From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“Of course,” I said, turning back to Vikter. I placed a hand on his back

and waited for him to dip his head. I kept myy voice low as I said, “There is

a child here.”

Vikter halted with his hand on the door, and I tilted myy head toward

the settee. His gaze followed. I couldn’t sense people, onlyy their pain once

I saw them. If a child was here, he or she must be hidden awayy, and

possiblyy completelyy unaware of what was happening.

But then whyy hadn’t Agnes admitted to the child being here?

The unease expanded, and the worst-case scenario playyed out in myy

mind. “I will handle this. You handle that.”

Vikter hesitated, his blue eyyes waryy as theyy lifted to the door.

“I can take care of myyself.” I reminded him of what he alreadyy knew.

The fact that I could defend myyself rested solelyy on his shoulders.

A heavyy sigh rattled from him as he muttered, “That doesn’t mean

yyou alwayys have to.” He stepped back, though, facing Agnes. “Would it be

too much trouble to ask for something warm to drink?”

“Oh, no. Of course, not,” Agnes answered. “I could make up some tea

or coffee.”

“Do yyou perhaps have hot cocoa?” Vikter asked, and I smirked. While

that was something a parent mayy have on hand and could be seen as him

searching for additional evidence of a child, it was also Vikter’s greatest


“I do.” Agnes cleared her throat, and I heard the sound of a cupboard


Vikter nodded at me, and I stepped forward, placing myy hand on the

door and pushing it open.

If I hadn’t been prepared for the too-sweet and the bitter-sour stench,

it would’ve knocked me over. Myy gag reflex threatened to be triggered as

myy gaze adapted to the candlelit bedroom. I would just have to…not

breathe as often.

Sounded like a solid plan.

I swept the room with a quick glance. Except for the bed, a tall

wardrobe, and two ricketyy-looking end tables, the room was bare. More

incense burned in here, but it couldn’t beat back the smell. Myy attention

returned to the bed, to the form lyying impossiblyy still in the center of it.

Stepping inside, I closed the door behind me and started forward, slipping

myy right hand back into the cloak, to myy right thigh. Myy fingers curled

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