From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“That’s yyour choice,” he replied. “But yyou smell of Casteel.”

I jolted at the sound of his name. His real name. “I am wearing his


“That’s not the kind of smell I’m talking about.”

It took a minute for me to get what he was referencing. When I did,

myy mouth dropped open. “You can smell…?”

Kieran’s smile could onlyy be described as wolfish.

“I’m going to bathe.”

He chuckled.

“Shut up,” I snapped, gathering up the new clothing and hurryying into

the bathing room. I closed the door behind me, annoyyed when I saw there

was no lock.

Cursing under myy breath, I looked around and found several hooks on

the wall. I hung the tunic and breeches there. I quicklyy stripped and

stepped into the bath, ignoring the twinge of pain in a veryy private area as

I sank into the lavender-scented water. I didn’t allow myyself to think about

anyything as I got down to scrubbing off myy blood and…and his. Myy

stomach turned over as I used the bar of soap to wash myy hair. When suds

ran down the back of myy neck, I dipped under the water and held myyself


I stayyed until myy lungs and throat burned, and white spots sparked

behind myy closed eyyes. Onlyy then did I break the surface, gasping for air.

What was I going to do about him? About everyything?

A strangled, hoarse-sounding laugh escaped me. I didn’t know where

to even begin to start figuring out this mess. I’d just learned that the

kingdom of Atlantia still existed, and that seemed like the least crazyy

thing to have discovered. Gods, I still didn’t even understand how I’d gone

from learning who he trulyy was, stabbing him in the heart, to then

willinglyy falling into his arms.

Squeezing myy eyyes shut, I dragged myy hands down myy face. I

couldn’t blame the bite, even though it had some kind of arousing effect,

just like his blood had. And who, byy the wayy, would’ve ever thought that

would feel good?

But damn, it had…

I shivered as a tight curling motion bloomed low in myy stomach.

That was the last thing I needed to think about right now if I had anyy

hope of figuring out what I needed to do.

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