Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University


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In Woolf’s novel, Brown, like the historical Edward Carpenter, takes the role of a mystical<br />

evolutionary socialist guide, although his theories are more tentative and inconclusive<br />

than Carpenter’s, refl ecting Woolf’s own post-war pessimism. In Civilisation: Its Cause and<br />

Cure, Carpenter had diagnosed and suggested a cure for the diseased state of late-Victorian<br />

society; similarly, it is to the “medical” and “priestly” Brown that the victims of Victorianism<br />

in Th e Years turn for help in curing their crippled lives (234). Brown’s diagnosis that contemporary<br />

lives are “screwed up into one hard little, tight little—knot” echoes the second<br />

stage of the three-stage evolutionary socialist scheme put forward by Carpenter (238). In<br />

this second stage, modern Man abandons the communal harmony of primitive society for<br />

the narrow egotism of competitive materialism and his life is described as “strangled tied<br />

and bound” (sic) (Democracy 27). In addition, Brown’s prescription that “the soul…wishes<br />

to expand…to form new combinations” (238) closely echoes Carpenter’s prediction that (in<br />

the third evolutionary stage) the human soul will expand in ever-widening circles and the<br />

creative mind “continually mak[e] new combinations” (Art 106).<br />

Most signifi cantly, behind Brown’s anti-Fascism—and perhaps even behind Th ree<br />

Guineas itself—can be discerned the anti-statist political philosophy that was Carpenter’s<br />

response not to fascism but to Victorian homophobia. Brown’s question—“If we do<br />

not know ourselves, how then can we make religions, laws that…‘fi t’?” (227)—implies<br />

Antigone’s intuitive “unwritten” law, defi ned by Woolf in Th ree Guineas as “the private<br />

laws that should regulate certain instincts, passions, mental and physical desires” (203),<br />

but both are further linked to Carpenter’s goal of a non-governmental society in which<br />

the heart’s internal authority takes precedence over external law. 5 In addition, Carpenter’s<br />

prediction that Man will evolve beyond hero-worship—or the worship of “idols”—is refl<br />

ected in Brown’s refusal to accept the role of Teacher or Master and in Rose’s confi rming<br />

laughter, that seems to chime “no idols, no idols, no idols” (Art 152; TY 341).<br />

Finally, Brown himself functions as an exemplar of Carpenter’s third and fi nal evolutionary<br />

stage in which the soul expands to such a degree that it becomes one with the<br />

Universal even while retaining its own individuality. Within this cosmic consciousness, Carpenter<br />

argues, there is self-reliance but “no more self-consciousness” and in Woolf’s novel,<br />

Brown’s complete lack of self-consciousness is repeatedly emphasized (Civilisation 70). A<br />

capacity to see life from a cosmic perspective is also suggested by Brown’s otherwise rather<br />

shockingly detached description of the air-raid in the 1917 episode as “only children letting<br />

off fi reworks in the back garden” (236). Furthermore, the mysterious operation of Brown’s<br />

“spontaneous subterranean benevolence” (337) on the other characters in the novel would<br />

seem to illustrate the non-coercive, ripple-like process whereby, according to Carpenter,<br />

“a new sentiment of life” “passes by some indirect infl uence from one to another” (Ideal 72,<br />

emphasis added). Th us Eleanor’s contact with Brown “seemed to have released something in<br />

her; she felt not only a new space of time, but new powers, something unknown within her,”<br />

and under Brown’s presiding infl uence at the fi nal party scene, this “new sentiment of life”<br />

spreads mystically to the younger generation of North and Peggy (239).<br />

Two striking pieces of imagery from Th e Years—that of the fl owering bud and that<br />

of the winged insect emerging from its chrysalis—confi rm the centrality of Carpenter’s<br />

inter-textual presence within the novel, given his frequent use of very similar imagery to<br />

illustrate his theory of psychological and social evolution or “exfoliation.” According to<br />

this theory, both personal and social transformation are driven by internal desire; new

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