Mini-Guide - In Your Pocket

Mini-Guide - In Your Pocket Mini-Guide - In Your Pocket
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STREET REGISTER Ali bega Firdusa B-3,C-3 Ali-Fehmije Džabića B-2 Alije Đerzeleza C-3 Alije Isakovića B-2 Alije Nametka B-2 Alojza Benca D-1 AVNOJ-a B-3 Banjalučka C-1 Bećira Islamovića D-1,D-2 Bedem B-3,B-2 Bele IV C-2 Besima Korkuta D-2 Bihaćke republike D-3 Bihaćkih branilaca D-2,C-3 Bosanska C-2,C-3 Bosanske državnosti C-2 Bosanske nezavisnosti B-2 Bosanskog stanka B-1 Bosanskih banova B-2 Bosanskih gazija B-4 Bosanskih kraljeva B-2 Bosanskih šehida A-3 Bosanskohercegovačkih reg. A-2 Braće Žardin A-1 Branislava Đurđeva C-3 Branka Ćopića A-4 Brčanska D-1 Bužimska ulica B-2 Ćamila Sijarića C-2 Cazinska ulica C-2, D-2 Ćehajića mahala D-2 Ceravačka brda B-2,A-3 Đačka C-2 Darivalaca krvi A-3,B-3 Derviša Sušića C-2 Dječijih žrtava C-3 Do C-3 Dobrih bošnjana B-2,B-3 Đoke Mazalića C-3 Dr. Irfana Ljubijankića A-1, B-2 Drinska ulica B-4 Hatinački sokak C-2 Džemala Bijedića C-3 Esada Pašalića D-1 Ešrefa Kovačevića B-3 Ferhad paše Sokolovića B-2 Ferida Džanića B-3 Fočanska ulica A-2 Fra-Joze Valentića B-3 Franjevačka ulica B-4 Gazi Husrev begova C-2,C-3 Hadžiabdića mahala D-2 Hamdije Čemerlića B-2 Hamdije Kreševljakovića B-3 Hamdije Pozderca A-3,B-3 Hanovi D-2 Harmanska B-3 Harmanskih šehida B-3 Hasan Kjafije Pruščaka B-2 Hasan paše Predojevića A-1, B-1 Hasana Bibera C-3 Hasana Kaimije D-2 Hasan-bega Biščevića C-4,D-4 Hatinački brod C-2 Hatinački progan C-2 Hazima Šabanovića D-2 Hošića mahala C-2 Husein-kap. Gradašćevića C-2 Husrefa Redžića C-2, C-3 HVO-a C-2 Ibn – Sinaa A-1 Isaka Samokovlije C-4 Islamovac C-4 Ivana Frane Jukića A-3 Ivana Gorana Kovačića C-3 Izeta Sarajlića A-2 Jablanska ulica D-1 Japodska B-3 Jezerska C-4 Jovana Bijelića B-3 Karla Friedriha Gausa D-2 Kralja Tvrtka I C-2 Križ A-4,A-3 Krupska C-2 Kulina bana C-2 Kunovska ulica A-3,B-3 Marion Vencl A-2 Mehmed bega Alajbegovića A-1,B-1 Mehmed paše Bišćevića B-2 Mehmed paše Sokolovića B-2 Mehmeda Hevajije Uskufije C-4 Mehmeda Mujezinovića C-4 Mehmeda Šaćira Kurtćehajića B-1, B-2 Mehmeda Spahe B-2 Mehmedalije Maka Dizdara B-3 Meše Selimovića C-1, C-2 Midhata Begića D-2 Midžića mahala C-3 Mimar – Sinana C-3 Mimar Hajredina B-3,B-4 Miroslava Krleže C-2 Mirze Delibašića B-3 Monte Meleta Most Alije Izetbegovića C-3 Mostarska D-2 Muhameda Hadžijahića B-4 Muhameda Hadžijamakovića B-4 Muharema Bagramelija C-4 Muhsina Rizvića B-3 Muje Hrnjice D-1 Muse Ćazima Ćatića B-3 Mustafe Omerovića B-3,B-4 Mustaj bega Ličkog C-3 Nade Klaić C-3 Nafije Sarajlić D-2 Nerkeza Smailagića D-1 Nosilaca Zlatne pol. značke A-1. B-1 Nositelja Hrvatskog trolista B-1, B-2 Nurije Pozderca C-2 Omera Novljanina C-3 Pape Ivana Pavla II C-3 Plandište C-2 Povelje Kulina bana D-1, D-2 Prijedorska D-1,D-2 Prisika C-3 Put Armije R BiH D-3 Radoslava Lopašića A-1, A-2 Ribarska A-1 Ribićkih ljiljana D-3 Rođina ulica B-1 Safeta Krupića D-2 Saliha Mušanovića B-2 Sandžaćka C-2 Sarajevska B-2 Sile nebeske A-2 Skendera Kulenovića B-3 Smajića mahala C-2 Španskih dobrovoljaca B-3 Splitska ulica B-4 Stanka Sielskog B-1, B-2 Tale Ličanina B-3 Tina Ujevića D-1 Trg maršala Tita C-2,C-3 Trg TO Ozimice I B-2 Trg Zlatnih ljiljana B-3 Tuk mahala C-3 Ul. Bihaćkih pog. odbojkaša B-1 Ul. Koste Hermana B-2 Ul. Ajnina B-1,B-2 Ul. Alije Sirotanovića B-2 Ul. Envera Krupića C-2 Ul. Himze Polovine B-2 Ul. Ive Andrića B-1 Ul. Mehmeda Fazlića B-4 Ul. Nikole Tesle C-3 Ul. Safvet bega Bašagića C-2,D-2 Ul.Murat-bega Ibrahimpašića B-2 Umihane Čuvidine C-2 Vasif-bega Biščevića C-3 Vazduhoplovne grupe B-3 Vejsila Čurčića D-1 Vejzovac D-3 Vladimira Nazora C-4 Vladimira Preloga B-1, B-2 Zaima Imamovića A-2 ZAVNOBiH-a B-3 Žegarska aleja B-4 Žrtava fašizma A-2 Žrtava srebreničkog genocida A-2 5. Korpusa B-4,B-3,C-3 501. Slavne brigade C-3 502. Viteške brigade C-3 GETTInG aRound Buses Bihać Bus Station (Autobusna Stanica Bihać) Put 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 37 311 939, QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. Car Rentals Amrom-D-M-Car Zagrebačka 57, tel. (+387) 37 388 222/(+387) 61 368 333, fax (+387) 37 319 203. Sixt Sulejmana Veličanstvenog bb, tel. (+387) 37 328 320. Super Matrix Dr Irfana Ljubijankića bb, tel. (+387) 37 221 583/(+387) 61 257 098. Petrol Stations ASD BP Plješevička 57. Čavkunović Nerkeya Smailogića 23 & Zaobilaznica bb. Energopetrol Dr Irfana Ljubijankića 57 & Put 5. Korpusa bb. OMV Dr Irfana Ljubijankića bb & HP Predojevića bb. Petrol P Zaobilaznica bb. Taxis Taxis Taxis are collectively organised and can be reached on any of the following numbers: 037 312 618, 061 163 204, 061 164 124, 061 181 647 Travel Agencies Eurotours Mehmeda Kolakovica, tel. (+387) 37 310 790. Franjic Bosne Srebrene 117, tel. (+387) 37 314 465, Green River B-2, Dr Irfana Ljubijankića 13, tel. (+387) 37 222 117. Sport Tours Bosanskih Banova 1, tel. (+387) 37 220 780, www. Stella Tours Bosanska 21, tel. (+387) 37 222 766, Una RC Golubič bb, tel. (+387) 37 223 760, Bus schedule Domestic Departures 05:30, 07:30, 13:30, 15:30 Banja Luka 06:10, 13:00 Ključ-Travnik-Zenica 07:30, 14:30, 22:00 Ključ-Travnik-Sarajevo 11:00 Mostar 00:15, 06:10, 07:30, 14:30, 22:00 Sarajevo 15:30 Travnik-Zenica-Tuzla International Departures 04:45 Karlovac-Zagreb 09:00 Bregenz 10:00 Beč 10:20, 15:15 Zagreb 11:00 Mostar-Čapljina 12:15 Münich-Oberhausen 13:00 Münich-Stutgard-Dortmund 13:00 Hanover-Hamburg 13:15 Stutgard-Dortmund 14:00, 16:45 Karlovac-Zagreb 14:45 Ljubljana-Koper 19:15 Bugojno Regional Departures 06:00, 11:30, 13:15, 15:00, 19:15 Cazin-Velika Kladuša 07:45, 12:00, 14:30 Ključ-Sanski Most 08:50, 10:15, 11:30, 12:15, 14:00, 15:15, 16:00 Bosanska Krupa-Bužim 09:30 Cazin-Bosanska Krupa-Stijena 10:00 Cazin-Stijena 10:30, 12:30 Velika Kladuša-Vrnograč-Bužim 10:30 Gata-Cazin 11:00 Vrtoč-Bosanski Petrovac 11:50, 12:55 Bosanska Krupa-Mahmić Selo 18:00 Bosanska Krupa-Čava 19:15 Bosanska Krupa SHoPPInG Gifts & Souvenirs Atellier Bašić Dr Irfana Ljubijankića 48, tel. (+387) 37 352 148/ (+387) 61 165 605. Ceramic Studio Hasana Kjafije Pruščaka 3/6, tel. (+387) 66 703 022, Daorson (Art forged metal) Branka Ćopića, tel. (+387) 37 220 706/ (+387) 61 833 054. Galerija Šehić Dinko B-2, Sarajevska 4, tel. (+387) 37 311 907/ (+387) 61 806 407. Mališa Ešrefa Kovačevića H10, tel. (+387) 61 790 030. People’s Embroidery 101. Bojne 13, tel. (+387) 37 227 214. Suvenirnica ARS Dana Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 61 137 566. Markets Gradska Pijaca Mrežnička bb. Gradska Tržnica Dana Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 37 222 464. Opticians Edić Dana Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 61 872 291. Mak Bihaćkih Branilaca 26, tel. (+387) 37 311 796. Matrix Dana Državnosti 6, tel. (+387) 61 965 748. Optika 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 61 353 556. Photography Agfa Centar Bosanska 13, tel. (+387) 37 226 031. Color Plus Bihaćkih Branilaca bb, tel. (+387) 61 100 678. Foto Digital Bihaćkih Branilaca bb, tel. (+387) 61 760 480. Korzo C-2, Bosanska 13, tel. (+387) 37 223 656/(+387) 61 137 550. Studio Color 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 37 226 135. Shopping Centres Ilma Darivalaca Krvi bb, tel. (+387) 37 223 046. Interex Žrtava Srebreničkog Genocida bb, tel. (+387) 37 318 130. Konzum C-2, Bosanska bb. Robot Jablanska Zaobilaznica, tel. (+387) 37 318 200. Tuš Plješevička bb. Sportswear Star Sport C-2, Nurije Pozderca bb. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00, Sat 08:00 - 18:00. Closed Sun. ESSENTIAL CITY GUIDES BIHAĆ In Your Pocket ESTV d.o.o. Bosnia and Herzegovina Published 10.000 copies 1 time per year Sales & Circulation Directors Igor Blaha & Niko Slavnic Tel. 00387 66 951 951 Editorial Editor Yuri Barron Writers Yuri Barron Research Yuri Barron Layout & Design Vaida Gudynaitė Consulting Craig Turp Maps City of Bihać Cover photo Damir Midžic Photos Yuri Barron Copyright notice Text and photos copyright WIYP 1999/2010. Maps copyright cartographer. All rights reserved. The brand name In Your Pocket is used under license from UAB In Your Pocket (Vokieciu 10-15, Vilnius, Lithuania tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76). Editor’s note The editorial content of In Your Pocket guides is independent from paid-for advertising. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of going to press and assume no responsibility for changes and errors.


Ali bega Firdusa B-3,C-3<br />

Ali-Fehmije Džabića B-2<br />

Alije Đerzeleza C-3<br />

Alije Isakovića B-2<br />

Alije Nametka B-2<br />

Alojza Benca D-1<br />

AVNOJ-a B-3<br />

Banjalučka C-1<br />

Bećira Islamovića D-1,D-2<br />

Bedem B-3,B-2<br />

Bele IV C-2<br />

Besima Korkuta D-2<br />

Bihaćke republike D-3<br />

Bihaćkih branilaca D-2,C-3<br />

Bosanska C-2,C-3<br />

Bosanske državnosti C-2<br />

Bosanske nezavisnosti B-2<br />

Bosanskog stanka B-1<br />

Bosanskih banova B-2<br />

Bosanskih gazija B-4<br />

Bosanskih kraljeva B-2<br />

Bosanskih šehida A-3<br />

Bosanskohercegovačkih<br />

reg. A-2<br />

Braće Žardin A-1<br />

Branislava Đurđeva C-3<br />

Branka Ćopića A-4<br />

Brčanska D-1<br />

Bužimska ulica B-2<br />

Ćamila Sijarića C-2<br />

Cazinska ulica C-2, D-2<br />

Ćehajića mahala D-2<br />

Ceravačka brda B-2,A-3<br />

Đačka C-2<br />

Darivalaca krvi A-3,B-3<br />

Derviša Sušića C-2<br />

Dječijih žrtava C-3<br />

Do C-3<br />

Dobrih bošnjana B-2,B-3<br />

Đoke Mazalića C-3<br />

Dr. Irfana<br />

Ljubijankića A-1, B-2<br />

Drinska ulica B-4<br />

Hatinački sokak C-2<br />

Džemala Bijedića C-3<br />

Esada Pašalića D-1<br />

Ešrefa Kovačevića B-3<br />

Ferhad paše<br />

Sokolovića B-2<br />

Ferida Džanića B-3<br />

Fočanska ulica A-2<br />

Fra-Joze Valentića B-3<br />

Franjevačka ulica B-4<br />

Gazi Husrev<br />

begova C-2,C-3<br />

Hadžiabdića mahala D-2<br />

Hamdije Čemerlića B-2<br />

Hamdije<br />

Kreševljakovića B-3<br />

Hamdije Pozderca A-3,B-3<br />

Hanovi D-2<br />

Harmanska B-3<br />

Harmanskih šehida B-3<br />

Hasan Kjafije Pruščaka B-2<br />

Hasan paše<br />

Predojevića A-1, B-1<br />

Hasana Bibera C-3<br />

Hasana Kaimije D-2<br />

Hasan-bega<br />

Biščevića C-4,D-4<br />

Hatinački brod C-2<br />

Hatinački progan C-2<br />

Hazima Šabanovića D-2<br />

Hošića mahala C-2<br />

Husein-kap.<br />

Gradašćevića C-2<br />

Husrefa Redžića C-2, C-3<br />

HVO-a C-2<br />

Ibn – Sinaa A-1<br />

Isaka Samokovlije C-4<br />

Islamovac C-4<br />

Ivana Frane Jukića A-3<br />

Ivana Gorana Kovačića C-3<br />

Izeta Sarajlića A-2<br />

Jablanska ulica D-1<br />

Japodska B-3<br />

Jezerska C-4<br />

Jovana Bijelića B-3<br />

Karla Friedriha Gausa D-2<br />

Kralja Tvrtka I C-2<br />

Križ A-4,A-3<br />

Krupska C-2<br />

Kulina bana C-2<br />

Kunovska ulica A-3,B-3<br />

Marion Vencl A-2<br />

Mehmed bega<br />

Alajbegovića A-1,B-1<br />

Mehmed paše<br />

Bišćevića B-2<br />

Mehmed paše<br />

Sokolovića B-2<br />

Mehmeda Hevajije<br />

Uskufije C-4<br />

Mehmeda Mujezinovića C-4<br />

Mehmeda Šaćira<br />

Kurtćehajića B-1, B-2<br />

Mehmeda Spahe B-2<br />

Mehmedalije Maka<br />

Dizdara B-3<br />

Meše Selimovića C-1, C-2<br />

Midhata Begića D-2<br />

Midžića mahala C-3<br />

Mimar – Sinana C-3<br />

Mimar Hajredina B-3,B-4<br />

Miroslava Krleže C-2<br />

Mirze Delibašića B-3<br />

Monte Meleta<br />

Most Alije Izetbegovića C-3<br />

Mostarska D-2<br />

Muhameda Hadžijahića B-4<br />

Muhameda<br />

Hadžijamakovića B-4<br />

Muharema Bagramelija C-4<br />

Muhsina Rizvića B-3<br />

Muje Hrnjice D-1<br />

Muse Ćazima Ćatića B-3<br />

Mustafe<br />

Omerovića B-3,B-4<br />

Mustaj bega Ličkog C-3<br />

Nade Klaić C-3<br />

Nafije Sarajlić D-2<br />

Nerkeza Smailagića D-1<br />

Nosilaca Zlatne<br />

pol. značke A-1. B-1<br />

Nositelja Hrvatskog<br />

trolista B-1, B-2<br />

Nurije Pozderca C-2<br />

Omera Novljanina C-3<br />

Pape Ivana Pavla II C-3<br />

Plandište C-2<br />

Povelje Kulina<br />

bana D-1, D-2<br />

Prijedorska D-1,D-2<br />

Prisika C-3<br />

Put Armije R BiH D-3<br />

Radoslava<br />

Lopašića A-1, A-2<br />

Ribarska A-1<br />

Ribićkih ljiljana D-3<br />

Rođina ulica B-1<br />

Safeta Krupića D-2<br />

Saliha Mušanovića B-2<br />

Sandžaćka C-2<br />

Sarajevska B-2<br />

Sile nebeske A-2<br />

Skendera Kulenovića B-3<br />

Smajića mahala C-2<br />

Španskih dobrovoljaca B-3<br />

Splitska ulica B-4<br />

Stanka Sielskog B-1, B-2<br />

Tale Ličanina B-3<br />

Tina Ujevića D-1<br />

Trg maršala Tita C-2,C-3<br />

Trg TO Ozimice I B-2<br />

Trg Zlatnih ljiljana B-3<br />

Tuk mahala C-3<br />

Ul. Bihaćkih pog.<br />

odbojkaša B-1<br />

Ul. Koste Hermana B-2<br />

Ul. Ajnina B-1,B-2<br />

Ul. Alije Sirotanovića B-2<br />

Ul. Envera Krupića C-2<br />

Ul. Himze Polovine B-2<br />

Ul. Ive Andrića B-1<br />

Ul. Mehmeda Fazlića B-4<br />

Ul. Nikole Tesle C-3<br />

Ul. Safvet bega<br />

Bašagića C-2,D-2<br />

Ul.Murat-bega<br />

Ibrahimpašića B-2<br />

Umihane Čuvidine C-2<br />

Vasif-bega Biščevića C-3<br />

Vazduhoplovne grupe B-3<br />

Vejsila Čurčića D-1<br />

Vejzovac D-3<br />

Vladimira Nazora C-4<br />

Vladimira Preloga B-1, B-2<br />

Zaima Imamovića A-2<br />

ZAVNOBiH-a B-3<br />

Žegarska aleja B-4<br />

Žrtava fašizma A-2<br />

Žrtava srebreničkog<br />

genocida A-2<br />

5. Korpusa B-4,B-3,C-3<br />

501. Slavne brigade C-3<br />

502. Viteške brigade C-3<br />

GETT<strong>In</strong>G aRound<br />

Buses<br />

Bihać Bus Station (Autobusna Stanica Bihać) Put 5. Korpusa bb,<br />

tel. (+387) 37 311 939, QOpen 00:00 - 24:00.<br />

Car Rentals<br />

Amrom-D-M-Car Zagrebačka 57, tel. (+387) 37 388 222/(+387) 61<br />

368 333, fax (+387) 37 319 203.<br />

Sixt Sulejmana Veličanstvenog bb, tel. (+387) 37 328 320.<br />

Super Matrix Dr Irfana Ljubijankića bb, tel. (+387) 37 221 583/(+387)<br />

61 257 098.<br />

Petrol Stations<br />

ASD BP Plješevička 57.<br />

Čavkunović Nerkeya Smailogića 23 & Zaobilaznica bb.<br />

Energopetrol Dr Irfana Ljubijankića 57 & Put 5. Korpusa bb.<br />

OMV Dr Irfana Ljubijankića bb & HP Predojevića bb.<br />

Petrol P Zaobilaznica bb.<br />

Taxis<br />

Taxis Taxis are collectively organised and can be reached on any of the following<br />

numbers: 037 312 618, 061 163 204, 061 164 124, 061 181 647<br />

Travel Agencies<br />

Eurotours Mehmeda Kolakovica, tel. (+387) 37 310 790.<br />

Franjic Bosne Srebrene 117, tel. (+387) 37 314 465,<br />

Green River B-2, Dr Irfana Ljubijankića 13, tel. (+387) 37 222 117.<br />

Sport Tours Bosanskih Banova 1, tel. (+387) 37 220 780, www.<br /><br />

Stella Tours Bosanska 21, tel. (+387) 37 222 766,<br />

Una RC Golubič bb, tel. (+387) 37 223 760,<br />

Bus schedule<br />

Domestic Departures<br />

05:30, 07:30, 13:30, 15:30 Banja Luka<br />

06:10, 13:00 Ključ-Travnik-Zenica<br />

07:30, 14:30, 22:00 Ključ-Travnik-Sarajevo<br />

11:00 Mostar<br />

00:15, 06:10, 07:30, 14:30, 22:00 Sarajevo<br />

15:30 Travnik-Zenica-Tuzla<br />

<strong>In</strong>ternational Departures<br />

04:45 Karlovac-Zagreb<br />

09:00 Bregenz<br />

10:00 Beč<br />

10:20, 15:15 Zagreb<br />

11:00 Mostar-Čapljina<br />

12:15 Münich-Oberhausen<br />

13:00 Münich-Stutgard-Dortmund<br />

13:00 Hanover-Hamburg<br />

13:15 Stutgard-Dortmund<br />

14:00, 16:45 Karlovac-Zagreb<br />

14:45 Ljubljana-Koper<br />

19:15 Bugojno<br />

Regional Departures<br />

06:00, 11:30, 13:15, 15:00, 19:15 Cazin-Velika Kladuša<br />

07:45, 12:00, 14:30 Ključ-Sanski Most<br />

08:50, 10:15, 11:30, 12:15, 14:00, 15:15, 16:00 Bosanska Krupa-Bužim<br />

09:30 Cazin-Bosanska Krupa-Stijena<br />

10:00 Cazin-Stijena<br />

10:30, 12:30 Velika Kladuša-Vrnograč-Bužim<br />

10:30 Gata-Cazin<br />

11:00 Vrtoč-Bosanski Petrovac<br />

11:50, 12:55 Bosanska Krupa-Mahmić Selo<br />

18:00 Bosanska Krupa-Čava<br />

19:15 Bosanska Krupa<br />

SHoPP<strong>In</strong>G<br />

Gifts & Souvenirs<br />

Atellier Bašić Dr Irfana Ljubijankića 48, tel. (+387) 37 352 148/<br />

(+387) 61 165 605.<br />

Ceramic Studio Hasana Kjafije Pruščaka 3/6, tel. (+387) 66 703 022,<br /><br />

Daorson (Art forged metal) Branka Ćopića, tel. (+387) 37 220 706/<br />

(+387) 61 833 054.<br />

Galerija Šehić Dinko B-2, Sarajevska 4, tel. (+387) 37 311 907/<br />

(+387) 61 806 407.<br />

Mališa Ešrefa Kovačevića H10, tel. (+387) 61 790 030.<br />

People’s Embroidery 101. Bojne 13, tel. (+387) 37 227 214.<br />

Suvenirnica ARS Dana Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 61 137 566.<br />

Markets<br />

Gradska Pijaca Mrežnička bb.<br />

Gradska Tržnica Dana Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 37 222 464.<br />

Opticians<br />

Edić Dana Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 61 872 291.<br />

Mak Bihaćkih Branilaca 26, tel. (+387) 37 311 796.<br />

Matrix Dana Državnosti 6, tel. (+387) 61 965 748.<br />

Optika 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 61 353 556.<br />

Photography<br />

Agfa Centar Bosanska 13, tel. (+387) 37 226 031.<br />

Color Plus Bihaćkih Branilaca bb, tel. (+387) 61 100 678.<br />

Foto Digital Bihaćkih Branilaca bb, tel. (+387) 61 760 480.<br />

Korzo C-2, Bosanska 13, tel. (+387) 37 223 656/(+387) 61 137 550.<br />

Studio Color 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 37 226 135.<br />

Shopping Centres<br />

Ilma Darivalaca Krvi bb, tel. (+387) 37 223 046.<br />

<strong>In</strong>terex Žrtava Srebreničkog Genocida bb, tel. (+387) 37 318 130.<br />

Konzum C-2, Bosanska bb.<br />

Robot Jablanska Zaobilaznica, tel. (+387) 37 318 200.<br />

Tuš Plješevička bb.<br />

Sportswear<br />

Star Sport C-2, Nurije Pozderca bb. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00, Sat 08:00 -<br />

18:00. Closed Sun.<br />


BIHAĆ <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong><br />

ESTV d.o.o.<br />

Bosnia and Herzegovina<br /><br />

Published 10.000 copies 1 time<br />

per year<br />

Sales & Circulation<br />

Directors Igor Blaha & Niko Slavnic<br />

Tel. 00387 66 951 951<br />

Editorial<br />

Editor Yuri Barron<br />

Writers Yuri Barron<br />

Research Yuri Barron<br />

Layout & Design Vaida Gudynaitė<br />

Consulting Craig Turp<br />

Maps City of Bihać<br />

Cover photo Damir Midžic<br />

Photos Yuri Barron<br />

Copyright notice<br />

Text and photos copyright WIYP 1999/2010. Maps<br />

copyright cartographer. All rights reserved. The<br />

brand name <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> is used under license<br />

from UAB <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> (Vokieciu 10-15, Vilnius,<br />

Lithuania tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76).<br />

Editor’s note<br />

The editorial content of <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> guides is<br />

independent from paid-for advertising. We have<br />

made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the<br />

information at the time of going to press and<br />

assume no responsibility for changes and errors.

introducing BiHAĆ wHERE To STay<br />

BIHAĆ<br />

Map Hotels Restaurants Bars Sights<br />

2010<br />


wHERE To STay<br />

P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted<br />

O Casino H Conference facilities<br />

T Child-friendly U Facilities for the disabled<br />

F Fitness centre L Guarded parking<br />

R <strong>In</strong>ternet G Non-smoking rooms<br />

K Restaurant J Old town location<br />

D Sauna C Swimming pool<br />

6 Animal friendly W Wireless <strong>In</strong>ternet access<br />

Symbol key<br />

“<strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong>: A cheeky, well-<br />

written series of guidebooks.”<br />

The New York Times<br />


P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted<br />

E Live music S Take away<br />

T Child friendly U Facilities for the disabled<br />

R <strong>In</strong>ternet L Guarded parking<br />

O Casino J Old Town location<br />

6 Animal friendly W Wi-Fi<br />

B Outside seating V Home delivery<br />

Symbol key<br />

nIGHTlIfE nIGHTlIfE<br />

P Air conditioning A Credit cards accepted<br />

E Live music S Take away<br />

T Child friendly U Facilities for the disabled<br />

R <strong>In</strong>ternet L Guarded parking<br />

O Casino J Old Town location<br />

6 Animal friendly W Wi-Fi<br />

B Outside seating V Home delivery<br />

Symbol key<br />

Enjoy your<br />


COPY<br /><br />

The magestic river Una is the heart and soul of Bihać<br />

City of Bihać - Office for Promotion C-3, Bosanska 1, tel. (+387) 37<br />

221 528,<br />

Una-Sana Canton Tourism Association B-2, Dr Irfana Ljubijankića<br />

13, tel. (+387) 37 222 777,<br />

Tourist information<br />

SIGHTSEE<strong>In</strong>G<br />

SIGHTSEE<strong>In</strong>G<br />

Flash Art Gazi Hurev bb. Our opinion might have been swayed by the<br />

name, but this place’s clientele seems to consist solely of young hip-looking<br />

students sipping coffee and chain smoking in shade below the tower of St<br />

Anthony’s. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00.<br />

Kino Art Café C-2, Bosanska bb. We normally wouldn’t head to the ter-<br />

race of a cinema to enjoy our afternoon caffeine fix, but in this case we had to<br />

make an exception since it’s the only café on the same square as the Fethija<br />

Mosque. Although with the way the city is developing we can’t imagine it will<br />

stay that way for long. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00.<br />

Pogy C-2, Gazi Husref 7, Despite the large comfy chairs<br />

and speakers blasting mostly tolerable pop music, nothing really stands out<br />

about this place other than the fact that its detached terrace is absolutely<br />

packed from open to close. <strong>In</strong>side the actual café across the road there is<br />

considerably less action, but we did manage to catch a bit of the French<br />

Open on a large flat screen while we were checking it out. QOpen 07:00 -<br />

24:00. PJBW<br />

Vitaminska C-2, Gazi Husref 9. On the corner of the central square,<br />

on windy days its terrace is in prime position to watch the nearby fountain<br />

capriciously soak unsuspecting tourists and travel guide researchers much<br />

to the amusement of the local youth. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00.<br />

Cafés<br />

The city’s friendly easy-going attitude is even reflected in the DIY advertising<br />

SPoRTS<br />

<strong>In</strong> Bihać accommodation comes in more or less two varieties: hotels and<br />

privately run guest houses (or Prenoćište in Bosnian), although there is some<br />

overlap between the two. Hotels are generally of good to exceptional quality<br />

(especially a handful of newly opened ones) and very reasonably priced, while<br />

the standards at guest houses can vary considerably but are usually priced<br />

accordingly. We quote prices in the currency listed by the establishment, but<br />

payment is accepted in both euros and marks everywhere.<br />

Hotels<br />

Ada C-3, Put 5. Korpusa, tel. (+387) 37 318 100,, www.<br /> One of the larger hotels in Bihać, this popular three-star place somehow<br />

manages to successfully combine styles reminiscent of a Bavarian ski resort with<br />

those of a futuristic extraterrestrial colony - the latter owing mostly the sharp asym-<br />

metrical angles and materials of the interior spaces. The light airy rooms are well-<br />

appointed and all have private balconies, many with views of the adjacent waterfall.<br />

Q 78 rooms (singles KM 66, doubles KM 118, suites KM 157). PAK<br />

Ada-S Husrefa Redžića bb, tel. (+387) 37 311 570,,<br /> Not to be confused with the completely unaffiliated Hotel<br />

Ada a bit upstream, this smaller inn is just off the east end of the new footbridge<br />

over the river. Rooms with shared facilities are a decent value for such a well-kept<br />

central location, however, if you’re staying over the weekend and aren’t the heavi-<br />

est of sleepers don’t plan on getting any shut eye before midnight, as that’s when<br />

the open air club next door is forced to kill the music. Q (singles €20-40, doubles<br />

€38-70, triples €50-90, Apartment €60-150). PJAW<br />

Avlija C-2, Trg Maršala Tita 7, tel. (+387) 37 220 882,,<br /> Opened in 2008, you can’t miss this dark pink building on<br />

Marshal Tito Trg (previously Slobode Trg) between the river and the main square.<br />

On the top floor above a extremely popular café of the same name and an Austrian<br />

bank, Avlija is the closest thing in Bihać to a boutique hotel. Eight gorgeous rooms<br />

provide a very welcomed retreat in the heart of the city. Q 8 rooms (singles €37,<br />

doubles €66, triples €88, apartments €78-90). PJAW<br />

Kostelski Buk Kostela bb, tel. (+387) 37 302 340/(+387) 61 105 133, fax<br />

(+387) 37 302 039,, This<br />

recently opened four-star hotel shares its name and location with one of the city’s best-<br />

known Bosnian restaurants. Aside from its proximity to culinary excellence and glorious<br />

views of the adjacent waterfalls, the luxurious new hotel offers the highest standards in the<br />

most peaceful of surroundings. Built in a traditional Austro-Hungarian style, it also stands<br />

in stark contrast to the other new hotels around, which tend to aim for an ultra-modern<br />

approach. However, as it’s located some 8km north of Bihać, having your own transport<br />

is a must. Q 54 rooms (singles €30-42, doubles €45-63). PHALKW<br />

Opal Exclusive C-2, Krupska bb, tel. (+387) 37 224 183, info@opalexclusive.<br />

com, The moment we entered our room we dreaded<br />

the thought of ever having to leave. Just opened at the end of 2008, everything about<br />

the Opal is first rate - from the super comfortable mattresses and pillows to the flat<br />

screen TVs and wireless internet to the gorgeous views of the River Una. Even the buffet<br />

style breakfast impressed us, with burek and baklava livening up the usual selection,<br />

and we also appreciated finding the mini-bar stocked with easily replaceable beverages,<br />

so we didn’t have to feel guilty about running up our bill. Needless to say this place is<br />

highly recommended and we’re actively looking forward to our next visit. Q 21 rooms<br />

(singles KM 80, doubles KM 120, suite KM 192). PJALBKW<br />

Park C-3, 5. Korpusa, tel. (+387) 37 221 431/(+387) 37 226 389, fax (+387)<br />

37 226 381, It feels like a bit of a throw back to a time when the Iron<br />

Curtain was still separating East from West, but once past the hulking façade the service<br />

is first rate and the central location puts most of the city within walking distance. A con-<br />

veniently located onsite tourist office can also arrange various activities and excursions.<br />

Q 68 rooms (singles €34.5, doubles €60.5, suites €80.5). PJALK<br />

Paviljon C-3, Aleja Alija Izetbegovica bb, tel. (+387) 37 224 194, english.<br /> What was until very recently a small riverside restaurant<br />

dating back to the 19th century, is now a uniquely designed multi-floor restaurant<br />

and hotel with 13 beautifully furnished and exceedingly comfortable rooms, most<br />

of which have access to a large shared terrace with views of the park and river.<br />

The building’s circular form means that some rooms have quite a bit more space<br />

than others, so if the first room you’re shown looks a little small it may be worth<br />

asking one of the cute multi-lingual receptionists what else is available. Q 13<br />

rooms (singles KM 68, doubles KM 125). PJALKW<br />

Rio Mare D-2,D-1, Jablanska 53, tel. (+387) 37 315 309/(+387) 61 137<br />

701, For consumers of a certain brand of tinned Italian<br />

tunafish both the name and logo of this modern motel on the northern outskirts of<br />

town should look curiously familiar. While this is surely no coincidence, other than<br />

helping make the place a bit more memorable the connections luckily seem to end<br />

there. It’s slightly cheaper than places of similar quality closer to the city centre, but<br />

don’t expect to be overwhelmed by luxury. Q singles KM 59, doubles KM 99.<br />

Guest Houses<br />

Prenoćište Hanka D-2, Ćehajica Mahala 1, tel. (+387) 37 310 598/(+387)<br />

61 775 689. We quickly took for granted the fact that guest houses in Bihać are<br />

all run by exceptionally friendly couples and this place is no exception - although<br />

if you don’t speak Bosnian or German expect to rely heavily on your miming skills.<br />

The rooms are clean and comfortable if not exactly modern, and if you’re relying<br />

on your feet for transport be aware that the city centre is a good fifteen minute<br />

walk away. Q (singles €16, doubles €30). L<br />

Prenoćište Kod Ede D-2, Hanovi 6, tel. (+387) 37 310 537/(+387) 61 756<br />

832,, Kod Ede offers six cosy<br />

recently renovated rooms in a quiet neighbourhood north-east of the centre. The super<br />

friendly owners make it feel as if you’re staying with friends (or at least friends of friends<br />

whom you’ve never met but immediately get on with) rather than a guest house. We<br />

assume this must be the reason why this otherwise inauspicious place is apparently<br />

the destination of choice for visiting Bosnian celebrities, a fact that is supported by<br />

copious photograpic evidence. <strong>In</strong> any event it’s definitely recommended. Q 6 rooms<br />

(singles KM 40-50, doubles KM 60-70, triple KM 75). PLW<br />

Prenoćište Una C-3, Ivana Gorana Kovačića 12, tel. (+387) 37 312 963/<br />

(+387) 61 790 051, Originally offering just a few rooms in<br />

their large house, the couple who run the place now have a separate building across<br />

the street with an additional six rooms. There are no signs, but we promise that<br />

if you ring the bell at No. 12 someone will help you. At only €10 a night with even<br />

further discounts for longer stays they don’t come any cheaper than this place,<br />

but you get what you pay for - just looking at the beds was enough to give us a<br />

sore back. Q 9 rooms (€10 per person).<br />

Prenoćište Villa Una C-3, Bihaćkih Branilaca 20, tel. (+387) 37 311 393/<br />

(+387) 61 919 303. On the main road leading into the city centre from the bus<br />

station, the ten clean rooms on offer all come with satellite TV, air conditioning and a<br />

bit of rustic charm. They are also currently in the process of expanding the premises<br />

to include a restaurant and an additional six rooms, but when we enquired about<br />

the expected completion date the owner answered with an open-palmed shrug<br />

and slight tilt of the head. Q 10 rooms (singles €26, doubles €36). PJ<br />

Camping<br />

Camp Orljani Orljani bb, tel. (+387) 37 318 100,, www.<br /> Located next to the river on the grounds of Hotel Ada, there is a trade-off<br />

between a secluded natural envirnoment and access to facilities, which include<br />

electricity, toilettes, showers, an open-air kitchen. There also a beach, and various<br />

activities can be arranged at the hotel. It gets pretty crowded during the summer,<br />

especially during the Una Regata at the end of July, which can be either good or<br />

bad depending on what you’re looking for.<br />

Balkan<br />

Čardak Viteška Brigada bb, tel. (+387) 37 331 822. Its all wood exterior<br />

coupled with a location at the south edge of the city park surrounded by tower-<br />

ing trees gives Čardak the appearance of hunter’s lodge, a first impression that<br />

doesn’t necessarily conflict with the traditional Bosnian fare they prepare. If you’re<br />

feeling a little top heavy for an after meal stroll, they also offer pleasant horse and<br />

carriage rides through the park and along the river.<br />

Hotel Park Restoran 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 37 221 431. They have<br />

all their bases covered but there’s not really anything to recommend this place<br />

unless you’re staying at the hotel, especially considering the prices. However,<br />

the terrace is a fine option for a coffee and some baklava though, where you’ll be<br />

served by professional waiters donning old school uniforms complete with ties.<br />

QOpen 10:00 - 23:00. €4-18.<br />

Kostelski Buk Kosteli bb, tel. (+387) 37 302 340. This place is a Bihać<br />

institution and even after having our expectations built up by the praises of<br />

numerous locals it didn’t disappoint. Situated some 8km north of town where<br />

the river narrows as it carves its way through a spectacular limestone gorge, the<br />

restaurant takes its name from the waterfall that crashes down just beyond its<br />

terrace. The menu is a veritable encyclopaedia of regional cuisine, with special<br />

care given to fish freshly caught from the Una and its tributaries. They have also<br />

recently opened a newly-built four-star hotel right next door. An obligatory stop on<br />

any trip to, or through, Bihać. QOpen 10:00 - 23:00. AILEB<br />

Obala C-2, Krupska bb, tel. (+387) 37 224 183,,<br /> As much as we love the hotel - and even the included<br />

buffet breakfast - the restaurant failed to impress us. The food is fine and the<br />

service is prompt and professional, but the prices are noticeably higher than<br />

comparable places in town so it’s probably not worth going out of your way to eat<br />

here. However, the riverside café around back has exceedingly comfortable seating<br />

and superb views, and is a great place to relax with a coffee or cold beer after a<br />

long day. QOpen 07:00 - 22:00. (KM 8-22). PJALB<br />

Paviljon C-3, Aleja Alije Izetbegovica bb, tel. (+387) 37 224 194, english.<br /> Not long ago this place was a small unassuming café oc-<br />

cupying a quiet riverside corner of the city park, but over the last couple years it<br />

was transformed quite dramatically into a large modern restaurant and hotel. We<br />

found the meat-heavy menu surprisingly cheap given the upmarket appearance of<br />

the surroundings, and huge portions mean that you can fill up without giving your<br />

budget any real cause for concern. Q KM 3-25. PJAB<br />

River Una C-3, Džemala Bijedića 12, tel. (+387) 37 310 014. Of all the<br />

traditional riverside restaurants none will get you any closer to the water than the<br />

aptly named Restoran River Una - if they did you would have to get your feet wet.<br />

It’s also another place that specialises in large portions of well-prepared fish fresh<br />

out of the river, with trout being the most recommended and frequently ordered<br />

variety. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00. KM 8-18. JAB<br />

Sunce Put 5. Korpusa bb, tel. (+387) 37 310 487. Not to be mistaken for<br />

just another hotel restaurant, although it’s part of the Hotel Ada complex south of<br />

town in Orljani, Sunce is worth visiting for its architecture and setting alone. The<br />

uniquely designed building is located on an island that affords spectacular views<br />

of the river and the small waterfall directly opposite. Unsurprisingly the house<br />

specialties all involve fish, and Sunce’s popularity with well-to-do locals attests<br />

to its quality. QOpen 10:00 - 23:00. (KM 6-28). PALB<br />

Fast Food<br />

Atelje Klub Safvet Bega Bašagića bb, tel. (+387) 61 765 383, www.<br /> Popular with students and young people who flock here around<br />

the clock for cheap burgers, sandwiches and hot dogs. When we last visited they<br />

were promoting an incredibly unappealing paté sandwich for €1 that we prob-<br />

ably wouldn’t have eaten on a dare, but our double cordon bleu burger was tasty<br />

enough - although the fact that we had spent the previous few hours drinking<br />

surely didn’t hurt. Q KM 1-4.<br />

Fast Food Veseli/Jasmina/Sandi Harmonski Sokak bb. Opposite a large<br />

school yard that’s full of children six days a week, the target clientèle of these three<br />

very similar fast food stands should come as no surprise. Windows piled high with<br />

already prepared sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs almost tempted even us into<br />

ordering a snack. We wouldn’t necessarily recommend doing so, but if you’re on<br />

an ultra tight budget you could easily eat all your meals here for under €5 a day.<br />

QOpen 07:00 - 22:00. Closed Sun. KM 1-2.5.<br />

Bars & Pubs<br />

Avlija C-2, Trg Maršala Tita 7, tel. (+387) 37 220 882, www.avlija-motel.<br />

ba/. Avlija’s buzzing first floor balcony is one of our favourite places to meet up<br />

for a drink before deciding which party or club is on the agenda for later on. They<br />

tend to play a more eclectic mix of music than you’re likely to hear elsewhere, with<br />

jazz, reggae, Latin and blues all supplementing the usual Balkan cuts, and in the<br />

warm summer months there’s often a much appreciated breeze swirling up off the<br />

river. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00.<br />

Booem Bar C-2,C-3, Husrefa Redžića bb. Along with Bihać.Net and their new<br />

neighbour Papaya, Booem does its part to help make the waterfront area just off<br />

the east end of the pedestrian bridge party central - at least till midnight. This place<br />

is the farthest away from the river and usually the least crowded, but if you have a<br />

thing for blue windows and cheap beer look no further. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00.<br />

Klub Bihać D-2,C-3, Bihaćkih Branilaca 58. This place was definitely not at<br />

the top of our must-see list, but some green felt caught our eye through its open<br />

door so we poked our head in long enough to check out the pool tables, which<br />

were in about as rough shape as the patrons enjoying an early afternoon tipple.<br />

The presence of a couple foreigners will surely raise an eyebrow or two, but you’re<br />

unlikely to find a more authentic experience.<br />

Pivnica Gradski C-2, Bosanske Državnosti bb, tel. (+387) 37 223 874.<br />

Stopping by the city beer garden for a drink is another activity that straddles the line<br />

between recommended and mandatory for visitors to Bihać. The riverside terrace<br />

is obscured by trees and foiliage, but if you head to the west side of the bridge a<br />

building-sized Preminger advertisement and the low rumble of dozens of slighty<br />

slurred conversations will point you in the right direction. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00.<br />

Unski Biser C-3, Džemala Bijedića bb. On the right bank a little south of the old<br />

bridge, this place may look like a bit of a relic but the views from its rustic wooden<br />

terrace can’t be beat. A great spot to grab a cold beer - Preminger of course - in<br />

the shade and soak up the atmosphere. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. JB<br />

Cafés<br />

Bondeno C-2,C-3, Bosanska bb. Named after Bihać’s sister city across the<br />

Adriatic in northern Italy, this building length café-cum-bar is a perennial favourite<br />

among locals and sees its heaviest traffic after the sun goes down and the blaring<br />

speakers go up. On the town square opposite the municipal building, you’ll know<br />

you’ve found the right place when you see the canopy of Heineken umbrellas<br />

covering the terrace. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00.<br />

Caffe Bar Bihać.Net C-2,C-3, Husrefa Redžića bb. We get the impression<br />

that this place use to be just another mild-mannered café, but given the fact that<br />

its trendy new neighbour, Papaya, is only a thin straw fence away it has little choice<br />

but to join the party. Not a bad option if you like the sounds being pumped from the<br />

speakers next door but prefer comfortable couches to standing room only.<br />

Caffe Marshal Viteška Brigada bb. Annexed to the monsterous white cultural<br />

centre, this is must see stop for any fan Yugostalgia or kitch in general. The place<br />

actually attracts a fairly mixed crowd and even has a few pool tables. Apparently<br />

it’s also frequented by one of Tito’s granddaughters who resides in Bihać for part<br />

of the year. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00.<br />

Clubs<br />

Bistro C-3, Most Alije Izetbegovica bb. Only open on the weekends during<br />

summer, this open air club along the banks of the River Una is the number one<br />

party destination in Bihać during the warmer months. Up to 500 revellers at a<br />

time pack into this place to dance to thumping Balkan beats and down copious<br />

amounts of beer. Don’t plan on arriving too fashionably late though, the music is<br />

cut at midnight leading to a mass exodus to the indoor clubs not affected by pesky<br />

city noise ordinances. QOpen 08:00 - 03:00.<br />

Papaya C-2, Husrefa Redžića 3. <strong>In</strong> what is perhaps a sign of things to come in<br />

a country with such a young population, Gurman - promoted in tourist brochures<br />

as the city’s pre-eminent traditional Bosnian restaurant as recently as the autumn<br />

of 2008 - was long gone by the summer of 2009, its riverside location taken over<br />

by this tropical-themed club. Such a turn of events might have disappointed us<br />

had we not coincidently been in town to witness the party that was thrown on<br />

Papaya’s grand opening. QOpen 19:00 - 01:00.<br />

Planet Hollywood B-4, Gradski Stadion. While the open-air night spots in<br />

the city centre are grudgingly killing their music at midnight, across town deep<br />

in the bowels of the football stadium the crowds are just beginning to trickle into<br />

Planet Hollywood. One of the livelier clubs in Bihać, it attracts a mixed crowd of<br />

young people who come to dance to house and techno until well after the sun<br />

comes up. We had a great time here, but also got the impression that the ample<br />

security presence was not just part of the scenery, so it might not be the wisest<br />

choice for those who have trouble handling their alcohol. QOpen 21:00 - 05:00.<br />

Admission KM 1, drinks KM 3.<br />

Essential<br />

City Island (Gradska Otoka) The now vacant island was actually the location<br />

of the town’s first settlement, which was known as the Island of St Vladislav until<br />

1260. Plans are currently under way to turn the island into a public multimedia<br />

centre containing a large open-air theatre and up to three pedestrian bridges,<br />

the first of which has already been built connecting the island to the right bank.<br />

The project also includes the reconstruction of several traditional stilt houses<br />

over the river, where regional arts and crafts will be revived and promoted. Every<br />

September the island plays host to EKOBIS, an international fair of ecology, eco-<br />

tourism and healthy food that is now in its 8th year and informally referred to as<br />

the Festival of Healthy Life.<br />

City Park With an abundance of tall coniferous trees blocking out the sunlight it<br />

really looks more like a forest than a park, but in terms of function it definitely earns<br />

its park credentials. People walking dogs? Check. Families having picnics? Check.<br />

A game of Frisbee in progress? Check. Young couples making out on benches?<br />

Check. A crew of kids in baggy skater clothes free-style walking off tree trunks?<br />

Of course. There’s even a couple of picture-perfect social-era monuments thrown<br />

in for good measure.<br />

Fethija Mosque C-2, Bosanska bb.<br />

Dating back to at least 1266, the building<br />

was originally the Gothic-style Church of St<br />

Anthony, but was converted to a mosque<br />

after the city finally fell to the Ottomans<br />

in 1592 - the name derives from the<br />

Arabic word for ‘victory’. However, several<br />

of the church’s features were left intact<br />

including the high arching main entrance<br />

and the intricate rose-shaped window<br />

directly above it. There is also a small<br />

adjacent burial ground with nine Muslim<br />

gravestones in varying states of disrepair.<br />

Plans are currently on the drawing board to<br />

construct a new modern mosque outside<br />

the city centre and turn the Fethija into a<br />

museum.<br />

St Anthony’s (St. Antun) C-2, Gazi Husrev bb. With Ottoman control coming<br />

to an end, in 1891 the city embarked on the construction of a new Church of St<br />

Anthony’s to replace the original, which had been converted to the Fethija Mosque<br />

some three hundred years earlier. Combining Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque<br />

architectural elements, the new church was largely completed by the turn of the<br />

century, though some modifications and improvements continued indefinitely.<br />

However, its life as a functional structure was short-lived, as allied bombing raids<br />

destroyed all but the façade and bell tower in 1943. These unique, and incredibly<br />

photogenic, remains were finally declared a national monument in 2006.<br />

Turbe C-2, Gazi Husrev bb. The Turbe, an Islamic-style mausoleum, was<br />

built to commemorate the soldiers and citizens who died during a siege by the<br />

Austro-Hungarians, who ultimately captured the city in 1898. It was originally<br />

constructed of wood, but in an ironic attempt to ingratiate themselves with the<br />

locals the Austro-Hungarian authorities rebuilt the structure at their own expense<br />

using a local decorative stone called ‘bihacite’. However, the gesture was little<br />

match for wider geo-political events that soon engulfed the region, and short-<br />

lived occupation ended with the formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and<br />

Slovenes in 1918.<br />

Museums & Galleries<br />

Captain’s Tower (Kapetanova Kula) C-3, Gazi Husrev bb, tel. (+387) 37<br />

223 214. One of the oldest structures in Bihać, it also plays a central role in the<br />

city’s founding mythology. Legend has it that back when the town was little more<br />

than a fortified outpost of the Hungarian Empire the tower saved the life of no less<br />

than King Bela IV himself, who took refuge there while being pursued by a band of<br />

nefarious Tatar horsemen with obvioulsy bad intentions. The king was so grateful<br />

that he declared Bihać a free city on 26th February 1260, which is the first time<br />

the city was officially mentioned in the anals of history and a date still celebrated<br />

each year as Bihać City Day. For much of its history the tower served as prison<br />

for local authorities as well as various occupying forces, but was converted into<br />

a regional museum after significant renovations in 1959. QOpen 09:00 - 16:00,<br />

Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun.<br />

City Gallery (Gradska Galerija) C-3, Bosanska 15, tel. (+387) 37 223<br />

083/(+387) 61 137 527,,<br />

Opposite the municipal building on the main square, the gallery has been the<br />

premier venue for contemporary art in Bihać since it opened in 1998. Exhibitions<br />

by mostly Bosnian artists span all styles and ages, from young up-and-comers<br />

to established old-timers. They also change quite often, meaning there’s a good<br />

chance you’ll be able to to catch an opening while you’re in town - which tend to<br />

be quite social affairs and can be an interesting way to mingle with locals, as<br />

long as you’ve packed some half-way decent clothes. QOpen 09:00 - 14:00,<br />

19:00-21:00.<br />

Enver Krupić Gallery C-3, 502. Viteske bb, tel. (+387) 37 222 152, www.<br /> This recently opened gallery is dedicated to Bihać’s<br />

most famous painter. Born in 1911, Krupić studied in Belgrade before being admit-<br />

ted to the Paris Academy of Fine Arts in 1938, and went on to attain a certain level<br />

of international acclaim. From 1972 until his death in 1992 he almost exclusively<br />

painted the River Una, and is said to have been able to capture the river’s deep<br />

blues and greens better than anyone. An extensive collection of the artist’s works<br />

can be view on the gallery website - although it’s only in Bosnian so you’ll have to<br />

click on the word ‘Radovi’ at the top of the page.<br />

Museum of the Una-Sana Canton (Muzej USK) C-3, 5. Korpusa 2, tel.<br />

(+387) 37 229 743. This small museum opposite the main entrance to the city<br />

park currently hosts rotating exhibitions of contemporary works by artists from<br />

Bihać as well as other parts of Bosnia. Their website is Bosnian only, but with the<br />

aid of Google Translator it should give you some idea of what is currently, and<br />

was recently, on offer.<br />

Extreme Sports<br />

Extreme Sports Club Limit Džanića Mahala 7, tel. (+387) 61 144 248, limit.<br /> These are the guys to talk to if you’re interested in any kind of outdoor adventure<br />

sports. They can arrange all kinds of hiking, biking and climbing activities around Bihać,<br />

and partner with Una RC for rafting trips that can last anywhere from 90 minutes to three<br />

days. They also offer longer seven day cycling and sightseeing excursions for those who<br />

are interested in seeing a bit more of what the region has to offer.<br />

Rafting<br />

Aduna C-3, 5. Korpusa, tel. (+387) 37 228 430/(+387) 37 221 431, info@<br />,<br />

Sport Biljeli Klokot-Pecikovići bb, tel. (+387) 37 380 222/(+387) 61 138<br />

853, The oldest rafting agency in the region, it’s owned and<br />

operated by Senad Zulić, who is something of a local celebrity having competed<br />

at the Olympic games in kayaking in both 1996 and 2004. They offer a variety of<br />

rafting tours including a torch-lit trip through Bihać at night, which of course makes<br />

Pizza<br />

Amfora Hasan Paše 1, tel. (+387) 37 314 241. Don’t overlook this place<br />

if you’re staying at either of the nearby guest houses (Hanka and Kod Ede), it<br />

might be tiny but its spotless kitchen serves up fast eats from early till late.<br />

And like most places in town that trade under the title of pizzeria, its menu<br />

includes pretty much all of the Bosnian fast food staples as well as some<br />

proper meals. Q KM 4-20.<br />

Bondeno Bosanska bb. One end of this popular café just off the main square<br />

is a somewhat less popular restaurant, billed as a pizza joint the menu has a bit<br />

of everything. The prices are at a slight premium to most other places, but the<br />

pizza is probably the best in town. It’s also cut into finger-sized pieces that stay<br />

crunchy till the last bite, which we thought was a nice touch. Q KM 4-18.<br />

Meno Bihaćkih Branilaca 35, tel. (+387) 37 311 511. We don’t fancy<br />

ourselves as pizza connoisseurs or anything, but this place failed to impress<br />

us. It does do a bustling trade and comes highly recommended by locals though<br />

so perhaps you shouldn’t take our word for it. There’s also no shortage when it<br />

comes to variety, and location is convenient if you’re staying on the right bank.<br />

QOpen 10:00 - 23:00. KM 6-12.<br />

Nice C-2, Krupska 14, tel. (+387) 37 223 867. We stopped here a couple<br />

times to grab a quick takeaway snack on our way back to the hotel, but if you<br />

stay for sit-down meal be sure to take advantage of the bakery next door and<br />

order a tasty home-made dessert. Also, if you have to pronounce the name,<br />

remember that it rhymes with “pizza” - which is probably not a coincidence.<br />

Q KM 5-11.<br />

Pizzeria Sunce Harmonski Sokak bb, tel. (+387) 37 223 100. Another<br />

cheapy along the canal just around the corner from the tourist information<br />

office, even among other no nonsense pizza joints it’s probably not going to<br />

win any awards, but it is centrally located, open late and there if you need it.<br />

Q KM 4-7.<br />

The right bank waterfront comes alive at night<br />

The surrounding countryside is worth exploring<br />

This brightly coloured socialist-era mural adorns the side of the Cultural Centre<br />

A photogenically unkempt Islamic cemetery next to the mosque on Bihaćkih<br />

Branilaca<br />

Tucked away in the north west corner of Bosnia and Hercegovina, outside of<br />

the former Yugoslav republics the city of Bihać is definitely located far from the<br />

proverbial beaten path. However, mention the city to those in the know and<br />

almost as a matter of reflex they will begin to expound upon its many qualities:<br />

a beautiful natural setting with forest-covered hills surrounding the pristine Una<br />

River, warm welcoming people whose sincere hospitality is almost legend-<br />

ary and of course the always terrific Bosnian cuisine. An impressive list to be<br />

sure, to which we would only like to add the practical matter of how incredibly<br />

inexpensive everything is.<br />

With around 60,000 people Bihać is one of the larger cities in the country, but<br />

that doesn’t prevent it from exhibiting distinctly rural charms. Ecological con-<br />

sciousness is pervasive and any agricultural products you consume are almost<br />

guaranteed to be locally sourced and organic. The city is also home to the<br />

Una-Sana Canton’s only major university, further skewing an already dispropor-<br />

tionately young population and greatly decreasing the amount of effort it takes<br />

to find a party at the weekend. Almost everyone amongst the younger genera-<br />

tions speaks English fluently, while it’s more likely than not that ‘Sprechen sie<br />

Deutsch?’ will be the answer to any questions directed at older people.<br />

While Bihać was unfortunately not spared by the conflict that engulfed the<br />

region in the early 1990s, visible signs of the damage it wrought are few and<br />

far between, and moreover the people are admirably proud of the fact that the<br />

city has been able to maintain a significantly mixed population comprised of<br />

the country’s three main religious groups: Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim.<br />

The residents of Bihać also exhibit a palpable air of optimism when speaking<br />

about the future, due it seems in large part to the aspirations of the city’s<br />

popular young mayor, Hamdija Lipovača. After becoming the first directly<br />

elected mayor in 2004, at the ripe old age of 27, Mr Lipovača has undertaken<br />

an ambitious series of reconstruction and development projects - a major aim<br />

of which is to ensure that Bihać eventually makes its way onto the aforemen-<br />

tioned beaten path.<br />

The Una Regata<br />

SPoRTS<br />

<strong>In</strong> the historic heart of Bihać three of the city’s main sights sit barely more<br />

than an arm’s length away from each. The Turbe (foreground) is a Turkish style<br />

mausoleum rebuilt in its current form by the Austro-Hungarians, Captain’s<br />

Tower (background) long-served as a prison and is now a museum, while the<br />

eerily photogenic façade of St Anthony’s Church (not pictured) completes the<br />

triumvirate. See the Sightseeing section for more info.<br />

Cover story<br />

Novi Grad<br />

Dvor<br />

Bosanska Krupa<br />

Bihać<br />

Štrbački Buk<br />

Kulen - Vakuf<br />

Una<br />

Una<br />

Una<br />

Sana<br />

Loskun<br />

Troslap<br />

Dvoslap<br />

Ripač<br />

Ostrožac<br />

na Uni<br />

Kuljani<br />

Una<br />

Donji Dobretin<br />

Hrvatska Kostajnica<br />

Kostajnica<br />

Plandište<br />

17 km<br />

24 km<br />

26 km<br />

28 km<br />

35 km<br />

41 km<br />

56 km<br />

82 km<br />

94 km<br />

115 km<br />

118 km<br />

130 km<br />

142 km<br />

143 km<br />


BiH<br />

START<br />

CILJ<br />

BiH<br />

Etapa-Stage 1<br />

Etapa-Stage 2<br />

Etapa-Stage 3<br />

Etapa-Stage 4<br />

Etapa-Stage 5<br />

Kulen - Vakuf BiH<br />

Hrvatska Kostajnica RH<br />


Organizator / Organizer:<br />





Adresa/Adress:<br />

Dr. Irfana Ljubijankića br. 13<br />

Tel. / fax - Phone / fax:<br />

++387 (0)37 222 777<br /><br />

e-mail:<br />

Žiroračun / Bank account:<br />

Unicredit bank d.d.<br />

3385002200171282<br />

19 - 25. 7. 2010.<br />


an obligatory stop at riverside ale house along the way. Accommodation is also<br />

available and includes access to a small swimming pool, a variety of recreational<br />

activities and tasty home-cooked food.<br />

Una Aqua Centar Račić bb, tel. (+387) 61 604 313, info@una-aqua.<br />

com,<br />

Una RC Tel. (+387) 37 361 110/(+387) 61 192 338, fax (+387) 37 361<br />

051,,<br />

php. This decade-old outfit operates something of a sports and recreation<br />

oasis 5km upstream from Bihać. They’re primarily focussed on rafting tours - led<br />

by guides certified by the <strong>In</strong>ternational Rafting Federation - but also offer bike<br />

rentals, climbing instruction and even paintball. Accommodation is available for<br />

larger groups in one of several newly-built villas, while there is a camp ground for<br />

individuals and smaller groups. All guests have free access to a beach volleyball<br />

court, table tennis, hammocks and a giant chess board.<br />

Swimming Pools<br />

Veni Vidi Tel. (+387) 61 369 843,<br />

Currently in its 38th year, this week-long boat race down the Una River is easily<br />

the biggest event of the year in Bihać, attracting up to 10,000 visitors from<br />

Bosnia and abroad the last week of every July. While only a fraction of those in<br />

attendance actually participate in the race, a festival-like atmosphere engulfs<br />

much of the Una-Sana Canton for the entire week, making it a great time to<br />

experience all the region has to offer even if you’re not especially keen to strap<br />

on a life vest and helmet and float down the river.<br />

The Una itself holds a special place in the hearts and minds of the people resid-<br />

ing on the land through which its sapphire waters meander, who often speak<br />

about it as if it were a member of their extended family. They are also quick to<br />

explain the history of the river’s name: when the Romans first happened upon<br />

the previously unknown waterway, they found its beauty so perfect that is was<br />

immediately christened as the One.<br />

A practical outcome of this collective reverence is the great care which has gone<br />

into preserving the Una and its surroundings, leaving it largely unspoilt and free<br />

from pollution. Thus, more than just being a simple boat race, the Una Regata is<br />

actually a celebration of the river itself and the important role it has played, and<br />

continues to play, in the lives of the people who live along its banks.<br />

For more information about the Una Regata please contact the Tourist Board<br />

for the Una-Sana Canton, who are the official organisers of the even. If you are<br />

interested in rafting or kayaking but can’t make it to the regata, there are a<br />

number of highly qualified companies that specialise in arranging trips (please<br />

see the Sports & Recreation section for a complete listing).<br />

Programme of the 38th <strong>In</strong>ternational Una Regata<br />

Monday, July 19th<br />

Gathering of participants in camp Kulen Vakuf<br />

Opening ceremony and evening entertainment at camp Kulen Vakuf at 20:00<br />

Tuesday, July 20th<br />

FIRST STAGE: Kulen Vakuf – Štrbački buk (Water difficulty: 2-3°)<br />

Start at 13:00<br />

Evening entertainment near campfire at camp Štrbački buk at 20:00<br />

Wednesday, July 21st<br />

SECOND STAGE: Štrbački buk – Bihać (Water difficulty: 3-4°)<br />

Start at 09:00<br />

Short break and lunch at Ripački slap<br />

Evening entertainment ‘Una’s nights’ at camp Bihać at 20:00<br />

Thursday, July 22nd<br />

THIRD STAGE: Bihać – Ostrožac na Uni/Cazin (Water difficulty: 2-3°)<br />

Start at 12:00<br />

Evening entertainment at Hotel Sedra at 20:00<br />

Friday, July 23rd<br />

FOURTH STAGE: Ostrožac na Uni/Cazin - Bosanska Krupa (Water difficulty:2-3°)<br />

Start at 10:00<br />

Evening entertainment at camp SC Ada at 20:00<br />

Saturday, July 24th<br />

FIFTH STAGE: Bosanska Krupa - Bosanski Novi/Novi Grad (Water diffi-<br />

culty:1-2°)<br />

Start at 10:00<br />

Longer lunch break at Plandište (Croatia)<br />

Evening entertainment at Camp Sloboda in Novi Grad<br />

Sunday, July 25th<br />

SIXTH STAGE: Bosanski Novi/Novi Grad - Hrvatska Kostajnica (Water dif-<br />

ficulty:1-2°)<br />

Start at 10:00<br />

Longer lunch break at eco-village Donji Dobretin (Croatia )<br />

Closing ceremony with presentation of awards and evening entertainment at<br />

camp Stari grad Zrinjski at 20:00<br />

Basic information:<br />

There is a KM 50 registration fee per person. All participants are required to provide<br />

their own camping equipment, which will also be available for rent. Meals and food<br />

are available for purchase at reasonable prices in every camp. Experienced and<br />

internationally certified kayakers and divers do their best to assure the safety of<br />

all participants during the regata, but participation is strictly undertaken at one’s<br />

own risk. For futher information please contact: The Tourist Community of the<br />

Una-Sana Canton, Dr.Irfana Ljubijankića 13, tel. +387 (0) 37 222 777, www.tzusk.<br />


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