From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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A Descenter moving freelyy through Castle Teerman was concerning, but

the possibilityy of an Atlantian being able to gain access without anyyone

being the wiser was something trulyy terrifyying.

I wanted to find something that would provide some sort of evidence

that Vikter and I were being paranoid, so at the crack of dawn, when the

castle was at its quietest, and Ryylan guarded the room outside, I snuck

down to the main floor and past the eerilyy quiet kitchen.

Once the sun rose, I didn’t have to worryy about running into Lord

Mazeen or anyy Ascended.

Entering the banquet hall, I headed to the left, to the second door,

where I often met with Priestess Analia for myy weeklyy lessons. As I

stepped inside, I glanced across the dimlyy lit hall to the room where

Malessa had been found.

The door was closed.

Tearing myy gaze from it, I quietlyy shut the door and hurried over to

the bare wooden chair, spyying the book I never foresaw myyself reading of

myy own volition.

Mainlyy because it seemed as if I’d read The History of The War of

Two Kings and the Kingdom of Solis about a million times. I carried it over

to the lone window and quicklyy cracked it open, holding it in the faint

beam of sunlight. I carefullyy thumbed through the thin pages, knowing if I

were to tear one, Priestess Analia would be most displeased. I found the

section I was looking for. It was onlyy a handful of paragraphs that

described what Atlantians looked like, their traits, and what theyy were

capable of.

Unfortunatelyy, all it did was confirm what I alreadyy knew.

I’d never actuallyy seen an Atlantian—at least, I didn’t think I had,

and that was the problem. Atlantians looked like mortals. Even the extinct

wolven, who had once lived alongside the Atlantians in Atlantia, could

easilyy be mistaken for mortals, even though theyy had never been. The

Atlantians’ abilityy to blend in with the populace theyy were known to

subjugate and hunt made them deadlyy, expert predators. One could walk

right past me, and I wouldn’t know. Neither would the Ascended. For some

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