workingwithdata_ebook_april21_awc2op 4


TREATING DATA AS A PRODUCTA view of the modern data infrastructure ecosystem by Indicative11

TREATING DATA AS A PRODUCTOur customers explained that tool evaluation (and selection) was an ongoingchallenge for them. They told us that picking the right tools demandsconstant research, investigation, trialing and careful planning to ensure theirteams are well equipped.‘[When I’m evaluating tools] I’m looking at what is our businessneed, where are we going, how are we growing? – what projectsdo we have on the table and are they staffed properly?’‘A really big part of my job is “how do we not spend tons of moneyon tools we’re not going to use?”’When it comes to buying tools, our customers were clear that they preferredto put in the research themselves before contacting a sales team. Not onlydoes this save them time in the long run, it also gives them the opportunityto investigate not just pricing and features, but the ‘softer’ side of the tools –e.g. is there a community? Are there other teams using this solution who I canreach out to?‘I do a lot of research. I like to know a lot about the product beforeI call the sales person.’12


A view of the modern data infrastructure ecosystem by Indicative


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