Catalyze Magazine Spring 2021

With Ideagens extensive member network and influential platform, Catalyze Magazine serves as an aggregate for all the content, events, articles, and collaboration that we do. It is a quarterly magazine where you will find transcriptions from Ideagen events from this quarter, articles, and information surrounding how we are completing our mission. With this magazine, we want to highlight the nature of cross-sector collaboration and how we infuse it into our daily mission on a global scale. This edition of Catalyze Magazines highlights the Dynamic Resiliency Summit that took place on January 27th and 28th, 2021.

With Ideagens extensive member network and influential platform, Catalyze Magazine serves as an aggregate for all the content, events, articles, and collaboration that we do. It is a quarterly magazine where you will find transcriptions from Ideagen events from this quarter, articles, and information surrounding how we are completing our mission. With this magazine, we want to highlight the nature of cross-sector collaboration and how we infuse it into our daily mission on a global scale. This edition of Catalyze Magazines highlights the Dynamic Resiliency Summit that took place on January 27th and 28th, 2021.


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B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

G R E T C H E N O ' H A R A - M I C R O S O F T V P U . S . A I & S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y<br />

S T R A T E G Y & P A R T N E R S H I P


B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

PLUS<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

T O N I T O W N E S - W H I T L E Y - P R E S I D E N T , U S R E G U L A T E D I N D U S T R I E S A T<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

C H A N T A L L I N E C A R P E N T I E R - C H I E F , N E W Y O R K U N C T A D O F F I C E


B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

D R . K E N N E T H M O R I T S U G U - F O R M E R A C T I N G U S S U R G E O N G E N E R A L


B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

B J M O O R E - E X E C U T I V E V I C E P R E S I D E N T A N D C I O A T P R O V I D E N C E


B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

D R . S I D H A N T G U P T A - D I R E C T O R , P R O D U C T I N C U B A T I O N A T M I C R O S O F T


B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

K I M S M I T H - G L O B A L V I C E P R E S I D E N T , C L O U D I N N O V A T I O N , I B M


B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

PLUS<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

D R . R O D H O C H M A N - P R E S I D E N T A N D C E O A T P R O V I D E N C E , C H A I R - E L E C T<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

10 L E A D E R S W H O<br />

A R E C R E A T I N G<br />

D Y N A M I C A L L Y<br />

R E S I L I E N T<br />

O R G A N I Z A T I O N S<br />

This <strong>Spring</strong> each cover<br />

reflects the adaptability and<br />

creativity of every leader on<br />

our list, each one profiled by<br />

an equally luminous voice<br />

PLUS<br />

An Exclusive<br />

Interview with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

Key Insights<br />

Into The Global<br />

Pandemic With<br />

Dr. Kenneth<br />

Moritsugu<br />

Ideagen Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

The Power 50<br />

List- The<br />

Most<br />

Dynamically<br />

Resilient<br />

Companies<br />

and Orgs of<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

S T A V R O S L A M B R I N I D I S - E U A M B A S S A D O R T O T H E U S

1.27.21<br />

Ideagen<br />

®<br />

Dynamic Resiliency Summit<br />

Dynamic Resiliency: An<br />

organization with a<br />

demonstrated, dedicated<br />

ethos focused on fostering<br />

partnerships across sectors<br />

resulting in surviving,<br />

recovering and reimagining<br />

operations after the most<br />

challenging circumstances.<br />

:The ability to see around<br />

corners, to reimagine. –<br />

Ideagen® 2020<br />

See how some of the worlds<br />

largest organizations are<br />

surviving, recovering, and<br />

reimagining operations after<br />

the most challenging<br />

circumstances<br />


K A T E J O H N S O N<br />

P R E S I D E N T O F M I C R O S O F T U S<br />

K E Y N O T E S P E A K E R :<br />

E M P O W E R I N G W O M E N & G I R L S<br />

S U M M I T<br />

George Sifakis: Kate, you have been at<br />

Microsoft for three years now. That's a<br />

relatively short time, but you've made<br />

such a global impact already. What drew<br />

you to Microsoft, and what appealed to<br />

you about the company?<br />

Kate Johnson: I've had a career<br />

where I've had the opportunity to<br />

work for a bunch of different<br />

companies doing lots of different<br />

jobs. I've been in sales, operations,<br />

technology, and services. The<br />

common thread across all of those<br />

roles, looking back, is change<br />

leadership. Then the opportunity at<br />

Microsoft presented itself. Here we<br />

have the CEO Satya Nadella, who's<br />

got this crystal clear mission to<br />

empower every person and<br />

organization on the planet to<br />

achieve more.<br />

For more information about the event, please<br />

visit: https://www.ideagensummits.com/ CATALYZE MAGAZINE | 2

E X C E R P T S F R O M K A T E J O H N S O N<br />

P R E S I D E N T O F M I C R O S O F T U S , K E Y N O T E<br />

C O N T I N U E D . . .<br />

Kate Johnson: It starts with the mission<br />

and, we're lucky to have one that's still<br />

aligned with such lofty goals, right? I think<br />

they're perfectly in line with the UN's goals<br />

about innovation and change, where we're<br />

trying to solve problems with people on the<br />

planet. We're also understanding that all<br />

change starts with people, it's really not<br />

about the technology. And that recognition<br />

is helping us create the conditions to drive<br />

true transformation for our company, as<br />

well as the marketplace. And what change<br />

lover would pass up that opportunity? I just<br />

couldn’t.<br />

George Sifakis: That's certainly an<br />

incredible perspective. And the trajectory<br />

that you've had is simply remarkable. It<br />

does seem that Microsoft has gotten some<br />

momentum in the change game. We're<br />

seeing this response in the market, press,<br />

and in employee interactions. Why is that?<br />

And what is Satya doing that's different,<br />

other than clearly articulating a lofty<br />

mission?<br />

Kate Johnson:That's a great question. I<br />

think while everything is anchored in this<br />

mission, it's the recognition that we had to<br />

be just as precise about the culture change<br />

that we want him to drive. Satiya took his<br />

leadership team and spent a lot of time<br />

making sure that he could find exactly what<br />

our cultural aspirations truly were.<br />

Kate Johnson: It starts with having a<br />

growth mindset for everything that we do.<br />

It's about moving from being the know-it-alls<br />

to the learn-it-alls. That's very different.<br />

That's embedding yourself in curiosity and<br />

having the courage and vulnerability to show<br />

up, not knowing the answer all the time. The<br />

second piece is we want to become obsessed<br />

with customer problems and solving them<br />

rather than being obsessed with our own<br />

products and services. We want to operate as<br />

one team, we call it one Microsoft. So it's<br />

melting down all the silos between the<br />

product teams, melting down the silos<br />

between engineering, services, sales, and<br />

operations, so that we can work together to<br />

obsess collectively about our customer's<br />

challenges. Also, it's creating a diverse and<br />

inclusive environment, one in which we<br />

represent the markets into which we want to<br />

sell, and where we create an inclusive<br />

environment so that we can truly harness the<br />

brainpower of every human being that shows<br />

up for work at Microsoft. All of that rests<br />

upon our value system, which is based on<br />

respect, accountability, and integrity. Those<br />

are all very clear attributes of culture. And<br />

one in which a change leader like me can<br />

anchor herself in to and say, okay, let's make<br />

that real in our business.<br />


I N T E R V I E W W I T H D R . S I D H A N T G U P T A A N D<br />

N I C O L A S V I L L A R F R O M M I C R O S O F T D U R I N G<br />

T H E D Y N A M I C R E S I L I E N C Y S U M M I T<br />

Dr. Sidhant Gupta:<br />

These kids who are visually impaired were building circuits and they had the tactical field to<br />

do that. They came up with some really creative ideas. Can you tell us more about that?<br />

Nicolas Villar:<br />

Exactly. They were coming out with all these great ideas, on what they wanted to do. You<br />

know this is a really great invention. For example, they created a light sensor. And this allows<br />

one to know whether there's a window in the room. Like, I want to know whether there is a<br />

window in this room and I can use this light sensor to know whether it is giving me some<br />

feedback or not. Furthermore, with a little glue logic, they could feel through the breadboard<br />

that the delicate fiscal operations worked perfectly, but even more so it was giving it the little<br />

bit of intuitive intelligence that glued it all together, and that really was a big chasm. Looking<br />

back, it became apparent that the tech education problem was really widespread In the UK,<br />

over the last few years, computer science has become part of the curriculum, which is really<br />

exciting. It means that the role of these children that were being excluded from participating<br />

has expanded, because of the same thing that we experienced in the workshop, they were<br />

experiencing in a neck at a nationwide level. There just weren't any tools to teach kids with<br />

disabilities things about programming, because a lot of the metaphors and tools that we use are<br />

very visual. When teaching someone programming there are tools like ‘scratch’, where you<br />

look on screen, you drag and drop blocks, and each block you are reading a line of code or a<br />

statement, and you click them together like a Lego piece.<br />

It's a very visual metaphor. Or, even when we are talking about text-based coding, it is very,<br />

visual, you know, indentation is meaningful, the way that things align. It's also important to<br />

address the graphical nature of things like screen readers that don't really work. Something like<br />

a screen reader is already so abstract when you're trying to convey code. Without aim, and<br />

simplifications in these abstract visual examples, it's very cartoon to build up the fundamentals<br />

of programming and computer science to create an amazing career, for someone that is visually<br />

impaired. I've worked with some incredible, program workers at Microsoft that have little or no<br />

vision. It's really incredible how they got there because of learning how to code. It's just so<br />

hard.You need to be a really extraordinary individual. If you want to be able to overcome those<br />

hurdles.<br />


Inside the Summit!<br />

Key Lessons From Toni Townes-Whitley



I D E A G E N G L O B A L<br />

Ideagen<br />

Masterclass<br />

Ideagen's Master Class provides viewers an unprecedented<br />

and never before seen look into the lives and stories of the<br />

world’s most influential leaders. You may be familiar with<br />

the accomplishments and successes of many of these leaders<br />

from their time spent on a global stage, but do you know<br />

how they arrived where they are today, the challenges they<br />

faced, and the obstacles they overcame?<br />

Ideagen's Master Class will provide you with a backstage<br />

pass to their life and journey, an up-close and personal look<br />

at global leaders and luminaires including Former<br />

Ambassador John Negroponte, the first Director of National<br />

Intelligence; Robert Reiss, founder of the CEO Forum; Dr.<br />

Robert Brown, former advisor to Martin Luther King Jr. and<br />

Nelson Mandela; plus many more. Be inspired as Ideagen<br />

interviews global leaders and luminaires on their impact and<br />

join the master class to discover their journey to success.<br />


Excerpts from Gretchen O'Hara Vice<br />

President, AI and Sustainability at Microsoft<br />

My name is Gretchen O’Hara, and I am the VP of AI and Sustainability Strategy at Microsoft<br />

US. It is great to be joining you at the Ideagen Dynamic Resiliency summit. We see the concept<br />

of resilience in business as more critical than ever. A key component of resilience and recovery<br />

is skilling for the future, so today I’d love to discuss our accelerate program, why we are making<br />

this investment in skilling, what is the initiative, and how our approach is unique in the market.<br />

First, let’s set the stage of why we launched the accelerate program. The rapid acceleration of<br />

emerging technology and its impact on the US market and society is redefining our landscape<br />

today. This acceleration is only further fueled by the COVID 19 crisis. In fact, 79% of CIOs<br />

agree that the COVID 19 pandemic will act as a forcing function to make them digitally<br />

transform and move to the public cloud even faster than originally planned. This massive shift is<br />

impacting what skills are needed in the future. However, not all of society is benefitting from this<br />

digital transformation as 37% of rural Americans don’t have access to broadband at home. As a<br />

result, many of us are experiencing uncertainty. More than 8 in 10 Americans, 83%, say that the<br />

future of our nation is a significant source of stress. And so, the situation and resulting issues<br />

create a growing need for empathy.<br />


Excerpts from Gretchen O'Hara Vice<br />

President, AI and Sustainability at Microsoft<br />

Continued...<br />

We are facing some unprecedented times. In this global pandemic, we have had to address some incredible<br />

problems that range from how we come out from this global economic crisis to the skills that we are going to<br />

have to need to collectively use in the recovery of how we serve every individual on the planet. Ensuring that<br />

we have an inclusive and diverse workforce of the future and that the technology and innovation that we must<br />

provide to get out of this global pandemic doesn’t actually create a larger digital divide. We now need to bring<br />

more people together as we focus on underserved and underrepresented communities so that everyone can<br />

flourish in this recovery today.<br />

We see digitization as a massive opportunity, creating benefits for both industry and society. The World<br />

Economic Forum estimates that the opportunity could be as big as 100 trillion over the next ten years. It’s just<br />

simply massive. However, this opportunity comes with significant challenges as digitization is accelerating the<br />

need for new jobs and new tech skills. It is projected by the next year, 27% of roles will be net new due to<br />

technology and 54% of employees will require reskilling or upskilling. Women, in particular, may be at risk of<br />

changing their jobs due to automation. Up to 24% of total women employed globally will need to change jobs<br />

due to automation.<br />

This virtual world post-pandemic is also increasing the digital divide leaving underserved communities further,<br />

and further behind. According to Deutsche Bank research, 76% of Blacks and 62% of Hispanics get shut out<br />

completely or will be underprepared for the 86% of jobs in the US due to lack of connectivity and technology<br />

access. The digitization trend combined with COVID has led to the unprecedented growth of virtual and remote<br />

education. However, access to broadband and access to the quality and content of remote instruction is vastly<br />

different depending on location and community. Those demographics and factors can result in a learning loss.<br />

How much learning students lose during school closures vary significantly, and, in some cases, students are not<br />

getting any instruction at all, while others may opt of school altogether. This loss will be greatest among our<br />

low-income, Black, and Hispanic students. In particular, 86% of Black students are currently receiving lowquality<br />

or no remote education with a possibility of losing over ten months of learning during this pandemic.<br />

Compounding learning loss in underserved communities is job loss, and overall women are impacted as<br />

women’s jobs are 1.8x times more vulnerable in this crisis than men’s jobs. Together we can leverage this<br />

forum to act. The struggle of underserved communities in a world that is rapidly digitizing as well as the<br />

increasing disparity of opportunity for them is further compounded by systemic injustice. In the past year, there<br />

have been national protests regarding current inequities in the US at a systemic level that spanned racial,<br />

economic, gender identity, and ability bias. Empathy in action was developed as a national platform, executed<br />

through our local community engagement to the level the playing field across policing, criminal justice,<br />

healthcare education skilling, and access: access to opportunity and access to capital. Addressing the need to<br />

build sustainable, systemic, and symbolic change across our community’s cities and citizens can empower<br />

every individual and organization to achieve more. We also achieve these goals through the initiative to close<br />

the skills gap and leverage our Microsoft platform to drive change in the markets that we serve every day.<br />


Excerpts from Toni Townes- Whitley<br />

President, US Regulated Industries at Microsoft<br />

George Sifakis: What are the obvious<br />

and maybe even the unexpected benefits<br />

that companies can realize through their<br />

engagements with social impact selling?<br />

Toni Townes: Well, it's interesting when<br />

we think about this, we've been talking<br />

about resiliency for the last 10 months<br />

and we've sort of almost decompressed it<br />

to, leadership resiliency, and mission<br />

resiliency, this idea that the mission has<br />

continuity. And as you talked about tech<br />

resiliency, the underlying word tech is<br />

there. And when you start to bring these<br />

together, they create, if you will, a much<br />

stronger fabric for social resiliency, for<br />

our societal issues to be addressed with<br />

the grit and the grace that's needed, if you<br />

will, to keep moving forward.<br />

Toni Townes: And how does that help a<br />

company? Well, we feel particularly that<br />

it's helped our brand. As you've<br />

mentioned, Microsoft is becoming<br />

known for our work in sustainability, our<br />

work in accessibility, and our work with<br />

various audiences, for digital skilling.<br />

We also know that about 75% of the<br />

employees who are thriving in so many<br />

of these research studies that have come<br />

out recently have indicated that<br />

employees connect mission and social<br />

impact with their own employee<br />

experience, that they believe that<br />

purpose-driven technology is what sort of<br />

motivates them, retains them in the<br />

industry and allows them to progress<br />

their careers.<br />


Excerpts from Toni Townes- Whitley<br />

President, US Regulated Industries at Microsoft<br />

Continued...<br />

Toni Townes: So, what we feel like<br />

we're doing for society is also a benefit<br />

for our own employees. I think it was a<br />

2016 study that found that about 57% of<br />

US workers consider their company's<br />

societal and environmental commitments<br />

when they decide where they're going to<br />

work, where they decide they're going to<br />

stay and build a career, when it comes to<br />

millennials, that number jumps to 76%,<br />

which is not that surprising to us who<br />

have raised some of those millennials,<br />

that purpose driven work drives<br />

employee satisfaction. And that's another<br />

sort of outcome of making these<br />

decisions. You know, when we just<br />

double click on some of the statistics, we<br />

realized that it's not just about the brand<br />

of the company and the satisfaction of<br />

employees. It's also about growing a<br />

company and there's so much research<br />

that indicates doing good, actually is<br />

quite profitable. You can grow markets<br />

and build, and grow, share, even in doing<br />

things that have the deepest and most<br />

substantive societal impacts. So we think<br />

there are many benefits for companies in<br />

our industry and across industries to<br />

engage more and more, not only in social<br />

impact selling, but what I'll call the sort<br />

of broader definition of civic technology.<br />


K E N M O R I T S U G U<br />

R E T I R E D U S S U R G E O N G E N E R A L<br />

I D E A G E N D Y N A M I C R E S I L I E N C Y<br />

2 0 2 1 S U M M I T<br />

George Sifakis: How is this moment different<br />

than any other that you've seen. And are you<br />

optimistic about the future health of our nation<br />

and the planet when it comes to future health<br />

challenges, including future pandemics,<br />

Dr. Moritsugu: Frankly, what we are facing<br />

right now in a COVID 19 pandemic is not<br />

unique. We have faced challenges of this sort<br />

before, the Spanish flu, ebola, et cetera. What<br />

we are facing, however, is an order of<br />

magnitude that we have not seen for decades,<br />

if not centuries. That, I think has a great<br />

impact on individuals and on systems. And as<br />

I have said earlier, we've got to remember that<br />

we are individuals who exist within a<br />

community and that the community exists to<br />

support the individual. Coming out of COVID<br />

19, as we see the advent of vaccines that imply<br />

we're ready to turn the corner. We've got to<br />

remember that we've got both elements. The<br />

individual and the community that have got to<br />

work in concstent. Again, connecting the dots,<br />

the community, whether it be your local<br />

government, the state government, or the<br />

national government can provide guidance,<br />

can provide access and resources to vaccines,<br />

to health professionals. But then at the same<br />

time, we as individuals have got to understand<br />

we've got a responsibility as well.<br />

Dr. Moritsugu: We're fortunately sitting six feet<br />

apart. We were wearing masks before we sat at this<br />

table. We are engaged in socially distancing. We<br />

don't go to restaurants or to meetings in small<br />

closed and enclosed areas or have gatherings of<br />

large numbers. All of these are individual<br />

responsibilities that we as individuals can act on or<br />

not act on, and therein lies the solution, the real<br />

solution, the individual behaving in the community<br />

and the community supporting the individual.<br />

For more information about the event, please<br />

visit: https://www.ideagensummits.com/ CATALYZE MAGAZINE | 10




Ideagen's newest branch of our streaming services is<br />

Ideagen Radio. Streaming on over 16 platforms, Ideagen<br />

takes all the great content you have come to love with<br />

Ideagen TV, now in a convenient podcast form! Each day<br />

as we release Ideagen TV Content at 12 PM Noon ET,<br />

Ideagen Radio will release the corresponding interview in<br />

podcast form to all of the above streaming platforms at 3<br />

PM ET. Whether you're on the go, prefer audio to video, or<br />

just want a new way to consume Ideagen content, Ideagen<br />

Radio provides an even more convenient way to hear from<br />

some of the world's most influential global leaders and<br />


I D E A G E N G L O B A L<br />

Ideagen's Black<br />

History Month<br />

Initiatives<br />

In recognition of Black History Month and in honor of our late<br />

Hon. Chairman Louis Stokes, Ideagen launched the Ideagen<br />

Chairman Series during the month of February.<br />

Featured<br />

Content<br />

Toni Townes-Whitley<br />

Viola Davis<br />

Dr. Robert J. Brown<br />

Ideagen Board Chairman Emeritus - The Late Hon. Louis<br />

Stokes (February 23, 1925 – August 18, 2015) was an American<br />

attorney, civil rights pioneer and politician. He served 15 terms<br />

in the United States House of Representatives – representing the<br />

east side of Cleveland – and was the first African American<br />

congressman elected in the state of Ohio. He was one of the<br />

Cold War-era chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee,<br />

headed the Congressional Black Caucus, and was the first<br />

African American on the House Appropriations<br />

Mary Milben<br />

David Casey<br />

The late Hon. Louis Stokes: “Ideagen is one of the most<br />

unique, necessary and powerful cross- sector collaboration<br />

platforms today, it is indeed time to facilitate cross -sector<br />

collaboration to address many of the world’s most pressing<br />

challenges”. -Ideagen Quote 2014<br />


Excerpts from Ideagen's Interview<br />

with Viola Davis, Julius Tennon,<br />

and Steven Tingus<br />

Steven Tingus: Tell me your feelings about the underrepresentation situation [in<br />

Hollywood], and what you would like to see changed, to not really just talk about<br />

diversity inclusion. That's all nice, but I'm very strategic in my work. What would<br />

you like to see done right now?<br />

Julius Tennon: Well, obviously, you know, it's always one of those things where<br />

you have to be the change you want to see. And obviously, Steve, I’ve known you<br />

for these last six years, and I know that those stats about, actors who are disabled<br />

are true. And I think you have to, you know, we have, to continue to have those<br />

conversations with the people who run the studios, also with independent producers<br />

and make them become more sensitive to the fact that if we can have a someone<br />

with a disability do the work that actor should be given the job because, you know,<br />

if you're going to have somebody who's disabled do that job and have that<br />

disability, they actually have to be able to perform. So that worry of a producer, if<br />

you actually get an actual disabled person, you're not going to be able to do the job<br />

well, we have to dispel that. Being able to put people in front of them who could<br />

actually do the job who could actually write a script, could actually, you know, be<br />

pulling cohorts and doing different things. Because just because they're disabled<br />

doesn't mean that they don't have the ability and that they aren't able to do it. So I<br />

just think we have to start having these real serious conversations with the folks at<br />

the top and talk about these things and say, let's make a roadway, let's build a real<br />

roadway instead of kind of talking around it let's really in a substantive way.<br />


"That role (Annalise Keating) absolutely defined my<br />

career only because of the role that, a woman who<br />

looked like me who would not necessarily be<br />

considered for that role. She was cool... she's a<br />

leading lady on network television" -Viola Davis<br />


E X C E R P T S F R O M I D E A G E N ' S<br />

I N T E R V I E W W I T H V I O L A D A V I S ,<br />

J U L I U S T E N N O N , A N D S T E V E N<br />

T I N G U S C O N T I N U E D . . .<br />

Steven Tingus: Exactly, as you all know, I've been an advocate or activist. I've<br />

had a business perspective, obviously because of my late parents who ever<br />

treated me as a pity project, they treated me like my other two siblings. And I<br />

think that it's made me stronger to get things done correctly. So with that, I<br />

want to ask Viola and yourself, what characters have you played that you feel<br />

really sent a message about the issues that we face and what we need to do, to<br />

affect and change perceptions of people that are underrepresented.<br />

Viola Davis: Well, that would have to be how to get away with murder and<br />

Shondaland. That role absolutely defined my career only because of the role that, a<br />

woman who looked like me would not necessarily be considered for that role. She<br />

was cool. She was described as sexual, as complicated, she's a leading lady on<br />

network television. You know, usually women are cute, they're blonde, they're petite.<br />

And because those roles are not usually cast with an actress who looks like me, there<br />

was a part of me that didn't believe it too. And I think that's sad until I accepted it and<br />

I had to believe it. Okay. Because I had to play her and I had to make the audience<br />

buy it. Right? So for me, it was a huge growth experience for Viola, the person, the<br />

woman, the woman of color, the dark skin woman of color with thick lips and a wide<br />

nose. It also helped redefine in my opinion, how you saw a leading lady, but<br />

Shondaland in and of itself really cares about the broad spectrum of humanity. We<br />

have had disabled actors. We have had the LGBTQ community represented, but<br />

that's because we care, we do want the change. But a lot of people don't care. They<br />

keep the status quo out of fear, you know, but I got into acting for me, I got into<br />

acting because I knew what acting does is it makes people feel less alone. When you<br />

look at characters, I don't want characters that don't look like me and don't look like<br />

the world that I live in. So I would have to say how to get away with murder.<br />


G E O R G E S I F A K I S , C E O A N D<br />

F O U N D E R , I D E A G E N T A L K S<br />

A B O U T 1 7 D A Y S O F<br />

S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y<br />

In today’s world, as we<br />

experience what I term as 1918,<br />

1929 and 1968 all wrapped up<br />

into one, I believe there is one<br />

silver lining: we have the<br />

opportunity — and shared<br />

imperative — to all work<br />

together and make the world a<br />

better place. I have attended<br />

Ideagen events in the past and<br />

see Ideagen as a true ‘galvanizer<br />

of good’. I recently heard about<br />

of 17 days of Sustainability and<br />

thought you, as CEOs, would<br />

want to know more about it. So<br />

I recently ‘sat down’ with<br />

Ideagen CEO and Founder,<br />

George Sifakis.<br />

Article originally published in Forbes <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Contributer: Robert Reiss<br />

For more information about the event, please<br />

visit: https://www.ideagensummits.com/ CATALYZE MAGAZINE | 16

G E O R G E S I F A K I S , C E O A N D F O U N D E R ,<br />

I D E A G E N T A L K S A B O U T 1 7 D A Y S O F<br />

S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y C O N T I N U E D . . .<br />

Robert Reiss: Talk about the original<br />

Ideagen concept.<br />

George Sifakis: Ideagen’s mission is to<br />

provide a global platform to foster crosssector<br />

collaboration by the world’s leading<br />

Brands, Companies, NGOs and Public<br />

Sector to create innovative solutions via<br />

collaboration at scale while creating<br />

awareness of the 17 United Nations<br />

Sustainable Development Goals.<br />

Reiss: And how specifically are you<br />

creating that awareness these days?<br />

Sifakis: In early 2020 we launched the<br />

Ideagen TV Network to expand upon our<br />

global summit reach. In doing so, we have<br />

drastically increased our reach to tens of<br />

millions of people. With this incredible<br />

platform we are currently finalizing plans to<br />

broadcast Ideagen’s 17 days of<br />

Sustainability, 17 days of content to<br />

correspond to one of the UN SDG’s. Each<br />

day Ideagen brings global leaders and<br />

innovators together to discuss. We Believe<br />

that through education and awareness society<br />

can help to bring the goals to fruition.<br />

Sifakis: We are inspired by the unanimous<br />

agreement by the 193 member states of the<br />

United Nations who adopted the 17 Global<br />

Goals as a universal call to action to end<br />

poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all<br />

people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.<br />

Ideagen is committed to serving as a catalyst<br />

to achieve these goals.<br />

Reiss: Talk about your major TV initiative.<br />

Reiss: Share more about the specifics of the<br />

17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Sifakis: During Ideagen’s “17 Days of<br />

Sustainability”, highlighting one goal per<br />

day, Ideagen will showcase how the world’s<br />

leading organizations are addressing the<br />

global goals. Achieving the Global Goals is<br />

only possible through the education,<br />

awareness, and collaboration of individuals<br />

and organizations who strive for a better<br />

society and planet.<br />


For more information about the event, please<br />

visit: https://www.ideagensummits.com/ CATALYZE MAGAZINE | 18<br />

Sifakis: A key highlight during the 17 Days<br />

of Sustainability will include a spotlight on<br />

Global Goal 5, Gender Equality, during<br />

Ideagen’s Annual Empowering Women &<br />

Girls Summit on October 8, and Goal 17,<br />

Partnerships for the Goals, during our<br />

Annual Ideagen Global Partnerships Summit<br />

on October 9. Ideagen’s 17 Days of<br />

Sustainability, 17 Global Goals including<br />

over 100 Speakers, Leaders and Luminaries,<br />

from across sectors sharing insights,<br />

perspectives and partnerships to achieve the<br />

Global Goals by 2030. We are excited to<br />

announce that Kate Johnson, President of<br />

Microsoft US, will be the keynote speaker<br />

for the Empowering Women and Girls<br />

Summit on October 8th. Other companies<br />

participating include ACS Athens, KPMG,<br />

World Human Forum, Opportunity<br />

International, IBM, Summer Discovery,<br />

AARP, Providence St. Joseph Health,<br />

Women in Cloud, and many more …<br />

Sifakis: Our audience and reach is quite<br />

broad, as it consists of people around the<br />

globe. All past Ideagen summit attendees and<br />

interviewees, our digital audience —-<br />

consisting of over a million website visitors a<br />

month, thousands of members in our online<br />

platform, our digital following, and our<br />

targeted promotion and marketing— as well<br />

as our affiliate audiences. We plan to<br />

generate awareness for the 17 days of<br />

Sustainability through a targeted approach,<br />

utilizing our digital audience, digital<br />

marketing and promotions, as well as a joint<br />

effort with all summit speakers.<br />

Reiss: I just want commend you on putting<br />

together such an important initiative —<br />

especially significant during these times.<br />

Sifakis: Thank you, Robert. It was an honor<br />

to join you for this interview.<br />

Reiss: Truly inspiring, George. How about<br />

the audience?<br />

Article originally published in Forbes <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Contributer: Robert Reiss

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 1<br />

10<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

Amy Hopkins<br />

Senior Director- Boeing Phantom Works<br />

Bill Gates<br />

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation<br />

Elon Musk<br />

CEO - Tesla<br />

Gretchen O'Hara<br />

VP AI and Sustainability - Microsoft<br />

Jo Ann Jenkins<br />

CEO - AARP<br />


I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

10<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

Dr. Rod Hochman<br />

CEO/President- Providence Health<br />

Kim Smith<br />

Global Vice President- IBM<br />

Dr. Chantal Line Carpentier<br />


Alex Gorsky<br />

CEO - Johnson & Johnson<br />

Amb. Stavros Lambrinidis<br />



Editor's Note<br />

Dear Friends and Colleagues,<br />

2020 was one of the most challenging years in human history with<br />

the global pandemic. Despite this global challenge, Ideagen made a<br />

renewed effort and commitment to convene the world's greatest<br />

minds from the world's leading companies, ngo's and public sector to<br />

address the world's most vexing issues. Ideagen TV reached over<br />

90 Million People in 2020 across the planet with inspiring<br />

interviews and custom programming. On November 2, 2020<br />

Ideagen Radio Launched with a focus on a similar ubiquitous<br />

content distribution model beginning with our platform,<br />

IdeagenGlobal.com "Powered by Azure".<br />

<strong>2021</strong> is already shaping up to be #Epic, as we convene and prepare<br />

for the world wide release of over 21 High-Impact Summits<br />

beginning with the Dynamic Resiliency Summit on January 27/28,<br />

<strong>2021</strong>, and most recently with the Annual Global Leadership Summit<br />

on March 23 - 25. Stay tuned for new programming!<br />



Editor-in-Chief & CEO<br />

-Ideagen<br />



Publication Editor<br />


Publication Co-Editor<br />

Pictured Top to Bottom<br />

Kate Johnson, Microsoft<br />

Dr. Rhonda Medows, Providence<br />

George Sifakis with Robert Reiss

COVER<br />

PHOTO<br />


Toni Townes-Whitley<br />

Credit: The CEO Forum Group, and Microsoft News<br />

https://theceoforumgroup.com/radio-toni-townes-whitleypresident-microsoft-regulated-industries/<br />

https://news.microsoft.com/digitaldifferenceaustralia/photos/<br />

toni-townes-whitley/<br />

Dr. Kenneth Moritsugu<br />

Credit: From Bio<br />

https://www.hhs.gov/surgeongeneral/about/index.html#biosg<br />

Stavros Lambrinidis<br />

Credit: From Bio<br />

https://twitter.com/euambus<br />

Gretchen O'Hara<br />

Credit: Photo Provided by Microsoft

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