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Microsoft Portugal<br />

Empowering You<br />

“Empowering You: Ativar Portugal”<br />

Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every<br />

organization on the planet to achieve more and reach their<br />

full potential through technology. Our goal in Portugal is<br />

“Ativar Portugal”. We are doing so by building a strong ecosystem<br />

of Partners and Startups, supporting the digital transformation<br />

and innovation of our customers, and developing digital skills<br />

and talent, in a diverse and inclusive way, in our communities<br />

and in our teams.<br />

We also want to help Portuguese companies and citizens to have<br />

the digital skills to build a better future. As such, we created<br />

“Empowering You: Ativar Portugal” – the training platform,<br />

which today, more than ever, proves to be essential to build a<br />

better future, whether at a personal, professional or national<br />

level. Explore our Learning Hub and check out the various skilling<br />

initiatives and opportunities we have ready for you.<br />

Nowadays, starting a professional learning path is more<br />

important than ever. Whether it is to strengthen your presence<br />

in the market or gain a better position and employment, it is<br />

crucial to obtain the most valued skills in the job market. To<br />

do this, Microsoft, LinkedIn and GitHub teamed up and are<br />

offering free learning paths to help you get the most indemand<br />

job openings. You can also find additional resources<br />

on best practices in looking for jobs and preparing for job<br />

interviews.<br />


Areas Various<br />


Basic, intermediate and advanced<br />


Students, unemployed individuals,<br />

professionals in general<br />

LOCAL<br />

Online<br />

COST<br />

Free<br />


Access to technological certification<br />

in some training offers<br />


aka.ms/EmpoweringYou-AtivarPortugal<br />


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