Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University

Woolfian Boundaries - Clemson University


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a statement by Sir Arthur Quiller Couch: “Intellectual freedom depends upon material<br />

things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor….<br />

Women have had less intellectual freedom than the sons of Athenian slaves. Women, then,<br />

have not had a dog’s chance of writing poetry” (162-63).<br />

Th e troika slave-woman-dog is rooted in the legacy of counter-enlightenment discourse<br />

that links slaves and dogs, as well as an equally entrenched patriarchal discourse<br />

that links women and dogs. Th e signifi cance of dogs in the history of slavery is powerful<br />

and complicated, not least because of the way certain dogs were bred to discipline and<br />

hunt down fugitive slaves. But there is also a connected discourse that fi gures slaves themselves<br />

as dogs. Canine slave metaphors are simultaneously engaged and refi gured when<br />

Woolf interferes with the patriarchal legacy of misogynist canine troping, which, I have<br />

shown elsewhere, she sources in Johnson and Carlyle. 3 Woolf’s narrator, then, embodies<br />

her own predicament: to speak of Women and Fiction, she represents herself as already<br />

collared by the fi ction “woman” and its implicit synonyms “dog” and “slave.”<br />

Marcus’s thoroughgoing examination of the “fi ne negress” passage notes parenthetically<br />

the association “of the Negress with the dog [as wild creatures to be tamed and domesticated],”<br />

linked to Woolf’s earlier citation of Johnson’s canine analogy for a woman<br />

preaching (Marcus 49), but she does not address the more complicated canine troping at<br />

play in this passage (indeed, in the same sentence), nor the complexities of its racial marking.<br />

She does, however, judge Woolf’s conjunction of “Negress” with “woman” and “Englishwoman”<br />

that the embedded citation of Johnson’s dog makes available as “unfortunate”<br />

(Marcus 50). Can Woolf’s text, and Woolf herself, slip the collar of “racist” that Marcus’s<br />

persuasive argument seems inevitably to secure? She fi nds Woolf “has robbed her ‘very<br />

fi ne negress’ of subjectivity in much the same way as men appropriated hers”(52). She is<br />

persuasive on the alarming sense of appropriation in Woolf’s text. After all, ownership is<br />

overtly in the tract’s title. “Is she not saying,” Marcus asks, “we have rooms of our own because<br />

they don’t—our sisters in the former colonies on whose labor the ‘fi rst’ world largely<br />

functions?” (42). A “room” of one’s own discloses in mirror form the “moor” of one’s own,<br />

then, standing for the black dispossessed who make white freedom possible.<br />

Marcus’s concern for the subjectivity of the “fi ne negress” is reasonable especially<br />

considering the slippery metaphoric, and free indirect discourse of the sentence and the<br />

larger tract that she inhabits. In such a multi-vocal text, one that is at pains to explore the<br />

connected politics of voice and subjectivity, why, we must ask, is there no clear and direct<br />

citation of a black woman’s words? A more diffi cult, and radical, concern to voice would<br />

be over the subjectivity of the dog. Is it possible that the mutable speaker of this book,<br />

who famously acknowledges a destabilised subjectivity by declaring “‘I’ is only a convenient<br />

term for somebody who has no real being…(call me Mary Beton, Mary Seton, Mary<br />

Carmichael or by any name you please)” (7), does herself inhabit a canine morphology?<br />

In one version of the cited “Four Maries” Ballad, Mary Hamilton, whom Woolf pointedly<br />

elides and leaves unnamed, sings from the gallows of “Th is dog’s death I’m to die.” 4<br />

In the controversial “fi ne negress” passage, women are distinguished from men by<br />

their historical, inured, “anonymity”:<br />

Th ey are not even now as concerned about the health of their fame as men are,<br />

and, speaking generally, will pass a tombstone or a signpost without feeling an

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