Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapters 01 & 02 1. Give all the ... - Omsrisai.net

Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapters 01 & 02 1. Give all the ... - Omsrisai.net

Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapters 01 & 02 1. Give all the ... - Omsrisai.net


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<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> <strong>01</strong> & <strong>02</strong><br />

<strong>1.</strong> <strong>Give</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> names of <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong>’s author and explain <strong>the</strong> significance of <strong>the</strong> title, if any?<br />

AnnaSaheb Daboker and Hemadpant<br />

Significance of <strong>the</strong> title: This Hemadripant was a well known Minister of <strong>the</strong> kings Mahadev and Ramadev of Devgiri<br />

<strong>the</strong> Yadav dynasty. He was very learned, good-natured and <strong>the</strong> author of good works, such as Chaturvarg<br />

Chintamani<br />

(dealing with spiritual subjects) and Rajprashasti. He invented and started new methods of accounts and was th<br />

originator of <strong>the</strong> Modi (Marathi Shorthand) script. But I was quite <strong>the</strong> opposite, an ignoramus, and of dull, medioc<br />

intellect. So I could not understand why <strong>the</strong> name or title was conferred upon me, but thinking seriously upon it,<br />

thought that <strong>the</strong> title was a dart to destroy my ego, so that, I should always remain meek and humble. It was also<br />

compliment paid to me for <strong>the</strong> cleverness in<br />

<strong>the</strong> discussion<br />

“What was <strong>the</strong> utility of <strong>the</strong> Guru, if he could not save my friend's son?” Whose thought was this and describe <strong>the</strong><br />

occasion in which this is been said.<br />

Hemadpanth—when he was planning to visit Shirdi for <strong>the</strong> first time in 1910 A.D<br />

Who forced Hemadpanth to visit Shirdi and have baba’s darshan?<br />

Kakasaheb Dixit and Nanasaheb Chandorkar<br />

What is <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong> first wada built in Shirdi?<br />

Sa<strong>the</strong> wada<br />

5. Who said <strong>the</strong> following and describe <strong>the</strong> occasion: "Why should we lose our freedom and submit to o<strong>the</strong>rs? When we<br />

have to do our duty, why a Guru is necessary? One must try his best and save himself. What can <strong>the</strong> Guru do to a man<br />

who does nothing but sleeps indolently?"<br />

Hemadpanth, while discussing about <strong>the</strong> necessity of guru with Balasaheb Bhate.<br />

6. Who said <strong>the</strong> following and describe <strong>the</strong> occasion: "Whatever is bound to happen must happen; even great men have<br />

failed, man proposes one way, but God disposes <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r (contrary) way. Brush aside your cleverness; pride or egoism<br />

won't help you."<br />

Balasaheb Bhate, while discussing about <strong>the</strong> necessity of guru with Hemadpanth.<br />

7. "What was going on in <strong>the</strong> (Sa<strong>the</strong>’s) Wada? What was <strong>the</strong> discussion about?" and staring at me, Baba fur<strong>the</strong>r added,<br />

"What did this _______(name of <strong>the</strong> person) say?" In this sentence, who exactly baba was referring to as staring at me?<br />

Baba was staring at Hemadpanth and said <strong>the</strong> above sentence while talking to Kakasaheb Dixit<br />

In Which magazine did Dakshina Bhiksha Sanstha of Shirdi published <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong>Baba’s leelas?<br />

<strong>Sai</strong>nath Prabha.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 03& 04<br />

"Please look kindly on him, <strong>the</strong> pension he gets is quite insufficient, his family is growing. <strong>Give</strong> him some o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

appointment, remove his anxiety and make him happy." Baba replied - " He will get some o<strong>the</strong>r job, but now he should

serve Me and be happy. His dishes will be ever full and never empty. He should turn <strong>all</strong> his attention towards Me and<br />

avoid <strong>the</strong> company of a<strong>the</strong>ists, irreligious and wicked people. He should be meek and humble towards <strong>all</strong> and worship m<br />

heart and soul. If he does this, he will get eternal happiness".<br />

In this who was requesting to baba for whom?<br />

Here Anna Chinchanikar is requesting baba for Hemadpant. This is in <strong>the</strong> context when Hemadpanth got retired fro<br />

his job in 1916<br />

This is Pandharinath Vithal incarnate, <strong>the</strong> merciful Lord of <strong>the</strong> poor and helpless." Who said <strong>the</strong> above words? or WHO is<br />

Gaulibuva?<br />

Gaulibuva, who was 95 years old and a great devotee of baba and Vital who has spent most of his life time<br />

Pandaripur<br />

Once baba asked _______(person) to do <strong>the</strong> Namasaptaha. He replied that he would do it, provided he was assured tha<br />

Vithal would appear at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> 7th day. Then Baba, placing His hand on his breast assured him that certainly Vith<br />

would appear, but that <strong>the</strong> devotee must be “earnest and devout'. In <strong>the</strong> above context who was <strong>the</strong> person, baba askin<br />

to do <strong>the</strong> Namasaptaha ?<br />

Das Ganu Maharaj<br />

"Did Vithal Patil come? Did you see Him? He is a very truant fellow, catch Him firmly, o<strong>the</strong>rwise, he will escape, if you be<br />

a little inattentive." In <strong>the</strong> above context, whom did baba was asking to?<br />

Kakasaheb Dixit<br />

"His fa<strong>the</strong>r was my friend, so I dragged him (<strong>the</strong> son) here. He never offered naivedya (offering of food) and so he<br />

starved Vithal and Me. So I brought him here. I sh<strong>all</strong> remonstrate him now and set him to worship." In <strong>the</strong> above contex<br />

baba is referring to whom?<br />

Baba was referring to Bagavant Rao Kheerasagar who came to see baba for <strong>the</strong> first time. His fa<strong>the</strong>r was a gre<br />

devotee of Vittal, and after his fa<strong>the</strong>r’s death balvantrao stopped worshiping Vittal.<br />

"It is not necessary to go so long. Our Prayag is here, believe me." Whom did baba say <strong>the</strong> above word?<br />

Das Ganu, when he wanted to go to Prayag for taking holy bath<br />

As per <strong>the</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> who asked <strong>the</strong> villagers of <strong>the</strong> Shirdi to bring a pick-axe and dig in a particular place? Which we<br />

know as Gurusthan now.<br />

A person who possessed God Khandobha’s body (Indirectly God Khandoba has asked to dig in that place)<br />

Which was <strong>the</strong> first wada built in Shirdi and what o<strong>the</strong>r Wada’s came up in <strong>the</strong> later days when baba was alive. Can you<br />

also tell what purpose are <strong>the</strong>y used in Shirdi <strong>the</strong>se days.<br />

Sa<strong>the</strong> wada was <strong>the</strong> first one Dixit wada, Bhuti wada<br />

When did <strong>the</strong> performance of night arathi begun?<br />

10-12-1910 this is <strong>the</strong> same day on which <strong>the</strong> foundation for Dixit wada held.<br />

Turning with one devotee Baba said <strong>the</strong> following words “"If a man utters My name with love, I sh<strong>all</strong> fulfill <strong>all</strong> his wishes,<br />

increase his devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I sh<strong>all</strong> beset in front and back and on <strong>all</strong>

sides…” What is <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong> devotee?<br />

Shama (MadhavRao Deshpande)<br />

When did Baba said <strong>the</strong> following words “"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that <strong>all</strong><br />

what you do is known to Me. I am <strong>the</strong> inner Ruler of <strong>all</strong> and seated in <strong>the</strong>ir hearts…” ?<br />

After noon Arathi<br />

What is <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong> devotee, who said <strong>the</strong> following words on seeing Baba "This is Pandharinath Vithal incarnate, th<br />

merciful Lord of <strong>the</strong> poor and helpless."<br />

Goulibuva<br />

With whom did Baba said <strong>the</strong> following words “"Did Vithal Patil come? Did you see Him? He is a very truant fellow, catch<br />

Him firmly, o<strong>the</strong>rwise, he will escape, if you be a little inattentive." ?<br />

Kakasaheb Dixit.<br />

When did Kakasaheb dixit first came to Shirdi?<br />

1909<br />

When was <strong>the</strong> construction of Dixit wada completed and inhabited?<br />

On Ram Navami day in 1911 AD.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 05& 06<br />

When one saint first saw <strong>Sai</strong> Baba, carrying pitchers of water in both hands, for watering <strong>the</strong> garden, he was amazed<br />

and said openly, "Blessed is Shirdi, that it got this precious Jewel. This man is carrying water to-day; but He is not an<br />

ordinary fellow. As this land (Shirdi) was lucky and meritorious, it secured this Jewel." Who is that saint and from where<br />

did he come?<br />

Gangagir from Puntambe.<br />

Who told <strong>the</strong> following words on Baba “This is a precious Diamond in reality. Though he looks like an ordinary man, he is<br />

not a ëgar' (ordinary stone) but a Diamond. You will realize this in <strong>the</strong> near future." and where did he belongs to?<br />

Anandnath of YewalaMath.<br />

Who gave two ear<strong>the</strong>n pitchers to Baba daily?<br />

Vaman Tatya.<br />

When did padukas inst<strong>all</strong>ed under Neem tree?<br />

1912<br />

What are <strong>the</strong> improvements done by Upasani for <strong>the</strong> plan of Padukas?<br />

Lotuses, flowers, conc and disc.

First 5 years who worshipped padukas at Gurusthan?<br />

Govind Kamalakar Dixit<br />

After G.K.Dixit, who worshipped padukas at Gurusthan?<br />

Laxman Kacheswar Jakhadi(Nana Pujari)<br />

Who and when did Urus first started in Shirdi?<br />

Gopalrao Gund in 1897<br />

During procession two devotees used to supply two flags. Who were <strong>the</strong>y?<br />

Damu Anna Kasar and Nanasaheb Nimonkar.<br />

Who and when did Sandal procession started in Shirdi?<br />

Amir Shakkar Dalal from Korhla in 19<strong>02</strong>.<br />

When was Rama-Navami festival first started in Shirdi?<br />

1912<br />

Who is <strong>the</strong> author of <strong>the</strong> book <strong>Sai</strong> Sagunopasana?<br />

Mr. Krishnarao Jageshwar Bhisma<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 07& 08<br />

How many days BABA permitted to keep Tabutu or tajiya in masjid on <strong>the</strong> occasion of Moharam?<br />

4 days<br />

What did BABA use as a medicine in <strong>the</strong> earlier days of his arrival to Shirdi for a devotee who is suffering from eye<br />

infection?<br />

Black cashew nuts<br />

Define Dhouti?<br />

Sw<strong>all</strong>ow of 3 inch width,22and half feet length cloth and keeping it in <strong>the</strong> stomach<br />

for half an hour is c<strong>all</strong>ed dhouti.<br />

What was <strong>the</strong> work place of Nana Saheb Chandorker previous to Pandaripur?<br />

Nandurbar in Khandesh.<br />

We four people sing prayers toge<strong>the</strong>r.The gates of Pandaripur are opened.So get up<br />

and sing happily.In <strong>the</strong> above situation who are <strong>the</strong> four people ?<br />

BABA,Mahalsa pati,Appa Shinde,Kasi Ram.

How many times BABA went for Bhiksha maximum/day?<br />

12 times.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 09 & 10<br />

From whom <strong>the</strong> European brought <strong>the</strong> introduction letter for BABA's darshan?<br />

Nana Saheb Chandorker<br />

Who is BABA's beloved devotee who belonged to prarthana Samaj?<br />

Ramachandra Atmarao /Baba Saheb Tarkhad<br />

With whom & when Mrs.Tarkhad sent peda to BABA?<br />

With Balaram Manker on December,1915<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 11 & 12<br />

"Name Haji Siddikh Phalke's hometown?How long he stayed in Shirdi?<br />

Kalyan,9 months<br />

In which place Mrs.Nimonker had BABA's darshan before she went to Belapur?<br />

Before Sa<strong>the</strong> wada<br />

At <strong>the</strong> time of BABA's darshan who appeared to Mule Shastry in <strong>the</strong> place of BABA?<br />

His guru Gholap swamy.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 13& 14<br />

How much money BABA had before Samadhi?<br />

Rs.7.<br />

Who is Gangadharpanth<br />

Kaka's bro<strong>the</strong>r.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 15, 16 & 17<br />

In which place Cholker heard of BABA in Dasganu's Hari katha?<br />

Koupeeneswaralayam in Thana.<br />

In whose house Cholker stayed during his Shirdi visit?<br />

In Jog's house.

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 18 & 19<br />

When did Sa<strong>the</strong> come to Shirdi?<br />

In 1917<br />

What was <strong>the</strong> book he read during his stay at Shirdi?<br />

Guru charitramu.<br />

With whom Sa<strong>the</strong> asked BABA about his dream?<br />

Kaka Saheb Dikshit.<br />

Who was reading holy books at Shirdi regularly and what are <strong>the</strong>y?<br />

Bapu Saheb Dikshit, Bhagavadgeeta, Gnaneswari, Ekanath Bhagavathamu, Bhavartha Ramayanamu.<br />

With whom Radhabhai came to Shirdi?<br />

With Sangamaneru villagers.<br />

How many years BABA served His guru?<br />

12 years<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 20& 21<br />

Who presented clo<strong>the</strong>s to Das Ganu in Villeparle?<br />

M.V .Pradhan<br />

Hemad panth wanted to visit somebody before he went to Shirdi.Who was that?<br />

was told by his priest Enus.<br />

Who wrote <strong>the</strong> book Vichara sagaram?<br />

Nischala Dasu.<br />

Who introduced V.H.Tagore to BABA?<br />

Nana Saheb Chandorker<br />

To which place Ananta Rao Patanker belonged?<br />

Pune<br />

What is <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r name of Dada Kelker?<br />

Ganesh Damoder<br />

In Pandaripur Lawyers waiting room on whom some lawyers were commented?

They were commented on Sub Judge Noolker.<br />

How much is <strong>the</strong> distance between Shirdi & Pandaripu?<br />

300 miles.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 18 & 19<br />

Where did Shyama& Bala Saheb Mireeker stayed in Chitaly?<br />

In Anjayaneya temple.<br />

Who said Booty's future by seeing his palm?<br />

Nana Saheb Dengale.<br />

What are <strong>the</strong> daily parayana books of Dixit?<br />

Ekanatha Bhagavat,Bhavartha Ramayana.<br />

Between whom <strong>the</strong> argument on snakes went on?<br />

Between Muktaram & Hemad panth<br />

Whom did BABA send to Shyama's home at <strong>the</strong> incident of his Snake bite?<br />

Dixit & Tatya.<br />

What are things that are went on between BABA& Bade baba?<br />

Bade baba sat right to BABAand only after his smoke BABA smoked <strong>the</strong> hukka.<br />

2.Bade baba sat left to BABA at meals time.<br />

3.BABA used to give him Rs.55 daily.<br />

4.When Bade baba was leaving BABA followed him unto 100 feet distance.<br />

Fin<strong>all</strong>y who decided to kill <strong>the</strong> goat and where?<br />

Fin<strong>all</strong>y BABA decided to kill <strong>the</strong> goat at Takiya,but it died in <strong>the</strong> midst of reaching that place.<br />

Who were with BABA at <strong>the</strong> time of Hemad panth's jovial leela?<br />

To BABA's right VamanaRao,left Shyama,Booty ,Dixit and Hemad panth.<br />

What is <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r name of Anna Chinchaneeker?<br />

Damoder GhanaShyam Babare.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 24 & 25<br />

What is <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r name of Damu Anna?<br />

Damoder Saval Ram Rasane Kasar.

Who sent mangoes to BABA from where?How many? and on whose name?<br />

Mangoes were sent by Rale (from Goa),They are 300 in number,on Shyama's name.<br />

In whose house BABA arranged a meals for Damu Anna?<br />

In Appa Kulkarni's house.<br />

Who asked Ambadeker we<strong>the</strong>r he read Akkal kot Maharaj's life history book?<br />

Saguna meru Nayak.<br />

In which place Panth's Guru had lived?<br />

In Virar.<br />

Who asked Baba <strong>the</strong> persmission for a devotee of Baba doing some cotton-speculation business in partnership? Also who<br />

is <strong>the</strong> devotee.<br />

Shama asked Baba for permission, Devotee of Baba is Damu Anna Kasar of Ahmednagar<br />

Baba said, "You will be buying at five seers and selling at seven seers a rupee"! With whom Baba said <strong>the</strong>se words,<br />

narrate <strong>the</strong> incident.<br />

Damu Anna thought of trading in grain, rice, wheat and o<strong>the</strong>r groceries.<br />

The rice in <strong>the</strong> prices of grains was kept up for some time, and Baba's prophecy seemed to be falsified, but in a mon<br />

or two <strong>the</strong>re was abundant rain everywhere and <strong>the</strong> prices suddenly fell down; and, <strong>the</strong>refore, those who stored grain<br />

suffered a severe loss.<br />

Baba said to Damu Anna, "Do not eat yourself, but give <strong>the</strong>m to your junior wife" !! what Baba gave to Damu Anna? Wh<br />

is <strong>the</strong> result?<br />

Baba gave four Managoes to Damu Anna, his Junior wife got four sons and four daughters.<br />

What are <strong>the</strong> two questions Damu Anna had in his mind and He gave answers to both.<br />

(1) There are so many crowding to <strong>Sai</strong> Baba. Do <strong>the</strong>y <strong>all</strong> get benefit from Him?<br />

To this, He replied or<strong>all</strong>y - "Look at <strong>the</strong> mango tree in blossom. If <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> flowers brought fruit, what a splendid crop<br />

would be. But do <strong>the</strong>y? Most f<strong>all</strong> off (ei<strong>the</strong>r as flowers or as unripe fruits) by wind etc. Very few remain".<br />

(2) The second question was about myself. If Baba were to pass away, how hopelessly adrift I would be and how am<br />

to fare <strong>the</strong>n? To this Baba answered that He would be with me when and wherever I thought of Him. That promise H<br />

had kept up before 1918 and has been keeping up after 1918. He is still with me. He is still guiding me.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 26& 27<br />

"Come what may, leave not, but stick to your Bolster (support, i.e. Guru) and ever remain steady, always at-one-ment<br />

(in union) with him." Narrate this incident

Once it so happened that a devotee by name Bhakta Pant a disciple of ano<strong>the</strong>r Sad-guru had <strong>the</strong> good fortune<br />

visiting Shirdi with his friends, They <strong>all</strong> reached <strong>the</strong> place in <strong>the</strong> morning and went to <strong>the</strong> Masjid at about 11 A.M<br />

Seeing <strong>the</strong> concourse of <strong>the</strong> devotees assembled for Baba's worship, <strong>the</strong>y were <strong>all</strong> pleased, but Pant suddenly got a<br />

and fell senseless. With Baba's grace and with pitchers of water which <strong>the</strong>y poured over his head, he regained h<br />

consciousness and sat upright as if he was just awakened from sleep. The omniscient Baba knowing that he was<br />

disciple of ano<strong>the</strong>r Guru, assured him fearlessness and confirmed his faith in his own Guru, by addressing him abov<br />

words.<br />

"Are not <strong>all</strong> your thoughts, doubts and apprehensions calmed down now? Hari (Lord) will protect him, who has got faith<br />

and patience"." Narrate this incident<br />

There was a gentleman by name Harishchandra Pital in Bombay. He had a son, who suffered from epilepsy, He trie<br />

many <strong>all</strong>opathic and ayurvedic doctors, but <strong>the</strong>re was no cure. .. He <strong>the</strong>n went to <strong>the</strong> Masjid with <strong>the</strong>m, prostrate<br />

before Baba and placed his sick son on Baba's Feet. No sooner Baba saw <strong>the</strong> child than an untoward thin<br />

happened....Then Baba comforted his wife saying - "Do not wail like this, wait a bit, have patience, take <strong>the</strong> boy<br />

your lodging, he will come to his senses within half an hour." They did as directed by Baba and found that His word<br />

came true. As soon as he was taken into <strong>the</strong> Wada, <strong>the</strong> boy recovered and <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pitale family, husband, wife an<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs were very delighted and <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir doubts disappeared.<br />

In 1916 who decided to commit suicide in Shirdi?<br />

Mr. Gopal Narayan Ambadekar of Poona<br />

"Oh Shama, this book is very valuable and efficacious, so I present it to you, you read it. Once I suffered intensely and<br />

My heart began to palpitate and My life was in danger. At that critical time, I hugged this book to My heart and <strong>the</strong>n,<br />

Shama, what a relief it gave me! I thought that Allah Himself came down and saved Me. So I give this to you, read it<br />

slowly, little by little, read daily one name at least and it will do you good." Narrate this Incident.<br />

Baba said this words to Shama giving Ramadasi's (follower of <strong>Sai</strong>nt Ramadas) Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam book.,<br />

What did Baba asked to Ramdasi to bring and why?<br />

Baba thought of favouring and initiating Shama with Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam. He, <strong>the</strong>refore, c<strong>all</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> Ramadasi to Hi<br />

and said to him that, He was suffering from intense stomach-pain, and unless He took Senna-pods (Sona-mukhi,<br />

mild purgative drug) <strong>the</strong> pain would not stop; so he should please go to <strong>the</strong> bazar and bring <strong>the</strong> drug.<br />

Who informed RamDasi of what had happened when he went Bazar to bring <strong>the</strong> drug for Baba?<br />

Anna Chinchanikar<br />

which book did Ramadasi took from Shama in return to Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam<br />

'Panch-ratni' Geeta<br />

Who is Dadasaheb Khaparde ?<br />

Dadasaheb was not an ordinary man. He was <strong>the</strong> richest and <strong>the</strong> most famous advocate of Amraoti (Berar) and was<br />

member of <strong>the</strong> Council of State, Delhi. He was very intelligent and a very good speaker. Still he dared not open h<br />

mouth before Baba.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 28

Whose house did Lala Lakhamichand went to hear <strong>the</strong> kirtan by Das Ganu.<br />

Mr Dattatreya Manjunath Bijur, Lakshmichand's friend<br />

Lakhamichand borrowed ________ from his cousin and after making due preparations left for Shirdi.<br />

Rs. 15.00<br />

In 1916 who decided to commit suicide in Shirdi?<br />

Mr. Gopal Narayan Ambadekar of Poona<br />

"Take <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> rest and offer <strong>the</strong>m on my behalf to Baba". Who said this words..<br />

After Lakhamichand and his friend Shankar Rao reached Kopergaon he wanted to buy some good guavas for offerin<br />

to Baba, but he was so much enrapt with <strong>the</strong> scenery and sights <strong>the</strong>re, that he forgot to purchase <strong>the</strong>m. When <strong>the</strong>y were neari<br />

Shirdi, he was reminded of <strong>the</strong> guavas; just <strong>the</strong>n he saw an old woman with a<br />

guava-basket on her head, running after <strong>the</strong> tanga. The tanga was stopped and he gladly purchased some select fruits, <strong>the</strong>n wom<br />

said above words.<br />

What did Baba <strong>Sai</strong>d after seeing Laxmichand?<br />

"Cunning fellow, he does bhajan on <strong>the</strong> way and enquires from o<strong>the</strong>rs. Why ask o<strong>the</strong>rs? Everything we should see wi<br />

our own eyes; where is <strong>the</strong> necessity to question o<strong>the</strong>rs? Just think for yourself whe<strong>the</strong>r your dream is true or not? Where w<br />

<strong>the</strong>necessity of <strong>the</strong> darshan by taking a loan from a Marwari? Is <strong>the</strong><br />

heart's desire now satisfied?"<br />

____________ asked Baba, what naivedya he should bring. Baba told him to bring sanza.<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

There __________ found that Baba and o<strong>the</strong>rs were already sitting for meals, and that <strong>the</strong> curtain was down. Nobody<br />

dared enter in when <strong>the</strong> curtain was let down, but <strong>the</strong> lady could not wait. She threw up <strong>the</strong> curtain with her hand and<br />

entered. Strange to say that Baba seemed that day, hungry for khichadi and wanted that thing first and when <strong>the</strong> lady<br />

came in with <strong>the</strong> dish, Baba was delighted, and began to eat morsel after morsel of khichadi.<br />

'Burhanpore Lady<br />

Who is Megha Shyam?<br />

Megha of Viramgaon was a simple and illiterate Brahmin cook of Rao Bahadur H. V. Sa<strong>the</strong>.<br />

Baba said to ______” You are a high caste Brahmin and I am a low Moslem; you will lose your caste by coming here. So<br />

get away."<br />

Megha<br />

Where did Megha worshipped Baba in two places?<br />

1) <strong>the</strong> Masjid he worshipped Baba in person and 2) <strong>the</strong> Wada, Baba's big picture, given by Nanasaheb Chandorkar.<br />

"I require no door to enter. I have no form nor any extension; I always live everywhere. I carry on, as a wirepuller, <strong>all</strong> th<br />

actions of <strong>the</strong> man who trusts Me and merges in Me." Narrate this incident?

Early one morning when Megha was still lying down on his bed with eyes closed but intern<strong>all</strong>y awake, he saw clearly Baba's For<br />

Baba knowing him to be awake threw Akshata (rice-grains marked red with Kumkum) and said, "Megha, draw a Trident" a<br />

disappeared. Hearing Baba's words, he eagerly opened his eyes but did not see Baba, but saw only rice grains spread here and <strong>the</strong>r<br />

He <strong>the</strong>n went to Baba, told Him about <strong>the</strong> vision and asked permission to draw Trident. Then Baba said above words.<br />

________came from _______, saluted Baba and offered Him Pindi (an image of Shiva).<br />

Ramadasi Bhakta , Poona<br />

What did Baba <strong>Sai</strong>d when Megha passed away?<br />

Megha passed away in 1912. Then Baba passed His hands over his corpse and said - "This was a true devotee of Mine."<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 29 & 30<br />

It was in <strong>the</strong> year _______ that a Madrasi Bhajani Mela (Party of <strong>the</strong> Ramadasi Panth) started on a Pilgrimage to <strong>the</strong><br />

holy city of Banaras.<br />

1916<br />

Mrs. Savitribai Tendulkar has published a Marathi book named _________containing 800 abhangas and padas describing<br />

<strong>the</strong> Leelas of Baba<br />

"Shri <strong>Sai</strong>nath Bhajan Mala"<br />

What did Baba <strong>Sai</strong>d to Savitribai Tendulkar after she mentioned <strong>the</strong> gloomy and morose condition of her son, Babu<br />

Tendulkar<br />

"Tell your son to believe in Me, to throw aside horoscopes and predictions of astrologers and palmists and go on wi<br />

his studies. Let him appear for <strong>the</strong> examination with a calm mind, he is sure to pass this year. Ask him to trust in M<br />

and not to get disappointed".<br />

Fa<strong>the</strong>r of Babu Tendulkar?<br />

Raghunathrao<br />

How much RaghunathRao got Pension ?<br />

110<br />

Who sent Rs.12/- by money order to a friend, with instructions that Rs. 2 should be spent in buying shidha articles and<br />

walpapadi vegetables, and those should be offered to Baba with Rs. 10 as Dakshina.<br />

Hate, Bikaner<br />

Baba said “ The value of that rupee far exceeds 25 Rupees. ______, take this rupee, let us have it in our store, keep this<br />

in your shrine and worship it." Who gave one rupee coin to Baba and to who Baba gave that?<br />

Wamanrao once brought a rupee. On one said (obverse) of it were engraved <strong>the</strong> figures of Rama, Laxman and Si<br />

and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r (reverse) side was engraved <strong>the</strong> figure of Maruti, Baba gave rupee to Shama

"You go to Baba and <strong>the</strong>n your mind will become calm and composed". Narrate this incident<br />

A man named Kakaji Vaidya lived in Vani, Nasik District, was <strong>the</strong> priest of <strong>the</strong> Goodness Sapta-Shringi <strong>the</strong>re. Th<br />

Goddess was pleased with his devotion and <strong>the</strong> same night appeared to him in his dream and said to him.<br />

Baba told __________ one afternoon to go to Rahata and fetch __________ to Shirdi, Narrate <strong>the</strong> incident?<br />

Kakasaheb Dixit , Khushalchand<br />

Khushalchand was taking a noon nap after meals when Baba appeared in his dream and asked him to come to Shirdi immediately a<br />

that he was anxious to go. As he had no horse of his own nearby, he had sent his son to inform Baba; when his son was just out of t<br />

village-border, Dixit's tanga turned up. Dixit <strong>the</strong>n said that he was sent speci<strong>all</strong>y to bring him.<br />

Narrate Punjabi Ramalal of Bombay’s Experience<br />

Once a Punjabi Brahmin of Bombay named Ramalal got a dream in which Baba appeared and asked him to come<br />

Shirdi. Baba appeared to him as a Mahant (<strong>Sai</strong>nt), but he did not know His whereabouts. He thought that he should g<br />

and see Him, but as he knew not His address, he did not know what to do. But He Who c<strong>all</strong>s anybody for an intervie<br />

makes <strong>the</strong> necessary arrangements for <strong>the</strong> same. The same happened in this case. The same afternoon when he w<br />

strolling in <strong>the</strong> streets, he saw a picture of Baba in a shop. The features of <strong>the</strong> Mahant, he saw in <strong>the</strong> dream, exact<br />

t<strong>all</strong>ied with those of <strong>the</strong> picture. Then making enquiries, he came to know that <strong>the</strong> picture was of <strong>Sai</strong> Baba of Shird<br />

He <strong>the</strong>n went soon after to Shirdi and stayed <strong>the</strong>re till his death.<br />

<strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Sai</strong> <strong>Satcharitra</strong> <strong>Chapters</strong> 31<br />

A Madrasi Sannyasi named __________started on a pilgrimage to Manasa-Sarovar<br />

Vijayanand<br />

Who <strong>all</strong> passed away in presence of Baba.<br />

Vijayanad, Balaram Mankar, Tatyasaheb Noolkar, MeghaShyam, A Tiger<br />

Narrate how Vijayanad PassedAway In Baba's Presence of Baba<br />

After told by Baba Vijayanand, from Next day morning after bathing and o<strong>the</strong>r purifying rites he commenced to rea<br />

Bhagwat in a secluded part in <strong>the</strong> Lendi garden. He completed two readings and <strong>the</strong>reafter felt much exhausted. H<br />

returned to <strong>the</strong> Wada and stayed in his lodging for two days and on <strong>the</strong> third day he brea<strong>the</strong>d his last on Fakir (Bad<br />

Baba's lap<br />

Narrate Balaram Mankar experience ?<br />

a) Baba gave him Rs. 12/- and asked him to go and live in Macchindragad (District Satara). Mankar was first unwillin<br />

to go and stay away from Baba, but Baba convinced him that he was giving <strong>the</strong> best course for him and asked him<br />

practise mediation thrice a day on <strong>the</strong> Gad. Believing in Baba's words, Mankar came to <strong>the</strong> Gad. He was much please<br />

with <strong>the</strong> lovely sight, pure water, healthy air and <strong>the</strong> surroundings of <strong>the</strong> place, and began to practice assiduously th<br />

meditations as recommended by Baba. After some days he got a revelation.

) Manakar wanted to travel by rail from Poona to Dadar, but when he went to <strong>the</strong> booking office to get a ticket, he found it very mu<br />

crowded. He could not get his ticket soon, when, a villager with a langoti (piece of cloth) on his waist and kambali on his shoulder turn<br />

up and said - "Where are your going?" "To Dadar." replied Mankar. Then he said - "Please take this Dadar ticket of mine; as I ha<br />

some urgent business here, I have cancelled my Dadar trip." Mankar was very glad to receive <strong>the</strong> ticket and was just taking out mon<br />

from his pocket, when <strong>the</strong> rustic disappeared in <strong>the</strong> crowd. Mankar tried to find him out in <strong>the</strong> crowd, but it was in vain. He waited for h<br />

till <strong>the</strong> train left <strong>the</strong> station but found no trace of him.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> end, he was very fortunate to leave this world in <strong>the</strong> presence, and with <strong>the</strong> blessings of Baba.<br />

Narrate Noolar experience with Baba<br />

Tatyasaheb was a Sub-Judge at Pandharpur in 1909, when Nanasaheb Chandorkar was Mamalatdar <strong>the</strong>re.<br />

Nanasaheb often told him <strong>the</strong> Leelas of <strong>Sai</strong> Baba and pressed him to go to Shirdi and see Baba. He fin<strong>all</strong>y agreed to go to Shirdi on tw<br />

conditions:- (1) he must get a Brahmin cook, and (2) must get good Nagpur oranges for <strong>the</strong> presentation. Both <strong>the</strong>se conditions we<br />

providenti<strong>all</strong>y fulfilled. A Brahmin came to Nanasaheb for service and he was sent to Tatyasaheb and a fruit parcel containing 1<br />

beautiful oranges was received by Tatyasaheb, <strong>the</strong> consigner being not known.<br />

As his end was approaching, sacred literature was read out to him and at <strong>the</strong> last hour Baba's Pada-tirth was brought and given to h<br />

for drinking. Baba on hearing of his death, said, "Oh, Tatya went ahead of us, he won't be reborn."<br />

Narrate Megha 's experience with Baba<br />

When Megha died, <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> villagers followed <strong>the</strong> funeral procession. Baba also accompanied <strong>the</strong>m and showered flowe<br />

on Megha's body. After <strong>the</strong> obsequies were performed, tears flowed from Baba's eyes and like an ordinary morta<br />

Baba showed Himself overcome with grief and sorrow. Then covering <strong>the</strong> body with flowers and crying like a ne<br />

relation, Baba returned to <strong>the</strong> Masjid.<br />

<strong>Sai</strong> Satcharithra – Chapter 36<br />

Once two gentlemen came from _____ for taking darshan of <strong>Sai</strong>?<br />

Goa<br />

Baba asked only one <strong>the</strong>m to give Him Rs.___ as Dakshina which was paid willingly. The o<strong>the</strong>r man voluntarily offered<br />

Rs____?<br />

15 and 35<br />

______, who was present, asked Baba, "What is this? Both came toge<strong>the</strong>r, one's Dakshina you accept, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r, though<br />

voluntarly paid, you refuse. Why this distinction?<br />

Shama<br />

What is Masjidmayi?<br />

Dwarakamai - The presiding Deity of <strong>the</strong> Masjid<br />

Baba asked _______to take <strong>the</strong> guests and arrange for <strong>the</strong>ir feeding<br />

Shama<br />

A hill-station on <strong>the</strong> ____ was <strong>the</strong> native place of <strong>the</strong> Ist guest.<br />


The first guest, in his story says that, he went to ______to earn my living by securing a job.<br />

Goa<br />

I took a vow to God ______ that if I got any service, I would offer Him my first month's salary.<br />

Datta<br />

What was <strong>the</strong> first guest’s 1st month salary?<br />

15 rupees<br />

By <strong>the</strong> time he came to Baba, <strong>the</strong> fist guest got promotions and his Salary went upto _____<br />

700 rupees<br />

___________, is an instance on this point. He was very poor and could hardly make both ends meet. Baba never <strong>all</strong>owe<br />

him to make any money, nor gave him anything from <strong>the</strong> Dakshina amount.<br />

Bhagat Mhalsapati<br />

Once a kind and liberal merchant named _________ gave a large amount of money to Mhalsapati in Baba's presence, bu<br />

Baba did not <strong>all</strong>ow him to accept it.<br />

Hansaraj<br />

The second guest began his tale. "My _________was serving me faithfully for years.<br />

Brahmin (cook), for 35 years<br />

The second guest lost ________ rupees?<br />

Rs. 30,000/- in currency notes.<br />

A passing fakir noted my condition and enquired of its cause, told him that an Avalia by name ________ lives in<br />

________, Kopergaon Taluka.<br />

<strong>Sai</strong>, Shirdi<br />

The second guest, took <strong>the</strong> vow and gave up eating ________<br />

Rice<br />

After how many days, did <strong>the</strong> Brahmin came and returned <strong>the</strong> money?<br />

15 days<br />

When <strong>the</strong> second guest was at __________one night he saw <strong>Sai</strong> Baba in his dream.<br />

Colaba<br />

The second guest reached Bombay by taking a __________

Steamer<br />

A lady from Sholapur, wife of _________had no issue during <strong>the</strong> long period of _________ years.<br />

Sakharam Aurangabadkar, For 27 years<br />

To make a last attempt in this matter, Mrs Aurangabadker came to Shirdi with her step-son________ and stayed <strong>the</strong>re<br />

for _________months, serving Baba.<br />

Vishwanath , for 2 months<br />

Ultimately Mrs Aurangabadker requested __________to intercede with Baba.<br />

Shama<br />

Who said <strong>the</strong>se words "Deva, is it proper for you to pinch me like this? We don't want such a mischievous God who<br />

pinches us thus. Are we Your dependents, is this <strong>the</strong> fruit of our intimacy?"<br />

Shama<br />

Baba <strong>Sai</strong>d to Shama that he was with him for _________ generations ?<br />

72<br />

Mrs Aurangabadker came up to <strong>the</strong> masjid, bowed and presented <strong>the</strong> ____ and ______<br />

Coconut and Joss- Sticks<br />

Baba said that, Mrs Aurangabadker would have children in __________ months<br />

12 months<br />

The cocoa-nut was <strong>the</strong>refore broken into two part, one was eaten by <strong>the</strong> _________ and _____, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r was given to<br />

<strong>the</strong> lady.<br />

Baba and Shama<br />

Mrs Aurangabadker delivered a son in one year's time and <strong>the</strong> son was brought to Baba in his _____________month.<br />

Fifth<br />

Mr. Aurangabadkar paid a sum of Rs._____ which was spent in constructing a shed for Baba's house __________<br />

500, and "Shyamakarna".<br />

<strong>Sai</strong> Satcharithra – Chapter 37<br />

Baba slept one day in <strong>the</strong> _______and on <strong>the</strong> next, in <strong>the</strong> ________<br />

Masjid and Chavadi<br />

What is a Chavadi?

A sm<strong>all</strong> building containing a room or two near <strong>the</strong> Masjid.<br />

This alternate sleeping in both <strong>the</strong>se buildings went on till _________<br />

Baba's Mahasamadhi.<br />

From ________ devotees began to offer regular worship to Baba in <strong>the</strong> Chavadi.<br />

10th December 1909<br />

Behind <strong>the</strong>People <strong>the</strong>re was a beautiful ________, to <strong>the</strong> right a _________in <strong>the</strong> front<br />

Baba<br />

Ratha, Tulsi-vrindavan<br />

Name few musical instruments used by <strong>the</strong> people to do bhajans?<br />

Tal, Chiplis, Kartal, Mridang, Khanjiri and Ghol<br />

Baba's horse ___________stood fully decorated outside.<br />

'Shyamakarna'<br />

_________came with a party of men to Baba and asked Him to be ready.<br />

Tatya Patil<br />

________came and helped Him to get up by putting his arm under Baba's arm-pit.<br />

Tatya<br />

Who c<strong>all</strong>ed Baba by <strong>the</strong> name of Mama.<br />

Tatya<br />

Baba wore on his body <strong>the</strong> usual _________, took His satka (short stick) under His arm-pit and after taking His chilim<br />

(tobacco-pipe) and tobacco and placing a cloth over His shoulder became ready to start.<br />

Kafni<br />

Tatya threw a ________________over His body.<br />

golden-embroidered beautiful Shela (Shawl)<br />

The __________announced Baba's name, when He came on <strong>the</strong> steps of <strong>the</strong> Masjid.<br />

Bhaldars1<br />

_______ held <strong>the</strong> left hand and ___________<strong>the</strong> right;<br />

Tatya Patil , Mahalsapati

_________held <strong>the</strong> Chhatra (umbrella), from Dwarakamai to Chavadi<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

_________chanted to <strong>the</strong> accompaniment of music rent <strong>the</strong> skies, as also <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>Sai</strong>.<br />

Hari Nama<br />

_________at this time came forward with a silver plate containing flowers besmeared with gulal<br />

powder) and threw <strong>the</strong>m on Baba's body off and on.<br />

Kakasaheb Dixit<br />

Some times _____________began to dance being possessed or obsessed by some deity<br />

Mhalasapati<br />

_________went ahead and spread an asan and placing a bolster made Baba sit <strong>the</strong>re and made Him.<br />

Tatya<br />

_______held <strong>the</strong> Chhatra (umbrella) with its beautiful pendants, in <strong>the</strong> chavadi<br />

Nanasaheb Nimonkar<br />

___________washed <strong>the</strong> feet of Baba in a silver dish and offered 'arghya' and worship with due formalities, <strong>the</strong>n<br />

besmeared His arms with sandal paste, and offered tambul (betel-leaves).<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

_______ <strong>the</strong>n prepared <strong>the</strong> chillim and handed it over to __________ who drew a flame out of it by his breath and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

gave it to Baba.<br />

Shama , Tatyaba<br />

After Baba had His smoke, it was given to ___________and <strong>the</strong>n it was passed round to <strong>all</strong>.<br />

Bhagat Mhalasapati<br />

_________waved <strong>the</strong> arati over Baba, observing <strong>all</strong> formalities, <strong>the</strong> musical instruments playing thier auspicious tunes.<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

_________after offering chillim, attar (scent) and rose-water, rose to depart<br />

Tatya<br />

Baba arranged __ or ___ white chadders one upon ano<strong>the</strong>r and thus making His bed, went to rest.<br />

50 or 60<br />

<strong>Sai</strong> Satcharithra – Chapter 38

_________is recommended for Krita age<br />

Tapa (Penance)<br />

_________is recommended for Treta age<br />

Jnana (Knowledge)<br />

________is recommended for Dwapara age<br />

Yajna (Sacrifice)<br />

________is recommended for Kali (present) age.<br />

Dana (Charity)<br />

Of <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> charities, _______is <strong>the</strong> best one.<br />

Giving food<br />

The Taittiriya Upanishad says that is Food is _______ Brahma<br />

Brahma<br />

There were two kinds of Handi, one sm<strong>all</strong> and <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r big. The former provided food for ________ persons, <strong>the</strong> later fo<br />

_____<br />

50 and 100<br />

Baba cooked _________, and at o<strong>the</strong>r times '______' with meat.<br />

Meethi Chavval (sweet rice), pulava<br />

Baba prepared ________ by boiling jawari-flour in water and mixing it with butter-milk.<br />

'Ambil'<br />

Baba got <strong>the</strong> pots in <strong>the</strong> Majid, and had <strong>the</strong>m duly consecrated by <strong>the</strong> _______.<br />

Moulvi.<br />

First He sent part of <strong>the</strong> food as prasad to _________ and ___________<br />

Mhalsapati and Tatya Patil<br />

On Ekadashi day He gave some rupees to ________and asked him to go in person to Koralha to get mutton from <strong>the</strong>re.<br />

Dada Kelkar<br />

Dada Kelkar sent servant _______for <strong>the</strong> getting <strong>the</strong> meat<br />


The Handi business went on for some time till ____<br />

1910<br />

_________spread <strong>the</strong> fame of Baba by his kirtans far and wide in <strong>the</strong> Bombay Presidency<br />

Das Ganu<br />

Once Nanasaheb Chandorkar came to Shirdi with his 'Sadu' - husband of his sister-in-law, -_________<br />

Mr.Biniw<strong>all</strong>e<br />

Nanasaheb Chandorkar usu<strong>all</strong>y worshipped <strong>the</strong> Shrine of __________ on <strong>the</strong> banks of <strong>the</strong> Godavari at Kopergaon on his<br />

way to Shirdi.<br />

Datta<br />

What was <strong>the</strong> Slight punishment, Nanasaheb chandokar got, for not worshipping <strong>the</strong> god Datta on <strong>the</strong>ir way to Shirdi<br />

While bathing in <strong>the</strong> Godavari, a big thorn went into his foot and gave him much trouble.<br />

Baba would sit with his back to <strong>the</strong> ________for meals, with two rows of <strong>the</strong> Bhaktas, one on each side<br />

Nimbar<br />

The Bhaktas who brought naivedya thrust inside <strong>the</strong>ir dishes containing a variety of food such as<br />

Puris, Mande, Polis, Basundi, Sanza, fine rice etc<br />

Baba asked _______and ___________daily to serve <strong>the</strong> consecrated food to <strong>all</strong> <strong>the</strong> persons sitting<br />

inside and look to <strong>the</strong>ir individual needs and comforts.<br />

Shama and Nanasaheb Nimonkar<br />

Once __________had eaten his full in this company, when Baba offered him a cup of butter-milk.<br />

Hemadpant<br />

<strong>Sai</strong> Satcharithra – Chapter 39<br />

Nobody believed that Baba knew Sanskrit. One day He surprised <strong>all</strong> by giving a good Interpretation of a verse from <strong>the</strong><br />

Gita to ________<br />

Nanasaheb Chandorkar.<br />

________has got first hand information about this Subject from Nanasaheb himself<br />

Mr.Deo<br />

Nanasaheb Chandorkar was a good student of________<br />


4. Chandorkar fancied that Baba knew nothing of <strong>all</strong> this or of _________.<br />

Sanskrit.<br />

When Baba asked Nana, what are he mumbling ? What was Nana’s reply ?<br />

Nana said, that he was reciting a shloka (verse) from Sanskrit.<br />

When Baba asked Nana What shloka? What was his reply?<br />

Nana said, that it was a sloka from Bhagawad-Gita<br />

What was <strong>the</strong> Sloka?<br />

'Tadviddhi Pranipatena Pariprashnena Sevaya,<br />

Upadekshyanti Te Jnanam Jnaninastattwadarshinah'<br />

Baba - If 'pariprashna' means <strong>the</strong> same as prashna (question), why did ________add <strong>the</strong> prefix 'pari'?<br />

Vyasa.<br />

Baba <strong>Sai</strong>d, It is not enough merely to prostrate before <strong>the</strong> Jnanis. We must make _________to <strong>the</strong> Sad-guru.<br />

Sarvasya Sharangati (complete surrender)<br />

What was Baba’s explanation on Pranipata?<br />

(1) Pranipata implies surrender.<br />

(2) Surrender must be of body, mind and wealth;<br />

________is <strong>the</strong> famous multi-millionaire of Nagpur.<br />

Shriman Bapusaheb Booty<br />

Who built <strong>the</strong> Samadhi Mandir?<br />

Shriman Bapusaheb Booty<br />

Booty got <strong>the</strong> vision to built <strong>the</strong> WADA when he was sleeping in _________<br />

Dixit Wada<br />

Who got <strong>the</strong> similar vision to built <strong>the</strong> wada o<strong>the</strong>r than Booty?<br />

Shama<br />

Booty drew up a plan with_________<br />

Madhavarao (Shama)<br />

_____ also approved <strong>the</strong> plan?

Kakasaheb Dixit<br />

The construction-work was duly started under <strong>the</strong> supervision of_____<br />

Shama<br />

Fur<strong>the</strong>r consruction work was entrusted to __________<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

An idea struck in ________mind that <strong>the</strong>re should be an open room or platform and in <strong>the</strong> centre <strong>the</strong> image of<br />

______________be inst<strong>all</strong>ed.<br />

Bapusaheb Booty , Murlidhar (Lord Krishna with <strong>the</strong> flute)<br />

Booty asked ________to refer <strong>the</strong> matter of (inst<strong>all</strong>ing <strong>the</strong> image of Muralidhar )to Baba and get His consent.<br />

Shama<br />

Baba staring at <strong>the</strong> Wada, said ________________<br />

"After <strong>the</strong> Wada is complete, we sh<strong>all</strong> use it ourselves, we sh<strong>all</strong> live, move and play <strong>the</strong>re,<br />

embrace each o<strong>the</strong>r, and be very happy"<br />

__________got a coconut broken it and started <strong>the</strong> inst<strong>all</strong>ation work.<br />

Shama<br />

<strong>Sai</strong> Satcharithra – Chapter 40<br />

Mr.B.V.Deo was a Mamlatdar at ___________<br />

Dahanu (Thana District)<br />

Deo mo<strong>the</strong>r had observed 25 or 30 different vows and a _______________ceremony<br />

Udyapan (concluding)<br />

The Udyanpan ceremony included <strong>the</strong> feeding of _____ Brahmins.<br />

100 or 200<br />

Mr.Deo fixed a date for <strong>the</strong> ceremony and wrote a letter to __________asking him to request <strong>Sai</strong> Baba on his behalf to<br />

attend <strong>the</strong> dinner of <strong>the</strong> ceremony<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

Baba said that he require no ______________I run and manifest myself to him who lovingly c<strong>all</strong>s me.<br />

Conveyance, carriage, tanga, nor train nor aeroplane.<br />

Deo knew that Baba never went to any place except _____, ________and ____in person.

Rahata, Rui and Nimgaon<br />

A Sannyasi with Bengali dress and professing to work for <strong>the</strong> cause of <strong>the</strong> ________came to <strong>the</strong> station-master at<br />

Dahanu to collect subscriptions.<br />

Protection of <strong>the</strong> cows<br />

The ________ introduced <strong>the</strong> Sannyasi to Deo<br />

Station-master<br />

Mr.Deo told Sannyasi that a subscription-list for some o<strong>the</strong>r charitable cause had already been opened by <strong>the</strong> leading<br />

citizen ______________<br />

Rao Saheb Narottam Shetti<br />

Deo asked <strong>the</strong> Sannyasi to visit <strong>the</strong> place after________<br />

2 or 4 months.<br />

About a month afterwards, <strong>the</strong> Sannyasi came in a tanga and stopped in front of Mr.Deo's house at about _________<br />

10 a.m.<br />

The Sannyasi said, that he had _______ lads with him<br />

two<br />

Deo asked Sannyasi to come at________<br />

Noon<br />

Exactly at__________, <strong>the</strong> Trio came and joined <strong>the</strong> dinner party and after feeding <strong>the</strong>mselves went away.<br />

Twelve noon<br />

After <strong>the</strong> ceremony was finished, Deo wrote a letter to ________complaining of Baba's breach of promise.<br />

Bapusaheb Jog<br />

In _______ on <strong>the</strong> full-moon morning, Hemadpant had a vision. Baba appeared to him in his dream in <strong>the</strong> form of a well<br />

dressed Sannyasi, woke him up, and said that He would come to him for meals that day.<br />

1917<br />

Though Hemadpant was in contact with Baba for ______years and though he always meditated on Baba, he never<br />

expected that Baba would come to his house for meals<br />

Seven<br />

However, being much pleased with Baba's words, Hemadpant went to his wife and informed her that being <strong>the</strong><br />

_________day, a Sannyasi guest was coming for meals and that some more rice should be prepared.

Holi<br />

She doubtingly asked whe<strong>the</strong>r it was possible that Baba should come <strong>the</strong>re ________from Shirdi, leaving <strong>the</strong> dainty<br />

dishes <strong>the</strong>re for accepting <strong>the</strong>ir coarse food.<br />

Bandra<br />

The Holika-worship was gone through and <strong>the</strong> leaves (dishes) were spread and arranged with _________marks around<br />

<strong>the</strong>m. Two rows were put up with a central seat between <strong>the</strong>m for <strong>the</strong> guest.<br />

'Rangoli<br />

The ________ was served. This was a signal to start eating. Formal offering to <strong>the</strong> Vaishwadeva (Fire), and Naivedya to<br />

Shri Krishna were also over and <strong>the</strong> members were about to begin.<br />

Anna-shuddhi(ghee)<br />

22. When foot-steps in <strong>the</strong> staircase were distinctly heard. Hemadpant went immediately and opened <strong>the</strong> door and saw<br />

two men <strong>the</strong>re: __________and __________<br />

(1) Ali Mahomed and (2) Moulana Ismu Mujavar.<br />

Hemadpant uncovered <strong>the</strong> packet and saw, to his great wonder and surprise, a big<br />

nice picture of________<br />

<strong>Sai</strong> Baba

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