From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Myy lips parted on a sharp inhale.

He stilled once more, his eyyes luminous. “That’s all I ask.”

All he asked? It was a lot.

“It’s acknowledgement,” he said, his thumb swirling and tugging.

“It’s yyou admitting yyou are fullyy aware of who is inside yyou, who yyou want

so badlyy, even though yyou know yyou shouldn’t. Even though yyou want

nothing more than to not feel what yyou do. I want to hear yyou sayy myy real


“You’re a bastard,” I whispered.

One side of his lips curled. “Some call me that, yyes, but that’s not the

name I’m waiting to hear, Princess.”

I wanted to denyy him. Gods, did I ever.

“How bad do yyou want it, Poppy?” he asked.

Myy grip tightened on his hair as I yyanked his head down. There was a

flash of surprise in those glowing eyyes. “Bad,” I snarled. “Your Highness.”

His mouth opened, but I lifted myy legs, curling them around his hips.

Taking advantage of his surprise and tapping into myy own anger, I rolled

him onto his back, fullyy intending to leave him there, but I hadn’t foreseen

what the move would do when I rocked back—

I sank down on his length, myy bodyy shockinglyy flush with his. Myy

shout ended in his groan as I planted myy hands on his chest. Gods. The

fullness was almost too much.

“Oh,” I whispered, taking ragged breaths.

His chest was moving just as unevenlyy under myy hands. “You know


“What?” Myy toes curled inside myy boots.

“I don’t need yyou to sayy myy name,” he said, his eyyes half closed. “I

just need yyou to do that again, but if yyou don’t start moving, yyou might

actuallyy kill me.

A startled giggle burst from me. “I…I don’t know what to do.”

Something about his features softened even though stark need shone

through the thin slits of his eyyes. “Just move.” His hands went to myy hips.

He lifted me up a few inches and brought me back down. A deep sound

radiated from him. “Like that. You can’t do anyything wrong. How have

yyou not learned that yyet?”

I wasn’t sure what he meant byy that, but I mirrored his movement,

moving up and down as snow fell across his shirt. Myy palm slipped,

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