workingwithdata_ebook_april21_awc2op 4


TREATING DATA AS A PRODUCTExample data team structuresEach company has its own, individual data requirements and a uniqueapproach to organizing the data team. Examples of data team structures thatwe see often among Snowplow customers include the centralized team, adistributed model and a structure of multiple data teams.• The centralized data team is arguably the most straightforwardteam structure to implement and a go to for companies who aretaking the first steps to become a data-informed organization.This model can lead to a central data ‘platform’ that can servethe rest of the business, enabling data professionals to worktowards their own key projects.• The distributed model shares data resources with the rest of thebusiness by equipping other teams with individual dataprofessionals, sometimes with data ‘pods’ that might contain anengineer and an analyst.• Multiple data teams share data responsibilities such as dataengineering, data science and business intelligence. Choosingmultiple teams can be a robust solution for companies that handlehigh-scale data operations, without wanting to ‘bloat’ a singledata team.21

TREATING DATA AS A PRODUCTTourlane offers customers hyper-personalized travel experiences, tailor-madefor them based on their individual interests by teams of experienced specialists.Option 1: A ‘centralized’ data teamThe centralized data team is a tried-and-tested team model that will allowcompanies to deliver data with the least possible complexity. One advantageof a central data team is that it can serve other teams while working towardsits own core business projects – it’s a flexible model that can adapt to thechanging needs of a growing business.Perhaps it comes as no surprise that, among our customers, the centralizeddata team was the most popular structural choice. Several of our customerstold us that the centralized model forms a basis for the data team to work onlong-term projects, while serving surrounding teams.Some data teams, like at Tourlane, embrace the role of data ‘suppliers’ whoencourage inquiries from other teams for website or marketing-related data. ForTourlane, the central data team is responsible for democratizing data insights.22


Tourlane offers customers hyper-personalized travel experiences, tailor-made

for them based on their individual interests by teams of experienced specialists.

Option 1: A ‘centralized’ data team

The centralized data team is a tried-and-tested team model that will allow

companies to deliver data with the least possible complexity. One advantage

of a central data team is that it can serve other teams while working towards

its own core business projects – it’s a flexible model that can adapt to the

changing needs of a growing business.

Perhaps it comes as no surprise that, among our customers, the centralized

data team was the most popular structural choice. Several of our customers

told us that the centralized model forms a basis for the data team to work on

long-term projects, while serving surrounding teams.

Some data teams, like at Tourlane, embrace the role of data ‘suppliers’ who

encourage inquiries from other teams for website or marketing-related data. For

Tourlane, the central data team is responsible for democratizing data insights.


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