Anti-Racist Allyship Toolkit

We can all take steps to be better allies to the BAME members of our community. This guide will give you some simple steps to be better ally.

We can all take steps to be better allies to the BAME members of our community. This guide will give you some simple steps to be better ally.


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SUSU<br />







UNION<br />

UNDEB<br />




Source: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Source: http://efc.issuelab.org/resources/30855/30855.pdf

Source: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Glossary of Terms<br />

<strong>Allyship</strong><br />

Allies are individuals who belong to dominant social groups and, through<br />

their support of nondominant groups actively work toward the eradication of<br />

prejudicial practices they witness in both their personal and professional lives.<br />

(Disarming racial microaggressions: micro intervention strategies for targets,<br />

white allies, and bystanders)<br />

<strong>Anti</strong>-racist<br />

One who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing<br />

an antiracist idea. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Black Attainment Gap<br />

The Black Attainment Gap is the difference between Black and white students’<br />

likelihood of achieving 2:1 or first-class degrees at university. (NUS)<br />

BAME<br />

Abbreviation for Black, Asian, and minority ethnic: used to refer to people in the<br />

UK who are not white. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

BME<br />

Abbreviation for Black and minority ethnic: used to refer to people in the UK<br />

who are not white. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

Cultural trauma<br />

Cultural trauma occurs when members of a collectivity feel they have been<br />

subjected to a horrendous event that leaves indelible marks upon their group<br />

consciousness, marking their memories forever and changing their future<br />

identity in fundamental and irrevocable ways. (Jeffrey Alexander)

Discrimination<br />

The unequal treatment of members of various groups based on race, gender,<br />

social class, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion and other categories.<br />

(www.leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Diversity<br />

Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all<br />

the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from<br />

another. It is all-inclusive and recognizes everyone and every group as part of<br />

the diversity that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race,<br />

ethnicity, and gender —the groups that most often come to mind when the<br />

term “diversity” is used —but also age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual<br />

orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, and<br />

physical appearance. It also involves different ideas, perspectives, and values.<br />

(www.leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Ethnicity<br />

An ethnic group; a social group that shares a common and distinctive culture,<br />

religion, language, or the like. (Dictionary.com)<br />

Equality<br />

The right of different groups of people to have a similar social position and<br />

receive the same treatment. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

Equity<br />

The quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality (Dictionary.com)<br />

Individual racism<br />

Individual racism refers to the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of individuals<br />

that support or perpetuate racism. Individual racism can be deliberate, or the<br />

individual may act to perpetuate or support racism without knowing that is<br />

what he or she is doing. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Micro-aggressions<br />

Everyday verbal, non-verbal and environmental slights, snubs or insults, whether<br />

intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory or negative<br />

message to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group<br />

membership. (Disarming racial microaggressions: microintervention strategies<br />

for targets, white allies, and bystanders)<br />

Performative allyship<br />

Performative allyship, by contrast, is where those with privilege, profess<br />

solidarity with a cause. This assumed solidarity is usually vocalized, disingenuous<br />

and potentially harmful to marginalized groups. Often, the performative ally<br />

professes allegiance in order to distance themselves from potential scrutiny.<br />

In many cases, organizational leaders use performance driven activity, in a<br />

way that they believe will protect company brand from being highlighted in a<br />

negative way. (Forbes)<br />

Positive discrimination<br />

Positive discrimination is when you give preferential treatment to people with a<br />

protected characteristic rather than due to their suitability. (Croner)<br />

Prejudice<br />

An unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without<br />

enough thought or knowledge. (Cambridge dictionary)<br />

Privilege<br />

Unearned social power accorded by the formal and informal institutions<br />

of society to ALL members of a dominant group (e.g. white privilege, male<br />

privilege, etc.). Privilege is usually invisible to those who have it because we’re<br />

taught not to see it, but nevertheless it puts them at an advantage over those<br />

who do not have it. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Race<br />

Any social group into which humans can be divided according to perceived<br />

similarities in their physical characteristics. (Cambridge Dictionary)<br />

Racism<br />

The assignment of people to an inferior category and the determination of their<br />

social, economic, civic, and human standing on that basis. (The man-not: race,<br />

class, genre, and the dilemmas of black manhood)<br />

<strong>Racist</strong><br />

One who is supporting a racist policy through their actions or inaction or<br />

expressing a racist idea. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Systemic Racism<br />

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization,<br />

and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some<br />

people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race. (Cambridge<br />


FAQs<br />

What do I need to do to be an ally?<br />

To be an ally you need to be consistently actively and vocally anti-racist. Speak<br />

out against injustice and amplify the voices of marginalised groups. Drive<br />

change at your workplace, local community and with family and friends.<br />

How do I get started with allyship?<br />

Being an ally is a skill: You build the capability over time and have to be<br />

willing to make mistakes. First and foremost, know the issues. Talk with your<br />

colleagues to understand the challenges they face. People are often afraid to<br />

take this step, because they don’t want to be presumptuous or risk offending a<br />

colleague. This may feel unnatural or comfortable; to help people feel at ease,<br />

try starting off by talking about a challenge you’ve faced or an experience<br />

you’ve had. Second, know yourself. Relate to the issues that you’ve seen based<br />

on your own personal experiences and understand your biases. Third and finally,<br />

take action whenever and however you can. It can be as simple as stopping an<br />

inappropriate joke, encouraging broad participation in a team discussion, or<br />

ensuring inclusion on dinner invitations. Or it can be more dedicated, such as<br />

joining and participating in an affinity group or acting as a mentor or sponsor<br />

for a skilled employee from a group underrepresented in leadership positions.<br />

(Forbes)<br />

Should I share videos of hate crime to raise awareness?<br />

Sharing graphic videos causes more harm than good. It’s traumatic for<br />

communities of colour to see these videos. An alternative option is to share<br />

graphics, facts, and petitions to raise awareness.

Take action<br />

Book recommendations<br />

• Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race by Reni<br />

Eddo-Lodge<br />

• So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo<br />

• Black Labor White Wealth by Claud Anderson, Ed.D. The Color of<br />

Law by Richard Rothstein<br />

• How to Be an <strong>Anti</strong>racist by Ibram X Kendi<br />

• The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander<br />

• When Affirmative Action was White by Ira Katznelson<br />

• Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams<br />

• Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad<br />

• White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About<br />

Racism by Robin DiAngelo, PhD<br />

• Black British: A Forgotten History by David Olusoga<br />

• Brit(ish) On Race, Identity and Belonging by Afua Hirsch<br />

• Natives Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala<br />

• Biracial Britain: A Different Way of Looking at Race by Remi<br />

Adekoya<br />

Podcast recommendations<br />

• Systemic Racism in the UK with Adam Pugh & Africa Daley-Clarke<br />

• Black Beauty & Racism with Ateh Jewel<br />

• Intersectionality with Ione Gamble & Olivia Graham<br />

• When Do We Start Presenting Gender? with Juno Dawson<br />

• What Is A White Saviour? with @nowhitesaviours<br />

• Race, Diversity & Its Role in Feminism ft. Shona Vertue<br />

• Why Now White People? Code Switch

Social media accounts to follow<br />

@ogorchukwuu<br />

@antiracismdaily<br />

@angelarutura<br />

@theslacktivists<br />

@iamrachelricketts<br />

@mariebeech<br />

@laylafsaad<br />

@shaunking<br />

Articles/websites<br />

• https://www.antiracismdaily.com<br />

• Why You Need to Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”: https://www.<br />

harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a27075028/black-livesmatter-explained/<br />

• How to design for real race-intelligent inclusion: https://ideas.<br />

darden.virginia.edu/race-intelligent-inclusion<br />

• What now in race work? 3 zones of action: https://ideas.darden.<br />

virginia.edu/what-now-in-race-work-3-zones-of-action<br />

• Sign up for your free guide to Bystander Intervention: https://www.<br />

ihollaback.org/guide-bystander-intervention/<br />

• http://antiracismforbeginners.com/<br />

Videos<br />

13th, A Documentary by Ava DuVernay<br />

https://youtu.be/krfcq5pF8u8<br />

Just Mercy<br />

https://www.justmercyfilm.com/<br />

LHA Panel Presentation: Something’s Wrong: A Conversation in Civility,<br />

Equity & Solutions https://youtu.be/oyrM7kYCquE<br />

Black is the new Black<br />


Dear White People<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=dear&jbv=80095698<br />

When They See Us<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=when%20they%20see%20<br />

us&jbv=80200549<br />

How ‘white fragility’ reinforces racism<br />


PECYN<br />







UNION<br />

UNDEB<br />




Ffynhonnell: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Ffynhonnell: http://efc.issuelab.org/resources/30855/30855.pdf

Ffynhonnell: www.leadershipharrisburg.org

Geirfa<br />

Cynghreiriad<br />

Mae cynghreiriaid yn unigolion sy’n perthyn i grwpiau cymdeithasol dominyddol<br />

a, thrwy eu cefnogaeth i grwpiau dienw, yn gweithio’n weithredol tuag at<br />

ddileu arferion niweidiol y maent yn dyst iddynt yn eu bywydau personol a<br />

phroffesiynol. (Disarming racial microaggressions: micro intervention strategies<br />

for targets, white allies, and bystanders)<br />

Gwrth-hiliol<br />

Unigolyn sy’n cefnogi polisi gwrth-grefydd trwy ei weithredoedd neu’n mynegi<br />

syniad gwrth-grefyddol. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Bwlch Cyrhaeddiad Du<br />

Y Bwlch Cyrhaeddiad Du yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng tebygolrwydd myfyrwyr Du a<br />

gwyn o gyflawni graddau 2:1 neu ddosbarth cyntaf yn y brifysgol. (UCM)<br />

BAME<br />

Talfyriad ar gyfer Pobl Dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig: defnyddir i gyfeirio<br />

at bobl yn y DU nad sy’n wyn. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

BME<br />

Talfyriad ar gyfer Pobl Dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig: defnyddir i gyfeirio at bobl<br />

yn y DU nad sy’n wyn. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Trawma diwylliannol<br />

Mae trawma diwylliannol yn digwydd pan fydd aelodau o grŵp yn teimlo eu<br />

bod wedi bod yn destun digwyddiad erchyll sy’n gadael marciau annileadwy<br />

ar eu hymwybyddiaeth grŵp, gan farcio eu hatgofion am byth a newid eu<br />

hunaniaeth yn y dyfodol mewn ffyrdd sylfaenol ac anghildroadwy. (Jeffrey<br />


Gwahaniaethu<br />

Triniaeth anghyfartal o aelodau o grwpiau amrywiol yn seiliedig ar hil, rhyw,<br />

dosbarth cymdeithasol, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, gallu corfforol, crefydd a<br />

chategorïau eraill. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Amrywiaeth<br />

Mae amrywiaeth yn cynnwys yr holl ffyrdd y mae pobl yn wahanol, ac mae’n<br />

cwmpasu’r holl nodweddion gwahanol sy’n gwneud un unigolyn neu grŵp<br />

yn wahanol i un arall. Mae’n hollgynhwysol ac yn cydnabod pawb a phob<br />

grŵp fel rhan o’r amrywiaeth y dylid ei werthfawrogi. Mae diffiniad eang yn<br />

cynnwys nid yn unig hil, ethnigrwydd a rhyw - y grwpiau sy’n dod i’r meddwl<br />

amlaf pan ddefnyddir y term “amrywiaeth” - ond hefyd oedran, tarddiad<br />

cenedlaethol, crefydd, anabledd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, statws economaiddgymdeithasol,<br />

addysg, statws priodasol, iaith, ac ymddangosiad corfforol.<br />

Mae hefyd yn cynnwys gwahanol syniadau, safbwyntiau a gwerthoedd. (www.<br />

leadershipharrisburg.org)<br />

Ethnigrwydd<br />

Grŵp ethnig; grŵp cymdeithasol sy’n rhannu diwylliant, crefydd, iaith neu<br />

debyg. (Dictionary.com)<br />

Cydraddoldeb<br />

Hawl gwahanol grwpiau o bobl i gael safle cymdeithasol tebyg a derbyn yr un<br />

driniaeth. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Cyfiawnder<br />

Bod yn deg neu’n ddiduedd; tegwch; didueddrwydd. (Dictionary.com)<br />

Hiliaeth Unigol<br />

Mae hiliaeth unigol yn cyfeirio at gredoau, agweddau a gweithredoedd<br />

unigolion sy’n cefnogi neu’n parhau hiliaeth. Gall hiliaeth unigol fod yn fwriadol,<br />

neu gall yr unigolyn weithredu i gynnal neu gefnogi hiliaeth heb wybod mai<br />

dyna mae ef neu hi’n ei wneud. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Mân ymosodiadau<br />

Sarhad geiriol, heb eiriau ac amgylcheddol bob dydd, boed yn fwriadol neu’n<br />

anfwriadol, sy’n cyfleu neges elyniaethus, ddirmygus neu negyddol i dargedu<br />

pobl yn seiliedig yn unig ar eu haelodaeth o grŵp sydd ar yr ymylon.<br />

(Disarming racial microaggressions: microintervention strategies for targets,<br />

white allies, and bystanders)<br />

Cynghreiriad perfformiadol<br />

Cyferbyniad perfformiadol, mewn cyferbyniad, yw lle mae’r rhai sydd â braint,<br />

yn proffesu undod ag achos. Mae’r undod tybiedig hwn fel arfer yn lleisiol,<br />

yn annidwyll ac o bosibl yn niweidiol i grwpiau ar yr ymylon. Yn aml, mae’r<br />

cynghreiriad perfformiadol yn proffesu teyrngarwch er mwyn ymbellhau oddi<br />

wrth graffu posib. Mewn llawer o achosion, mae arweinwyr sefydliadol yn<br />

defnyddio gweithgaredd sy’n cael ei yrru gan berfformiad, mewn ffordd y maen<br />

nhw’n credu fydd yn amddiffyn brand cwmni rhag cael ei amlygu mewn ffordd<br />

negyddol. (Forbes)<br />

Gwahaniaethu cadarnhaol<br />

Gwahaniaethu cadarnhaol yw pan fydd triniaeth ffafriol yn cael ei rhoi i bobl<br />

sydd â nodwedd warchodedig yn hytrach nag oherwydd eu haddasrwydd.<br />

(Croner)<br />

Rhagfarn<br />

Barn neu deimlad annheg ac afresymol, yn enwedig pan gânt eu ffurfio heb<br />

ddigon o feddwl na gwybodaeth. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Braint<br />

Pŵer cymdeithasol heb ei ennill a roddir gan sefydliadau ffurfiol ac anffurfiol<br />

cymdeithas i BOB aelod o grŵp trech (e.e. braint wen, braint wrywaidd, ac ati).<br />

Mae braint fel arfer yn anweledig i’r rhai sydd ganddo oherwydd ein bod wedi<br />

cael ein dysgu i beidio â’i weld, ond serch hynny mae’n eu rhoi o fantais i’r rhai<br />

nad oes ganddi. (www.leadershipharrisburg.org)

Hil<br />

Unrhyw grŵp cymdeithasol y gellir rhannu bodau dynol iddo yn ôl tebygrwydd<br />

canfyddedig yn eu nodweddion corfforol. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)<br />

Hiliaeth<br />

Aseiniad pobl i gategori israddol a phenderfyniad ar eu safle cymdeithasol,<br />

economaidd, dinesig a dynol ar y sail honno.<br />

(The man-not: race, class, genre, and the dilemmas of black manhood)<br />

Hilydd<br />

Unigolyn sy’n cefnogi polisi hiliol trwy ei weithredoedd neu ddiffyg gweithredu<br />

neu’n mynegi syniad hiliol. (Ibram X. Kendi)<br />

Hiliaeth Systematig<br />

Polisïau ac arferion sy’n bodoli ledled cymdeithas neu sefydliad cyfan, ac sy’n<br />

arwain at ac yn cefnogi mantais annheg barhaus i rai pobl a thriniaeth annheg<br />

neu niweidiol i eraill yn seiliedig ar hil. (Geiriadur Caergrawnt)

Cwestiynau Cyffredin<br />

Beth sydd angen i mi ei wneud i fod yn gynghreiriad?<br />

I fod yn gynghreiriad mae angen i chi fod yn wrth-hiliol yn weithredol ac yn<br />

llafar yn gyson. Siaradwch yn erbyn anghyfiawnder a phwysleisiwch leisiau<br />

grwpiau ymylol. Gyrrwch newid yn eich gweithle, cymuned leol a gyda theulu a<br />

ffrindiau.<br />

Sut mae cychwyn arni gyda bod yn gynghreiriad?<br />

Mae bod yn gynghreiriad yn sgil: Rydych chi’n meithrin y gallu dros amser ac<br />

mae’n rhaid i chi fod yn barod i wneud camgymeriadau. Yn gyntaf oll, rhaid<br />

deall y problemau. Siaradwch â’ch cydweithwyr i ddeall yr heriau sy’n eu<br />

hwynebu. Mae pobl yn aml yn ofni cymryd y cam hwn, oherwydd nad ydyn nhw<br />

eisiau bod yn rhyfygus neu ddigio cydweithiwr. Gall hyn deimlo’n annaturiol<br />

neu’n gyffyrddus; i helpu pobl i deimlo’n gyfforddus, ceisiwch gychwyn trwy<br />

siarad am her rydych chi wedi’i hwynebu neu brofiad rydych chi wedi’i gael.<br />

Yn ail, rhaid adnabod eich hun. Cysylltwch â’r problemau rydych chi wedi’u<br />

gweld yn seiliedig ar eich profiadau personol eich hun a sicrhewch eich bod<br />

chi’n deall eich rhagfarnau. Yn olaf, gweithredwch bryd bynnag a sut bynnag<br />

y gallwch. Gall fod mor syml ag atal jôc amhriodol, annog cyfranogiad eang<br />

mewn trafodaeth tîm, neu sicrhau cynhwysiant ar wahoddiadau cinio. Neu gall<br />

fod yn fwy ymroddedig, fel ymuno a chymryd rhan mewn grŵp affinedd neu<br />

weithredu fel mentor neu noddwr ar gyfer gweithiwr medrus o grŵp sydd heb<br />

gynrychiolaeth ddigonol mewn swyddi arweinyddiaeth. (Forbes)<br />

A ddylwn i rannu fideos o droseddau casineb i godi<br />

ymwybyddiaeth?<br />

Mae rhannu fideos graffig yn achosi mwy o niwed na lles. Mae’n drawmatig i<br />

gymunedau o liw weld y fideos hyn. Dewis arall yw rhannu graffeg, ffeithiau a<br />

deisebau i godi ymwybyddiaeth.

Adran Gweithredu<br />

Argymhellion Llyfrau<br />

• Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race gan Reni<br />

Eddo-Lodge<br />

• So You Want to Talk about Race gan Ijeoma Oluo<br />

• Black Labor White Wealth by Claud Anderson, Ed.D. The Color of<br />

Law gan Richard Rothstein<br />

• How to Be an <strong>Anti</strong>racist gan Ibram X Kendi<br />

• The New Jim Crow gan Michelle Alexander<br />

• When Affirmative Action was White gan Ira Katznelson<br />

• Girl, Woman, Other gan Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Blonde Roots gan Bernardine Evaristo<br />

• Queenie gan Candice Carty-Williams<br />

• Me and White Supremacy gan Layla F. Saad<br />

• White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About<br />

Racism gan Robin DiAngelo, PhD<br />

• Black British: A Forgotten History gan David Olusoga<br />

• Brit(ish) On Race, Identity and Belonging gan Afua Hirsch<br />

• Natives Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire gan Akala<br />

• Biracial Britain: A Different Way of Looking at Race gan Remi<br />

Adekoya<br />

Argymhellion Podlediadau<br />

• Systemic Racism in the UK gydag Adam Pugh & Africa Daley-<br />

Clarke<br />

• Black Beauty & Racism gyda Ateh Jewel<br />

• Intersectionality gyda Ione Gamble ac Olivia Graham<br />

• When Do We Start Presenting Gender? gyda Juno Dawson<br />

• What Is A White Saviour? gyda @nowhitesaviours<br />

• Race, Diversity & Its Role in Feminism ft. Shona Vertue<br />

• Why Now White People? Code Switch

Cyfrifon cyfryngau cymdeithasol i’w dilyn<br />

@ogorchukwuu<br />

@antiracismdaily<br />

@angelarutura<br />

@theslacktivists<br />

@iamrachelricketts<br />

@mariebeech<br />

@laylafsaad<br />

@shaunking<br />

Erthyglau/Gwefannau<br />

• https://www.antiracismdaily.com<br />

• Why You Need to Stop Saying “All Lives Matter”: https://www.<br />

harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a27075028/black-livesmatter-explained/<br />

• How to design for real race-intelligent inclusion: https://ideas.<br />

darden.virginia.edu/race-intelligent-inclusion<br />

• What now in race work? 3 zones of action: https://ideas.darden.<br />

virginia.edu/what-now-in-race-work-3-zones-of-action<br />

• Sign up for your free guide to Bystander Intervention: https://www.<br />

ihollaback.org/guide-bystander-intervention/<br />

• http://antiracismforbeginners.com/<br />

Fideos<br />

13th, A Documentary by Ava DuVernay<br />

https://youtu.be/krfcq5pF8u8<br />

Just Mercy<br />

https://www.justmercyfilm.com/<br />

LHA Panel Presentation: Something’s Wrong: A Conversation in Civility,<br />

Equity & Solutions https://youtu.be/oyrM7kYCquE<br />

Black is the new Black<br />


Dear White People<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=dear&jbv=80095698<br />

When They See Us<br />

https://www.netflix.com/search?q=when%20they%20see%20<br />

us&jbv=80200549<br />

How ‘white fragility’ reinforces racism<br />


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