Lesson #8 - Deep-sea Cnidarians POWERPOINT

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Giant Jellyfish, Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone,

Orange Sea Pen & Bubblegum Coral

NatureGlo's eScience Copyright 2016

Revised 5/15/20

Permission is granted to reproduce this PowerPoint per student in a one family household, per

student and teacher in a single teacher’s classroom and for the purchaser’s personal use only.

Cover – Left to right: Stygiomedusa gigantea, Venus’ Fly Trap Anemone, Bubblegum coral and

(bottom left) Orange sea pen. All images credit: NOAA.

Contact – Gloria Brooks natureglosescience@gmail.com

Image credit: freebie.photography / stockarch.com

The Giant Jellyfish Stygiomedusa gigantea

• Giant deep-sea

jellyfish in family


• Only 115 sightings in

last 110 years; rarely


• One of largest




• Color - umbrella & oral

arms: pinkish-purple

• Geographic range – believed

worldwide; observed and filmed

off Pacific coast of United States

by scientists and by ROVs off

Japan coast and Gulf of Mexico

Image credit: MBARI/NOAA

The Giant Jellyfish –

Physical Description

• Umbrella-shaped

bell up to meter


• 4 "paddle-like" arms

- up to 10 meters


• Arms lack stinging

tentacles; used to

trap prey

Image – A Giant jellyfish traps

A fish in it’s arm.

Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone Actinoscyphia aurelia

Image credit: NOAA

• Deep-sea, large sea anemone

• Resembles Venus flytrap, a

carnivorous plant

• Closes tentacles to capture prey

or protect itself

• Habitat – muddy

bathyal depths

• Geographic range – Gulf of Mexico &

upwelling region off West African coast

Venus Flytrap Sea Anemone Biology

• Extends tentacles in

two rows, collects food

particles as drift past

• Mobility – relocate,

sometimes, especially

as juveniles

• Passive suspension feeder

• Pedal disc – small

• Tentacles - short

• Body - large, concave oral

mushroom-shaped funnel disc

• Depths found – off Cap Blanc,

Mauritania, between 1,000

and 2,000 meters (3,300 and

6,600 ft.)

Images credit: Venus Flytrap sea anemone: NOAA; background water: Lifefish (CC BY 3.0)

The Orange Sea Pen

Orange Sea Pen

Ptilosarcus gurneyi


• Geographic range -

northeastern Pacific

Ocean, from Alaska

to southern, CA

• Other name - fleshy sea pen

• Common name – resemblance to

feather quill in ink bottle

• Family Pennatulidae

• Colonial cnidarians or “stinging cell

animals” along with coral and anemone

• Height – up to 46

centimeters (18


• Habitat - deep water (14 - 225

meters (46 - 738 ft.) anchored by

base in sand or mud

• Color - white,

yellow or orange

Image credit: Stan Shebs

Orange Sea Pen Special Functions

Individual polyps each having specialized functions:

• Primary polyp – loses tentacles; forms both colony stalk or rachis,

& bulbous base anchored deep into soft substrate

• Autozooids (secondary polyps) - feeding polyps, armed with

cnidocytes on 8 branching tentacles which form feathery branches;

contain gonads (reproductive glands)

• Siphonozooids – more secondary polyps; force water into & out of


Primary Polyp

Williams GC (2011) The Global

Diversity of Sea Pens (Cnidaria:

Octocorallia: Pennatulacea). PLoS

ONE 6(7): e22747.


pone.0022747 Creative Commons.

During a disturbance, sea pens pump water

out and retract into their bulbous base. They

emit bioluminescence, which is believed to

startle potential predators.

Image credit: Joe Mabel CC BY-SA 3.0

Orange Sea

Pen Biology

• Diet – plankton caught with tentacles

on feathery plumes

• Hunting technique – orients body at

right angles toward current capturing


• Relocates at will

• Starfish predators – Leather star

(Dermasterias imbricata) & Sunflower

seastar (Pycnopodia helianthoides)


• Autozooids produce egg & sperm

& expel them through mouth

into water column

• Planula larvae drift as plankton

before settling on seabed

• Substrate settled larvae undergo


• Newly formed juveniles -

primary founding colonial polyps

Image credit: Fred Hsu

Image credit: NOAA

Bubblegum Coral Paragorgia arborea

• Family Paragorgiidae

• Depths - 200 meters (660 ft.) to 1,300 meters (4,300 ft.)

• Temperatures - 2 °C (36 °F) and 8 °C (46 °F)

• Geographic range - widespread in northern Atlantic Ocean

including seamounts & knolls

• 1758 - first described by famed Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus

Image credit:

Bubblegum Coral

Description & Habitat


• Height - 6 meters (20 ft.)

• Colors - brightly colored white,

pink, red or orange

• Many branched, fan-shaped with

tough central trunk

• Branch tips – bulbous


• Often grows on reefs created by stony

coral Lophelia pertusa

• Prefers exposed locations with strong

currents, like other gorgonians


1. "Marine Species

Identification Portal :

Stygiomedusa gigantea".


Retrieved 2016-04-20.

2. Wikipedia Venus flytrap sea





3. "Sea pen". Monterey Bay

Aquarium. Retrieved 2016-


4. Bubblegum coral - "Sea

Fan - Paragorgia arborea".

SeaWater. Retrieved 20

April 2016.

Image – A

Venus flytrap


Credit: NOAA

Thank you

for watching!

Image – Orange sea pens. Credit: Toby Hudson

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