ponzischemes, economic crashes, and 9/11, wouldnot be considered as being highly speculative orunlikely. Even in risorgimentale Italy, Pope PiusIX, in an effort to preserve his absolute power,realized the harmful effects such a society wouldhave on the supremacy and duration of his reign.Lilith Mahmud, a researcher published by theUniversity of California, concedes that thepractice of discretion was what made and whatstill makes the27


Mirella Ionta

When Spiritual Chaos Begets Political Unity:

How Freemasonry United Italy


With structures that have

accommodated masonic

activities still standing today

in major cities in the Western

World, we are often reminded

of the existence of a secret

society that is believed to have controlled the political

and financial events of modern history. A famous

speech, delivered by President John F. Kennedy in

1961, underlining the dangerous power of such an

active fraternity “in a free and open society,” confirms

the evil nature of an “efficient machine” that is equipped

with military, diplomatic, scientific, economic, and

political enterprises and is supported by unelected, elite

intellectuals and private financial bankers. In a time

when the Federal Reserve, the central banking cartel

owned by such wealthy bankers as the Rothschilds and

Rockefellers, held a firm partnership with the American

government to which it loaned large sums of money

with interest, the concern of Kennedy evoked an older

concern expressed by the papal authority during the

Risorgimento period in Italy. As the former was left

with the heavy burden of

publicly informing his

people of their eternal

debt to an illegitimate

enterprise, Pope Pius

IX, whose “divine”

order was threatened and

eventually became


by the masonic

movement in


Italy, reacted

with the same


urgency to the



spreading like a

forest fire in his

time. If masonic

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