From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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You’re the child of the gods.

Agnes’s words came back to me. The onlyy reason theyy thought that

was because of the veil and the paintings and various artworks

representing the Maiden.

That and how often it was that theyy didn’t see me.

We started toward the banquet hall. From there, we could enter the

foyyer and be able to access the Queen’s Garden. There’d be more servants,

but there reallyy wasn’t anyy other wayy to access it from within the castle

that didn’t require scaling a wall. We made it halfwayy past the long table

when one of the manyy doors on either side opened behind us.


A wave of goosebumps spread over myy skin in revulsion. I

recognized that voice, and I wanted to keep walking—to pretend I’d

suddenlyy lost myy hearing.

But Ryylan had stopped.

If I kept walking, it wouldn’t end well for me.

Inhaling deeplyy, I turned to face Lord Brandole Mazeen. I didn’t see

what I was sure most saw, a dark-haired man who appeared to be in his

mid-twenties, handsome and tall. I saw a bullyy.

I saw a cruel man who had long ago forgotten what it was like to be


Unlike with the Duke, who seemed to despise me without cause, I

knew preciselyy whyy Lord Mazeen found such glee in harassing me.


And it all stemmed from the vainest, most inconsequential thing

possible. A yyear before myy brother Ascended, he’d bested Lord Mazeen at

a game of cards, to which the Lord had ungraciouslyy accused Ian of

cheating. I, who probablyy shouldn’t have even been present for the game,

had laughed. Mainlyy because the Lord was utterlyy terrible at poker. From

that moment on, the Lord had sought to irritate both Ian and me whenever

he got the chance. It onlyy got worse once Ian Ascended, and the Lord

began to…assist the Duke with his lessons.

Clasping myy hands together, I said nothing as he strode toward me,

his long legs encased in black breeches. He wore a black dress shirt, and

the darkness of his clothing created a striking contrast against his pale skin

and lips the color of ripe berries. His eyyes…

I didn’t like to look into them. Theyy seemed fathomless and emptyy.

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