Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University


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by Tara Surry<br />

Virginia Woolf’s writing on art explores the relationship between the verbal and visual<br />

arts: there are strong parallels between Woolf and Vanessa Bell’s experiments<br />

with new ways of looking and new forms of expression. Woolf engaged with<br />

diff erent models as she looked at and wrote about art, entering into debate with, among<br />

others, Vanessa Bell, Clive Bell, and Roger Fry. She argued with, built upon, and combined<br />

diff erent elements, fusing together her surveying and questioning methodologies<br />

and her fascination with “the astonishing loveliness of the visible world” (RF 45). Th e art<br />

criticism sought a “language that wound itself into the heart of the sensation,” and both<br />

celebrated and interrogated visual experience “in streets, in galleries and also in front of<br />

the bookcase” (RF 106, 172). Woolf emphasizes the dialogue between painting and other<br />

forms of art and the conversation between the work of art and the self, examining her own<br />

spectatorship and exploring questions about ways of representing female experience. She<br />

moves toward a new, more inclusive form of modernism: based on new understandings<br />

of perception and cognition, responding to and articulated by the gallery, the street, and<br />

domestic space, and depicting new forms of subjectivity.<br />

Let us pause for a moment, however, to consider thresholds, spaces hovering between<br />

the gallery and the street: “On fi rst entering a picture gallery;” “let us dally for a<br />

little on the verge” (CE2 234, 241); “pausing upon the threshold,” “shillyshallying on the<br />

threshold” (“Foreword” 97, 98); “on the paving stone at the doorway” (E3 163). Woolf’s<br />

in-between positioning, which Jane Goldman calls her “doorstep model” (153), signifi es,<br />

I suggest, at least three interconnected things. Firstly, a strategic drawing of attention to<br />

a moment of hesitation, stemming in part from a desire to draw attention to a socially<br />

produced sense of insecurity about a woman entering a “masculine” realm which positions<br />

women as objects of the gaze rather than subjects. 1 Secondly, the threshold as a space of<br />

liminality and marginality, and thus of abjection and haunting: “we are outsiders, condemned<br />

for ever to haunt the borders and margins of this great art” (CE2 236). Woolf<br />

presents herself as doubly excluded from the “silent kingdom of paint” as a woman and as<br />

a writer (CE2 237), and furthermore one who is “trespassing” by writing about art (“Foreword”<br />

99). Th irdly, however, the threshold is a transitional space. Like the repetition of<br />

“But” as a rhetorical and spatial shift in A Room of One’s Own, it signals a conjunction or<br />

hinge, of which the “doorway” is a literal manifestation. It marks a space of contemplation<br />

and potential transformation, of contiguity and exchange: a “sunny margin where the arts<br />

fl irt and joke” (CE2 234). It also, therefore, off ers the possibility of the emergence of new<br />

forms.<br />

Th e “pause for a moment on the threshold” which begins Roger Fry, for example (RF<br />

11), is a strategic deployment of uncertainty as what de Certeau calls a tactic (37). Woolf<br />

takes up an interstitial position: what Deleuze and Guattari describe as the “intermezzo”<br />

(27), and Teresa de Lauretis the “space-off ” (25), from which to challenge the boundaries<br />

themselves. Th ese in-between spaces off er a vantage point from which to look in multiple

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