Susanna Wesley

This is the story of Susanna Wesley, 1669-1742 Mother of Charles and John Wesley, who were founders of the Methodist Church. Susanna and her husband, Samuel, had nineteen children, ten of whom survived to adulthood. Her son Charles became a well-known hymn writer and her son John became the found of Methodism. Susanna was brought up in a Puritan home as the youngest of twenty-five children. As a teenager, she became a member of the Church of England. She became the wife of a chronically debt-ridden parish rector in an English village. She said, "I have had a large experience of what the world calls adverse fortune." Nonetheless, Susanna managed to pass down to her children Christian principles that stayed with them. This is the story of Susanna Wesley, 1669-1742 Mother of Charles and John Wesley, who were founders of the Methodist Church. Susanna and her husband, Samuel, had nineteen children, ten of whom survived to adulthood. Her son Charles became a well-known hymn writer and her son John became the found of Methodism.

Susanna was brought up in a Puritan home as the youngest of twenty-five children. As a teenager, she became a member of the Church of England. She became the wife of a chronically debt-ridden parish rector in an English village. She said, "I have had a large experience of what the world calls adverse fortune." Nonetheless, Susanna managed to pass down to her children Christian principles that stayed with them.

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66 SUSANNA WESLEY. " The eternal, ever-blessed God, that at first created all things by His almighty power, and that does whatever pleases Him, as well among the inhabitants of earth as in the armies of heaven, you know is the only Disposer of events ; and, therefore, I would by all means persuade you solemnly to set apart some portion of time (on the Sabbath if you can) to beg His more especial direction and assistance upon a business on which a great part of your future prosperity may depend. I would have you, in the first place, humbly to acknowledge and bewail all the errors of your past life, as far as you can remember them and for ; those that have escaped your memory pray, as David did, that God would cleanse you from your secret faults. "Then proceed to praise Him for all the mercies which you can remember you have received from His divine goodness and ; then go on to beg His favour in this great affair, and do all this in the name and through the mediation of the blessed Jesus. " Sammy, do not deceive yourself. Man is not to be depended on; God is all in all. Those whom He blesses shall be blessed indeed. When you have done this, entirely resign yourself and all your fortunes to the Almighty God ; nor be too careful about your being elected, nor troubled if disappointed. " If you can possibly, set apart the hours of Sunday, in the afternoon, from four to six, for this employment, which time I have also determined to the same work. May that Infinite Being, whose we are, and whom I hope we endeavour to serve and love, accept and bless us. " SUSANNA WESLEY." The lad was finally elected, and in some sort entered

MATERNAL SOLICITUDE. 67 on a new life ; that is to say, he had fresh duties and a wider sphere. He probably had a good voice, and some knowledge of music, or he would not have been chosen for a King's Scholar, as boys occupying that position are almost always choristers at the Chapel Royal. This brings them into notice, and they receive many invitations into musical and aristocratic society. Mrs. Wesley was terribly afraid that her son might become of the world, worldly, and wrote to warn and exhort him : "DEAR " SAMMY, Epworth, August 30th, 1707. " Prithee how do you do in the midst of so much company and business, to preserve your mind in any temper fit for the service of God ? I am sadly afraid lest you should neglect your duty towards Him. Take care of the world, lest it unawares steal away your heart, and so make you prove false to those vows and obligations which you have laid upon yourself, in the covenant you personally made with the ever blessed Trinity, before your reception of the Holy Communion. Have you ever received the Sacrament at London ? If not, consider what has been the cause of your neglect, and embrace the next opportunity. " SUSANNA WESLEY/' In October Mrs. Wesley's motherly sympathies were called forth by hearing that her boy was laid up with rheumatism but ; by the end of November he had recovered, and she wrote him a very long letter, chiefly theological, but containing some plain words on the temptations likely to assail a youth on the threshold of manhood. The opening and closing paragraphs are alone suited to these pages : 5 *


" The eternal, ever-blessed God, that at first created<br />

all things by His almighty power, and that does whatever<br />

pleases Him, as well among the inhabitants of<br />

earth as in the armies of heaven, you know is the only<br />

Disposer of events ; and, therefore, I would by<br />

all means<br />

persuade you solemnly to set apart some portion of time<br />

(on the Sabbath if you can) to beg His more especial<br />

direction and assistance upon a business on which a<br />

great part of your future prosperity may depend. I<br />

would have you, in the first place, humbly to acknowledge<br />

and bewail all the errors of your past life, as<br />

far as you can remember them and for<br />

;<br />

those that<br />

have escaped your memory pray, as David did, that<br />

God would cleanse you from your secret faults.<br />

"Then proceed to praise Him for all the mercies<br />

which you can remember you have received from His<br />

divine goodness and<br />

;<br />

then go on to beg His favour<br />

in this great affair, and do all this in the name and<br />

through the mediation of the blessed Jesus.<br />

" Sammy, do not deceive yourself. Man is not to<br />

be depended on; God is all in all. Those whom He<br />

blesses shall be blessed indeed. When you have done<br />

this, entirely resign yourself and all<br />

your fortunes to<br />

the Almighty God ;<br />

nor be too careful about your being<br />

elected, nor troubled if disappointed.<br />

" If you can possibly, set apart the hours of Sunday,<br />

in the afternoon, from four to six, for this employment,<br />

which time I have also determined to the same<br />

work. May that Infinite Being, whose we are, and<br />

whom I hope we endeavour to serve and love, accept<br />

and bless us.<br />


The lad was finally elected, and in some sort entered

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