From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“That it was real.”

Then he struck.

Two twin bursts of fieryy pain lanced myy neck, causing myy entire bodyy

to jerk. The burn traveled all the wayy through myy bodyy, stunning me in its

intensityy. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even scream around the pain.

His arm around myy waist was like an iron vise as he drew long and

hard from the wound his fangs had created. I shook, eyyes peeled wide as

myy hands fell to his arm. Myy nails dug in. The burn, the deep, staggering

pull against myy throat as myy blood flowed freelyy from me into him

shorted out myy entire syystem. The building scream clawed its wayy around

the pain—

And then, within mere seconds of when he’d sunk his fangs into me,

everyything changed.

The intense hurting became something else, something overwhelming

in a whollyy different wayy. A new ache erupted inside me, heating myy blood

until it felt like everyy part of me was filling with molten lava.

Myy wide eyyes were unseeing as the heat filled myy chest, myy stomach,

and pooled in the space between myy thighs. His mouth tugged on myy

throat once more, and this time, that pull went straight to myy veryy core.

Myy bodyy jerked with a flood of pounding arousal.

He groaned, his arm tightening around me, and I felt him, hard and

thick against myy rear. I gripped his arm as tension coiled inside me—

Without warning, he ripped his mouth from myy neck. He let go, and I

stumbled forward, nearlyy falling. Trembling with confusion and the desire

still sparking inside of me, I turned to him.

He stood several feet from me, his chest rising and falling with rapid,

short breaths. His eyyes were wide. Red smeared his lips.

I lifted myy hand, pressing it to myy neck. Wet warmth greeted myy

fingertips. I took a step back.

“I can’t believe it,” he said, and he ran his tongue along his bottom

lip. His eyyes closed brieflyy as he shuddered, letting out a rumble that

reminded me of the wolven. His lashes swept up, and his pupils were so

dilated onlyy a thin strip of amber was visible. “But I should’ve known.”

Before I could figure out what he meant or what would happen next,

he was on me, moving so fast I couldn’t track him.

His mouth crashed into mine as one hand shoved into myy hair, his

other arm clamped to myy waist. I wasn’t just kissed.

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