Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University


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Performing the Self<br />

141<br />

duced to specifi c moments of action, for example, Ethel Smyth running to catch her train<br />

provokes the refl ection: “It’s odd how little scenes like that suddenly illumine wherever<br />

one may be—Waterloo Station. I could swear a ring of light surrounded you me and the<br />

guard for one tenth of a second” (L4 241). In an account of afternoon tea at the house of<br />

Leonard’s sister the scene is part of a society play: “Th en the servant said ‘Mr Sturgeon’;<br />

Flora cried ‘I will go’ dashed from the room; everyone said Oh! Ah! How splendid! as if<br />

on the stage, which indeed the whole scene might have been. We went, after the 2 nd act”<br />

(D1 68). While in Moments of Being she notes that “Scene making is my natural way of<br />

marking the past” (MOB 142). Th is compartmentalisation of past and present into scenes<br />

and acts helps Woolf to make the transition between her sentient reality and her written<br />

fi ction. By structuring the real world dramatically Woolf can live and relive experiences,<br />

thus smoothing the transition of life into art and vice versa.<br />

Naturally stage, set, lighting, and costume are vital to both Woolf’s “scene making”<br />

and characterisation of real people. Indeed, once Bloomsbury became home, interior design<br />

became increasingly important and evermore theatrical. Painted murals on walls and<br />

furniture formed the ideal backdrop for the life dramas played out within their houses.<br />

Some decorations have a consciously theatrical feel, such as the cupboard doors painted<br />

in 1918 by Bell and Grant. 2 Th e murals and decorated furniture were only a step away<br />

from stage set design and many of the Bloomsbury artists also provided scene paintings<br />

for drama and ballet which suited their talent for interior design, fi ne art, and dramatic<br />

living. 3 In addition to this, the artists also designed costumes for these productions.<br />

Costumes were yet another link between life and art, from the disguises of the Dreadnought<br />

Hoax to the numerous fancy dress parties. Woolf was particularly interested in the<br />

duplicitous nature of clothing, including everyday attire which could be just as much of a<br />

costume as costume. In 1903 she states “Th ough I hate putting on my fi ne clothes, I know<br />

that when they are on I shall have invested myself at the same time with a certain social demeanour—I<br />

shall be ready to talk about the fl oor & the weather & other frivolities, which I<br />

consider platitudes in my nightgown” (PA 169). Th e eff ect of clothing on the performance<br />

of the self is of course an issue explored in her novel Orlando as well in her diaries.<br />

Considering Woolf’s connections with theatre and drama it is not surprising that she<br />

dramatised life in this way. As an avid reader and publisher of drama Woolf was familiar<br />

with the whole range of theatrical movements and genres, she also participated in readings<br />

with the Play Reading Society and wrote the comedy Freshwater (1923, revised 1935). 4 As<br />

a consequence, the non-fi ction demonstrates a clear awareness of theatrical genres: Restoration<br />

farce, Victorian melodrama, Greek and Shakespearian tragedy, the late nineteenth<br />

century comedy of manners, and, particularly in Moments of Being, a hint of the problem<br />

play with herself and her sister appearing as Ibsen’s trapped and desperate heroines. Each<br />

of these genres possesses its own formula which Woolf fi ts onto life. Woolf describes<br />

how “the scene was often fi t for the stage” (MOB 35) in the drawing room at Hyde Park<br />

Gate and, in a paper for the Memoir Club entitled “22 Hyde Park Gate,” the listener was<br />

thrown into the midst of a Victorian melodrama or a comedy of manners:<br />

Suddenly there would be a crisis—a servant dismissed, a lover rejected, pass<br />

books opened, or poor Miss Tyndall who had lately poisoned her husband by<br />

mistake come for consolation…. Cousin Adeline, Duchess of Bedford, perhaps

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