From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Delano and Naill, oddlyy relieved to see that theyy were okayy. Theyy had

defended me, and I didn’t want to think about the reasons behind it.

Laid out before us was a feast. Stewed beef. Roasted duck. Cold

meats and cheese. Baked potatoes. All of it smelled wonderful.

But myy stomach churned as I sat there, unable to move. Kieran

offered me some of the beef, and I must’ve agreed because it ended up on

myy plate. Then came the duck and potato. He was the one who broke off a

hunk of cheese and placed it on myy plate as he reached for his glass,

seeming to remember that it was one of myy weaknesses.

I stared down at myy plate. I didn’t see the food. I saw the bodies

outside the room as conversation was slow to start but soon picked up and

became a steadyy hum. Glasses and plates clinked. Laughter sounded.

And there were bodies nailed to the walls outside the Great Room.


Blinking, I looked up at him. His golden eyyes had cooled, but his jaw

was hard enough to cut glass.

“Eat,” he ordered in a low voice.

I reached for a fork, picking it up and spearing a piece of meat. I took

a bite, chewing slowlyy. It tasted as good as it smelled, but it settled too

heavilyy in myy stomach. I scooped up some of the potatoes.

A few moments passed, and he said, “You don’t agree with what I did

to them?”

I looked over at him, unsure of how to even answer the question—if it

was even a question at all.

He sat back, glass in hand. “Or are yyou so shocked, yyou’re actuallyy


Swallowing the last bit of food, I slowlyy placed the fork on the table.

“I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Can’t imagine yyou were.” He smirked as he lifted the glass to his


“How…how long will yyou leave them there?”

“Until I feel like it.”

Myy chest twisted. “And Jericho?”

“Until I know for sure no one will dare to lift a hand against yyou


Becoming aware that several of the men around us had stopped

talking and were listening, I chose myy next words carefullyy. “I don’t know

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