From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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The right side of his lips curved up. “Now, I’m trulyy intrigued.”

He moved unbelievablyy fast, thrusting the dagger blade down into the

bed. I gasped, wondering what the owners of the Red Pearl would think of

that, but then he pounced. He took me back down to the mattress, his

weight covering me once more, and he pressed into me in a wayy that

caused all the interesting parts to meet. His mouth lined up with mine—

A fist pounded on the door, silencing whatever he was about to ask.

“Hawke?” A male voice rang out. “You in there?”

He stiffened above me, his warm breath against myy lips as he closed

his eyyes.

“It’s Kieran.” The man called out a name I didn’t recognize.

“As if I didn’t know that alreadyy,” Hawke muttered under his breath,

and a small giggle left me. His eyyes opened, and that half-grin appeared.

“Hawke?” Kieran pounded some more.

“I think yyou should answer him,” I whispered.

“Dammit,” he cursed. Looking over his shoulder, he called out, “I’m

thoroughlyy, happilyy busyy at the moment.”

“Sorryy to hear that,” Kieran replied as Hawke refocused on me.

Kieran knocked again. “But the interruption is unavoidable.”

“The onlyy unavoidable thing I see is yyour soon-to-be broken hand if

yyou pound on that door one more time,” Hawke warned, and myy eyyes

widened. “What, Princess?” His voice lowered. “I told yyou I was reallyy


“Then I must risk a broken hand,” Kieran answered.

A growl of frustration rumbled from deep within Hawke’s throat, the

sound strangelyy animalistic. Goosebumps pimpled myy skin.

“The…envoyy has arrived,” Kieran added through the door.

Shadows crept across Hawke’s face. His lips moved as if he

murmured something, but the sound was too low for me to hear.

A chill chased awayy some of the heat. “An…envoyy?”

He nodded. “The supplies we’ve been waiting for,” he explained. “I

need to go.”

I nodded in return, understanding that he had to leave as I reached

between us, grasping the edge of the cloak.

For a long moment, Hawke didn’t move, but then he shifted off me,

standing. He called out to Kieran as he grabbed his tunic off the floor. I

yyanked the forgotten dagger out of the mattress, quicklyy sheathing it as he

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