Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University


186 WOOLFIAN BOUNDARIES net and Septimus Warren Smith” Th ursday, June 22 4:30-5 p.m. Tea and Coff ee Break Th ursday, June 22 5-6:30 p.m. Parallel Panels 2 2A: Time Chair: Eleanor McNees (University of Denver) Keri Barber (University of California), “‘A new space of time’: Woolf’s Critique of Qualitative Time in Th e Years” Shilpa Venkatachalam (University of Nottingham), “Consciousness and the Self in Th e Waves: A Heideggerean Context” 2B: Class Chair: Karyn Sproles (James Madison University) Stacey Kaplan (University of Oregon), “‘Gentles and simples, I address you all’: Class Warfare in Between the Acts” Ben Clarke (University of Derby), “‘But the barrier is impassable’: Woolf and Class” Mary C. Madden (University of South Florida), “‘Caught in a trap’: Woolf’s Early (Mis)Interpellation into the Social Ideology of Marriage (A View of the Institutional Marital Battlefi eld in Th ree Short Stories)” 2C: Intertexts Chair: Suzanne Bellamy (Mangarlowe Studio Workshops) Leena Kore-Schroder (University of Nottingham), “‘Th e kitchens of history’: Woolf and the Middle Ages” Katie Macnamara (Indiana University), “Mapping Woolf’s Montaignian Modernism” Lisa Coleman (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), “Second Th oughts in the Second City: Transgressing ‘Woolfi an Boundaries’” 2D: Performance 1 Chair: Kathryn Simpson (University of Birmingham) Elizabeth Wright (University of St. Andrews), “Performing the Self: Woolf as Actress and Audience” Steven Putzel (Penn State University), “Th eatre through Th e Years (1933-36): Crossing Genre Boundaries” Wendy Parkins (University of Otago), “‘Whose face was it?’: Woolf, Nicole Kidman, and the Boundaries of Feminine Celebrity” Benjamin Skipp (Christ Church College, University of Oxford), “Performing Mrs. Dalloway in Th e Hours”

Conference Program Th ursday, June 22 7 p.m. Conference Reception, Birmingham Town Hall Banqueting Suite Friday, June 23 9:30-11 a.m. Parallel Panels 3 187 3A: Americas Chair: Shavonne Johnson (University of Birmingham) Genevieve Abravanel (Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania), “Atlantic Woolf” Eleonora Rao (University of Salerno), “‘Th e earth, instead of being brown, was red, purple, green’: Imaginary Americas in Th e Voyage Out” Mónica Ayuso (California State University), “Woolf in Spanish America” 3B: Contemporary Writing 1 Chair: Nuala Hancock (University of Sussex/Charleston Trust) Carol Dell’ Amico (California State University), “Th e Bounds of Sympathy: Mrs. Dalloway and McEwan’s Saturday” Silke Greskamp (University of Oldenburg), “Transcending Gender Boundaries: Androgyny as Mask in Orlando and Yann Martel’s Self” Vara Neverow (Southern Connecticut State University), “Beyond Class: Street Sexualities, the Oldest Profession, and Women at Risk in the Work of Woolf and Pat Barker” 3C: History Chair: Emily Fennell (University of Birmingham) Anna Snaith (King’s College London), “‘Famine. Fenians. What Not’: Woolf, Ireland, and Th e Years” Stuart Clarke, “Th e Chronology of Th e Voyage Out” David Bradshaw (Worcester College, University of Oxford), “Hushing Up: Censorship, Propaganda, and Between the Acts” 3D: Spatial Boundaries 2 Chair: Steven Putzel (Penn State University) Elizabeth Hendry (University of Birmingham), “‘One does not think of people, here where so many people have lived’: Woolf’s Critique of Heritage Culture in ‘Haworth’ (1904) and ‘Great Men’s Houses’ (1931)” Wendy Gan (University of Hong Kong), “Community and Solitude: Privacy, the Study, and the Room of A Room of One’s Own” Ana Zamorano (UNED, Madrid), “Here, Th ere, or the Space in Between: Th e Locus of Female Identity in Between the Acts” Friday, June 23 11-11:30 a.m. Tea and Coff ee Break


net and Septimus Warren Smith”<br />

Th ursday, June 22<br />

4:30-5 p.m. Tea and Coff ee Break<br />

Th ursday, June 22<br />

5-6:30 p.m. Parallel Panels 2<br />

2A: Time<br />

Chair: Eleanor McNees (<strong>University</strong> of Denver)<br />

Keri Barber (<strong>University</strong> of California), “‘A new space of time’: Woolf’s Critique of<br />

Qualitative Time in Th e Years”<br />

Shilpa Venkatachalam (<strong>University</strong> of Nottingham), “Consciousness and the Self in<br />

Th e Waves: A Heideggerean Context”<br />

2B: Class<br />

Chair: Karyn Sproles (James Madison <strong>University</strong>)<br />

Stacey Kaplan (<strong>University</strong> of Oregon), “‘Gentles and simples, I address you all’: Class<br />

Warfare in Between the Acts”<br />

Ben Clarke (<strong>University</strong> of Derby), “‘But the barrier is impassable’: Woolf and Class”<br />

Mary C. Madden (<strong>University</strong> of South Florida), “‘Caught in a trap’: Woolf’s Early<br />

(Mis)Interpellation into the Social Ideology of Marriage (A View of the Institutional<br />

Marital Battlefi eld in Th ree Short Stories)”<br />

2C: Intertexts<br />

Chair: Suzanne Bellamy (Mangarlowe Studio Workshops)<br />

Leena Kore-Schroder (<strong>University</strong> of Nottingham), “‘Th e kitchens of history’: Woolf<br />

and the Middle Ages”<br />

Katie Macnamara (Indiana <strong>University</strong>), “Mapping Woolf’s Montaignian Modernism”<br />

Lisa Coleman (Southeastern Oklahoma State <strong>University</strong>), “Second Th oughts in the<br />

Second City: Transgressing ‘Woolfi an <strong>Boundaries</strong>’”<br />

2D: Performance 1<br />

Chair: Kathryn Simpson (<strong>University</strong> of Birmingham)<br />

Elizabeth Wright (<strong>University</strong> of St. Andrews), “Performing the Self: Woolf as Actress<br />

and Audience”<br />

Steven Putzel (Penn State <strong>University</strong>), “Th eatre through Th e Years (1933-36): Crossing<br />

Genre <strong>Boundaries</strong>”<br />

Wendy Parkins (<strong>University</strong> of Otago), “‘Whose face was it?’: Woolf, Nicole Kidman,<br />

and the <strong>Boundaries</strong> of Feminine Celebrity”<br />

Benjamin Skipp (Christ Church College, <strong>University</strong> of Oxford), “Performing Mrs.<br />

Dalloway in Th e Hours”

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