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Once upon a time there was a very beautiful little princess who lived

in a beautiful castle next to her parents, who wanted to celebrate her

17 years, to present her to the closest princes, so that they would

notice her and take her as their wife, now it was time to give it in

courtship and marriage commitment. Hidden from the princess, they

began to invite all the princes and princesses from nearby places,

her parents loved her so much that they wanted a party that she

would never forget and be very happy that day. Princess Isabel got

up every morning and looked in the mirror to see her body and face,

she spent hours putting on dresses to look beautiful, but she did not

feel good about her appearance, she wanted to be even more

beautiful and have a harmonious body and very tall, since the little

princess was not so tall, she was short, and she always said: "I am

very short" "I want to have another hair and face" "I want everyone

to look at me and be dazzled by my beauty."

Every day, the little princess did the same thing, and

she began to cry, she did not want to be the way she

was, she wanted to be another more beautiful person,

she was not satisfied, she always said to herself “if I

were more beautiful, everyone would notice me, I'm

going for 17 years and no prince falls in love with me ”.

Suddenly a servant opened the door, and began to hear

what the little princess was saying, he knocked on the

door and the little princess ushered him in and said:

What do you have, beautiful princess? Why are you

crying? What is wrong with you? Trust me, tell me what

is happening to you, I will not say anything to the king, I

can help you, if you tell me you want, everything has a


Desperate Princess Isabel told her servant her problem, when she

finished saying what was happening to her, the servant told her that

in her town there was a sorcerer who could help her. The little

princess went at night to the sorcerer and told her that it was very

easy to solve it, but she had to give him something in exchange for

her to make her the most beautiful princess in the entire region. The

princess agreed and promised to give her all the jewels of her

kingdom if she would convert her as she wanted.

The sorcerer with his magic wand turned her into a beautiful and tall

woman with golden hair, then the princess, seeing so much beauty,

told her that the next day she would bring her all the jewels of the

kingdom, then she left and when she entered the castle, everyone

was dazzled. they did not recognize her, she was very beautiful.

Days passed and the little princess did not fulfill her promise

to the sorcerer and the impatient waited every day for the

jewels. It was time for the party and all the princes were at

court to see so much beauty, the sorcerer found out about the

party and became a prince to take revenge on the princess.

When her parents announced the entrance of the princess,

everyone was surprised to see the princess so beautiful, they

fought to dance with her and ask her in marriage, the princess

was proud to see the princes who fought for her.

Immediately the sorcerer shouted: "she is a liar" "she is not

how she is seen".

The people of the castle were silent looking at the sorcerer,

And he said: "I can prove it to you with my magic wand" the

sorcerer cast the spell and the little princess Isabel returned to


The sorcerer screamed saying: "She lied to me promising to

give me the jewels of the kingdom if she would make her a

beautiful woman, but she made fun of me and did not keep

the promise.

"Now everyone knows who you are, little princess, a lying

woman and very dissatisfied with her face and body


Princess Elizabeth went up to her room and shut herself up

to cry. Meanwhile a prince went behind her and asked her to

open the door, the little princess opened the door, and the

prince told her not to be sad about her face and her body,

that beauty is inside, and our nature of How we are born and

grow up must not change, we must be happy and accept

ourselves as we are.

The prince looked into her eyes and told her that she accepted her just as she was her and if she wanted to marry him,

the little princess looked at her face and said let's go down to the party I have to say something to The guests. She

low asked for silence and told all the people to forgive her, she asked her parents for forgiveness, she approached the

sorcerer asking for forgiveness, then she told everyone that she had understood that she was a beautiful woman, that

she did not need to look for things to be better. And the most important thing was love, sincerity, acceptance, and

tolerance with others to be beautiful and happy.

Then the little princess looked at the prince, hugged him and told him that he accepted to be his wife, and that he was

a very beautiful man too, all of them seeing that the prince and the little princess kissed, applauded, and shouted

"hurray, hurray, long live the bride and groom ”. Then they got married and had children and they were very happy.

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