Lesson #8 - Deep-sea Cnidarians POWERPOINT


The Giant Jellyfish Stygiomedusa gigantea• Giant deep-seajellyfish in familyUlmaridae• Only 115 sightings inlast 110 years; rarelyseen• One of largestdeep-seapredatoryinvertebrates• Color - umbrella & oralarms: pinkish-purple• Geographic range – believedworldwide; observed and filmedoff Pacific coast of United Statesby scientists and by ROVs offJapan coast and Gulf of MexicoImage credit: MBARI/NOAA

The Giant Jellyfish –Physical Description• Umbrella-shapedbell up to meterwide• 4 "paddle-like" arms- up to 10 meterslong• Arms lack stingingtentacles; used totrap preyImage – A Giant jellyfish trapsA fish in it’s arm.

The Giant Jellyfish Stygiomedusa gigantea

• Giant deep-sea

jellyfish in family


• Only 115 sightings in

last 110 years; rarely


• One of largest




• Color - umbrella & oral

arms: pinkish-purple

• Geographic range – believed

worldwide; observed and filmed

off Pacific coast of United States

by scientists and by ROVs off

Japan coast and Gulf of Mexico

Image credit: MBARI/NOAA

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