Susanna Wesley

This is the story of Susanna Wesley, 1669-1742 Mother of Charles and John Wesley, who were founders of the Methodist Church. Susanna and her husband, Samuel, had nineteen children, ten of whom survived to adulthood. Her son Charles became a well-known hymn writer and her son John became the found of Methodism. Susanna was brought up in a Puritan home as the youngest of twenty-five children. As a teenager, she became a member of the Church of England. She became the wife of a chronically debt-ridden parish rector in an English village. She said, "I have had a large experience of what the world calls adverse fortune." Nonetheless, Susanna managed to pass down to her children Christian principles that stayed with them. This is the story of Susanna Wesley, 1669-1742 Mother of Charles and John Wesley, who were founders of the Methodist Church. Susanna and her husband, Samuel, had nineteen children, ten of whom survived to adulthood. Her son Charles became a well-known hymn writer and her son John became the found of Methodism.

Susanna was brought up in a Puritan home as the youngest of twenty-five children. As a teenager, she became a member of the Church of England. She became the wife of a chronically debt-ridden parish rector in an English village. She said, "I have had a large experience of what the world calls adverse fortune." Nonetheless, Susanna managed to pass down to her children Christian principles that stayed with them.

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70 SUSANNA WESLEY. CHAPTER VIII. FIRE AND PERIL. CHARLES WESLEY'S infancy was longer than that of most children, and he was still a helpless babe when, on the night of the 9th of February 1709, Epworth Rectory was burnt down. Mrs. Wesley wrote a short account of this calamity to her eldest son at Westminster five days afterwards, in fact as soon as she had found shelter, rest, and clothing. " DEAR " SAMMY, Epworth, Feb. 14th, 1708-9. " When I received your letter, wherein you complained of want of shirts, I little thought that in so short a space we should all be reduced to the same and indeed a worse condition. I suppose you have already heard of the firing of our house, by what accident we cannot imagine; but the fire broke out about eleven or twelve o'clock at night, we being all in bed, nor did we perceive it till the roof of the cornchamber was burnt through, and the fire fell upon your sister Hetty's bed, which stood in the little room joining upon it. She awaked, and immediately ran to call your father who lay in the red chamber ; for, I being ill, he was forced to lie from me. He says he

heard some crying ' Fire ! FIEE AND PERIL. 71 ' in the street before, but did not apprehend where it was till he opened his door ; he called at our chamber, and bade us all shift for life, for the roof was falling fast, and nothing but the thin wall kept the fire from the staircase. " We had no time to take our clothes, but ran all naked. I called to Betty to bring the children out of the nursery ; she took up Patty, and left Jacky to follow her, but he, going to the door and seeing all on fire, ran back again. We got the street door open, but the wind drove the flame with such violence that none could stand against it. I tried thrice to break through, but was driven back. I made another attempt and waded through the fire, which did me no other hurt than to scorch my legs and face. When I was in the yard, I looked about for your father and the children ; but, seeing none, concluded them all lost. But, I thank God, I was mistaken. Your father carried sister Emily, Sukey, aud Patty into the garden ; then missing Jacky, he ran back into the house to see if he could save him. He heard him miserably crying out in the nursery, and attempted several times to get up-stairs, but was beat back by the flames ; then he thought him lost, and commended his soul to God, and went to look after the rest. The child climbed up to the window and called out to them in the yard ; they got up to the casement and pulled him out just as the roof fell into the chamber. Harry broke the glass of the parlour window and threw out your sisters Matty and Hetty and ; so, by God's great mercy, we all escaped. Do not be discouraged, God will provide for you. " SUSANNA WESLEY.''

heard some crying<br />

'<br />

Fire !<br />

FIEE AND PERIL. 71<br />

'<br />

in the street before, but<br />

did not apprehend where it was till he opened his<br />

door ;<br />

he called at our chamber, and bade us all shift<br />

for life, for the roof was falling fast, and nothing but<br />

the thin wall kept the fire from the staircase.<br />

"<br />

We had no time to take our clothes, but ran all<br />

naked. I called to Betty to bring the children out<br />

of the nursery ;<br />

she took up Patty, and left Jacky<br />

to follow her, but he, going to the door and seeing<br />

all on fire, ran back again. We got the street door<br />

open, but the wind drove the flame with such violence<br />

that none could stand against<br />

it. I tried thrice to<br />

break through, but was driven back. I made another<br />

attempt and waded through the fire, which did me no<br />

other hurt than to scorch my legs and face. When I<br />

was in the yard, I looked about for your father and the<br />

children ; but, seeing none, concluded them all lost.<br />

But, I thank God, I was mistaken. Your father<br />

carried sister Emily, Sukey, aud Patty into the garden ;<br />

then missing Jacky, he ran back into the house to see<br />

if he could save him. He heard him miserably crying<br />

out in the nursery, and attempted several times to<br />

get up-stairs, but was beat back by the flames ;<br />

then<br />

he thought him lost, and commended his soul to God,<br />

and went to look after the rest. The child climbed<br />

up to the window and called out to them in the yard ;<br />

they got up to the casement and pulled him out just<br />

as the roof fell into the chamber. Harry broke the<br />

glass of the parlour window and threw out your sisters<br />

Matty and Hetty and ; so, by God's great mercy, we<br />

all escaped. Do not be discouraged, God will provide<br />

for you.<br />


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