Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University


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Reading the Woolf-Raverat Correspondence<br />

sivity of another person (and himself) rather than belief, thought, or articulated meaning. Th is<br />

ethical encounter in the fi rst person can be accepted or refused (so that choice is reconceived as<br />

a matter of an accepted or desired responsiveness).<br />

Woolf’s childhood memories of what she calls “shocks” in “A Sketch of the Past” are<br />

encounters with human unloveability that also communicate something unnameable (yet<br />

meaningful) in herself, others, and the world. During a fi st fi ght with her brother, she suddenly<br />

stops hitting him, and thinks, “why hurt another person?” (MOB 71). On another<br />

occasion, at dinner, she hears that Mr. Valpy, a friend of the family, had committed suicide;<br />

later, the apple tree in the garden becomes associated with the horror of his suicide and she<br />

cannot pass it (71). In these examples of “shock,” Woolf’s sense of paralysis and desolation<br />

comes as a debilitating responsiveness to the realization that people hurt others and themselves.<br />

Another event elicits a diff erent kind of shock, one of delight rather than anguish.<br />

She sees a fl ower in the garden at St. Ives, and understands it to be, somehow, in its concrete<br />

particularity, the whole of life (71). Her description amplifi es what seems to be at work in<br />

the other examples of “shocks”: that the empirical particularity of a fl eeting event or thing<br />

can gain a “revelatory” signifi cance through a loving attention that creates a kind of permanence<br />

for it. Th is resonates with her subsequent account of writing as making severed parts<br />

coalesce, writing as making something whole (72), a dynamic that extends beyond her own<br />

powers. In a recent essay, Lorraine Sim helpfully elaborates Woolf’s sense of this wholeness<br />

as a hidden “pattern” that she perceives behind the everyday, a given “metaphysical reality”<br />

that awakens, jolts, touches “empirical reality” (38, 41). Sim calls this dynamic interaction<br />

Woolf’s “belief in the existence of an objective, non-material principle that provides order<br />

and meaning to life” (46), and also alludes to this pattern in Platonic terms as “worthy<br />

of imitation” or representation. I take this in a slightly diff erent direction, suggesting that<br />

meaning or imitation for Woolf seems to be primarily about a certain sensibility rather than<br />

belief, a form of life that sustains attention within disorienting shocks. 4<br />

In the experiences of shock, Woolf details the intense physicality of her response, and<br />

a “permanence” given to discrete events that she names “moments of being” (73), of intense<br />

anguish or delight. As an adult, the helpless exposure Woolf felt as a child is replaced<br />

with a sense that the shocks are valuable, “that it is or will become a revelation of some<br />

order” (72). “Revelation” happens through a kind of writing that transforms debilitating<br />

shocks into reasoned “explanation[s]” (72) that retain a ragged edge of the unnameable.<br />

Woolf names and evokes the unnameable through her writing, an activity she describes<br />

as both “given” to her, and made by her (72-73), a paradox best understood, in my view,<br />

as loving responsiveness. Th at is, for Woolf, writing appears to be about a paradoxical,<br />

unwanted, unchosen, and yet a desired and accepted responsiveness to beauty as well as<br />

unloveability in herself, others, and the world. Woolf’s diffi cult responsiveness, I have<br />

been arguing is analogous to a religious subjectivity that disrupts the notion of the liberal<br />

free chooser. Accepting “answerability” (Santner, Psychotheology 9) to other humans and<br />

the world complicates human agency as Woolf’s examples of shocks demonstrate: such<br />

responsiveness can be debilitating, but it can also release an unnameable “too muchness”<br />

(Santner, Psychotheology 8) into life and intensify living “in the midst of life” (15).<br />

Woolf’s sense of responsiveness—welcomed and valued, yet aversive—opens her to<br />

an utter strangeness, an alterity within herself, others and the world. Th e nonhuman,<br />

repetitive, demonic aspect of the human that Rosenzweig calls the “metaethical self” (73)<br />


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