Jeweller - May 2021

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Editor’s Desk<br />

One part water, one part soil and sharp scissors<br />

Recognising root rot is the first step towards saving a plant or tree, and just like gardening,<br />

a ‘dying’ business can often be saved by a repot and a solid prune. ANGELA HAN shares her experiences.<br />

Leaders and numbers<br />

have one thing in common...<br />

They both speak for themsel ves !<br />


GLOBAL<br />







1 <strong>Jeweller</strong> 66,094 25:31 14 Australia<br />

2 JCK 73,914 02:03 1.6 USA<br />

3 National <strong>Jeweller</strong> 118,273 01:49 1.8 USA<br />

4<br />

<strong>Jeweller</strong>y Net Asia 136,914 07:11 6.7 Hong Kong<br />

5 Rapaport Magazine 145,914 01:57 1.6 USA<br />

* Alexa Global Ranking statistics as at 30 March <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>Jeweller</strong> been the leading voice of the Australian and New<br />

Zealand jewellery industries for more than two decades.<br />

Today we rank #1 in the world.<br />

Alexa, the independent global ranking system for measuring<br />

website traffi c and readership, now ranks jewellermagazine.com<br />

as the most widely read industry publication in the world.<br />

Better still, the daily time spent on jewellermagazine.com averages<br />

25 minutes, which far exceeds all other industry titles that average<br />

only 2–3 minutes per visitor, while <strong>Jeweller</strong>’s social media presence<br />

dominates and our eMags boast over 12.1 million reads.<br />

It’s clear, the numbers speak for themselves -<br />

follow the leader, and follow the readers too!<br />

Being a gardening enthusiast, I have a<br />

predilection for rescuing dying plants. As<br />

long as the roots are still healthy, there is<br />

always a chance it can be saved with some<br />

attention and care. While not all survive,<br />

it’s immensely edifying when they do.<br />

One of my proudest ‘rescues’ is a Hindu<br />

rope plant that I bought for a few dollars.<br />

Looking more dead than alive, I should have<br />

thought better than to take something home<br />

that may introduce new pests into my miniecosystem,<br />

but still took the risk knowing it<br />

was a rare find.<br />

I was told that the clusters of gem-like<br />

petals smelled of dark chocolate, which<br />

would intensify as the sun went down.<br />

Armed with hope and a bag of dirt, I was<br />

determined to save it. Having done some<br />

research, I knew it would need to be tightly<br />

root-bound in arid soil with a few hours of<br />

indirect sun each day – and given the rot in<br />

its roots, even more care would be needed.<br />

Because it takes Hindu rope plants anywhere<br />

between five and seven years to mature<br />

and finally flower, there was not a second to<br />

waste if I wanted to nurse it back to health<br />

and see it blossom!<br />

Caring for plants teaches the limitations<br />

of what is, and isn’t, within my control,<br />

especially having to work at the pace of<br />

Mother Nature and Father Time.<br />

Of the many lessons that the natural world<br />

reveals, here are the most important:<br />

A time to love, a time to hold back<br />

It doesn’t take long to discover each plants’<br />

particularities, with some being more ‘needy’<br />

than others. Tropical Calatheas can develop<br />

brown edges around the vibrant leaves if you<br />

so much as look at it the wrong way, while<br />

the hardy Zamioculcas thrives on neglect.<br />

Either way, it’s commonplace to kill<br />

houseplants with kindness, especially when<br />

you’re trying to rescue one.<br />

Similarly, our professional and work lives<br />

require varying degrees of attention in order<br />

to succeed, and excessive time spent serving<br />

the wrong needs can have destructive<br />

consequences.<br />

For example, spending too much time<br />

watching the bottom-line could be detrimental<br />

to your creative output; if the soul of your<br />

business suffers, at a certain point there will<br />

be no bottom-line left to manage.<br />

Inversely, spending too much time on<br />

creativity and neglecting the bottom-line<br />

could lead to cost blow-outs and wasted<br />

energy, whittling away the profit margin on<br />

even the most perfect product.<br />

To have a flourishing business, it’s imperative<br />

to regularly assess which areas need more –<br />

or less – attention and adjust your behaviour<br />

to address problems before it’s too late.<br />

Good ideas, and new businesses, are most<br />

fragile at conception; close monitoring<br />

is necessary but care must be taken not<br />

to ‘overwater’ or ‘over feed’. You can only<br />

expect to yield results under the right<br />

conditions (controllable) at the right time<br />

(uncontrollable).<br />

Fine-tuning small things each day can<br />

make a vast difference to ensure your<br />

business thrives.<br />

A time to prune, a time to harvest<br />

Ruthless pruning at the right time, and<br />

in the right place, is the golden rule of<br />

green-thumbed people; roses bloom with<br />

a vengeance after a good pruning, and<br />

peaches are sweetest after they’ve blushed.<br />

Like an untended garden, it’s easy to<br />

let innocent overgrowth consume your<br />

income and unclipped branches choke the<br />

business. However, making the right cuts<br />

will yield immediate changes and can turn<br />

a malnourished business into one that is<br />

robust and ready for growth.<br />

“Is there a need to finally address dead<br />

stock and throw away the tired old window<br />

displays?”<br />

“Do I need to sever ties with non-paying<br />

clients or deal with toxic staff members?”<br />

“Have I reviewed unnecessary business<br />

expenses that have grown out of control,<br />

like weeds?”<br />

Pruning can sometimes feel ruthless when<br />

you’re staring at a barebone branch, but<br />

patience is always rewarded in time with a<br />

more bountiful harvest.<br />

Pruning can<br />

sometimes feel<br />

ruthless when<br />

you’re staring<br />

at a barebone<br />

branch, but<br />

patience<br />

is always<br />

rewarded in<br />

time with a<br />

more bountiful<br />

harvest.<br />

A time for life, a time for death<br />

It’s easy to feel like a failure when you’re<br />

holding a dead plant over a rubbish or<br />

compost bin.<br />

“What could I have done differently?” is a<br />

question that has haunted anyone who has<br />

failed to bring their vision to fruition.<br />

Yet, even after doing everything right, there<br />

are some projects that will fail for reasons<br />

beyond comprehension.<br />

Luckily, as it turns out, death isn’t the<br />

opposite of life – but a critical part of it.<br />

In fact, many cultures believe that death<br />

completes and fuels the next cycle of life.<br />

In between the two points of existence,<br />

we simply learn to accept the storm, and<br />

cooperate with the wind and sun.<br />

So, remove dead matter, learn from your<br />

mistakes and prepare the ground for new<br />

endeavours. With the change in seasons<br />

comes a sequence of opportunities that<br />

can become a gift to nurture resilience<br />

and strength.<br />

A high school teacher, who was an avid<br />

gardener herself, once told me her daily<br />

prayer: “Lord, grant me the serenity to<br />

accept the things I cannot change, courage<br />

to change the things I can, and wisdom to<br />

know the difference.”<br />

For those wondering, my Hindu rope<br />

plant flourished and flowered within three<br />

years, and has continued to multiply<br />

each year since. The more clippings I<br />

share with friends and colleagues, the<br />

more it seems to grow. Six years on, this<br />

overachieving ex-runt thrives on neglect<br />

and boasts ropes of dark glossy leaves<br />

draping to the floor.<br />

And yes, the rumour was true; through<br />

the nights of spring and summer, the pink<br />

flowers of the Hindu rope plant exude a<br />

rich chocolate perfume that comes alive<br />

when the sun goes down.<br />

Now if you’d excuse me, I have some<br />

pruning to do!<br />

Angela Han<br />

Publisher<br />


<strong>May</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | 14

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