workingwithdata_ebook_april21_awc2op 4


TREATING DATA AS A PRODUCTThe same applies for data being used in real time. If your productrecommendations engine isn’t using the freshest data, then your users aregoing to be served outdated recommendations, negatively impacting theuser experience and harming your bottom line.The need for data observabilityThe challenge outlined above is the exact problem that data observabilityaims to fix. Data observability gives you transparency and control over thehealth of your data pipeline, such that when an issue does occur you canquickly understand:1 Where is the problem?2 Who needs to resolve it?Knowing this information makes it possible to find and resolve issues farquicker and minimize data downtime.But, how is data observability any different to monitoring?The best way to describe the difference is that monitoring covers the ‘knownunknowns’, whereas observability covers the ‘unknown unknowns’.MONITORINGKnown unknownsMonitoring tells you whensomething is wrongAssumes you knowwhat questions to askOBSERVABILITYUnknown unknownsDoesn’t assume thatsomething is wrongAssumes we don’t know whatall the questions are to ask45

TREATING DATA AS A PRODUCTTo take one example: as a Data Engineer, I know that I need to monitor theCPU usage of a microservice. But what is the complete landscape of thingsthat could go wrong that could impact the delivery of complete andaccurate data?It is impossible to predict every issue that could arise, and this is whereobservability steps in. Data observability assumes we don’t know what all thequestions are to ask, and instead gives us visibility of the things that reallymatter so that when something does go wrong we can investigate andresolve it quickly.46


To take one example: as a Data Engineer, I know that I need to monitor the

CPU usage of a microservice. But what is the complete landscape of things

that could go wrong that could impact the delivery of complete and

accurate data?

It is impossible to predict every issue that could arise, and this is where

observability steps in. Data observability assumes we don’t know what all the

questions are to ask, and instead gives us visibility of the things that really

matter so that when something does go wrong we can investigate and

resolve it quickly.


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