Milnrow & Newhey May 2021

Milnrow & Newhey May 2021

Milnrow & Newhey May 2021

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During lockdown I found

myself with more time

at home than I had ever

had before. I began to

re-evaluate my life and

to seriously consider what

was important to me.

I could never get physical and

mental well being taking top

priority and to that effect I looked

around for ways to improve them.

I didn’t have to search too far as I

found what I was looking for in my

garden. For years it had been a

‘place to keep on top of’ - keeping

the grass cut and the weeds from

the flower beds. Now it has a very

different feel to it.

It started by giving over a small

patch of land to plant some

potatoes and onions. They grew

quickly and I was delighted with

the end product. It got me thinking

about turning my garden into

a working space. It wasn’t long

before the fruit bushes were

planted, the composter was in

place, a nest of bees moved into

an old chimney pot and with the

strategic placing of feeders some

birds began to visit. I loved seeing

a bit of wildlife, it simply made me

very happy.

It was then, in the back of my mind,

that the idea of keeping chickens

began to emerge but was it a step

too far?

We knew nothing of keeping

poultry and had to embark on a

lot of on-line research. The British

Hen Welfare Trust came to our

rescue. It answered so many of our

questions on space, housing, feed,

bedding and so much more that

we hadn’t even thought about.

There were hurdles to overcome

not the least of which was an

open plan garden, this had to be

enclosed in both an attractive yet

secure way to keep the chickens in,

the foxes out and the neighbours



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