From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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into myy chest. I had no idea how much time had passed. Could’ve been

minutes, or it could’ve been hours before Hawke called out to me.

Myy eyyes fluttered open to find him staring down at me. His features

were a little out of focus, fuzzyy around the edges. He was leaning back

against a wall, head tipped against it, and he looked utterlyy relaxed in that

moment, as if he were the one to have tasted the magic and not I.

“How are yyou feeling?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure how to answer that question. Was myy bodyy burning as if

it were on fire? Did it sting and pulse? No. “I’m not cold. Myy chest…it’s

not cold.”

“It shouldn’t be.”

He didn’t understand. “I feel…different.”

A small smile appeared. “Good.”

“I feel like myy bodyy…isn’t attached.”

“That will go awayy after a few minutes. Just relax and enjoyy it.”

“I don’t hurt anyymore.” I tried to steadyy myy thoughts, but theyy were

swirling. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s myy blood.” He lifted his hand, brushing strands of hair off myy

cheek. His touch sent a shiver of awareness through me, and I liked the

feeling. I liked the wayy he made me feel. I alwayys had, but I wasn’t

supposed to now. “The blood of an Atlantian has healing properties. I told

yyou that.”

“That…that is unbelievable,” I whispered.

“Is it?” Reaching over, he picked up myy arm. “Were yyou not wounded


Myy gaze followed his to myy inner forearm. Dried blood and dirt

smudged the surface, but where claws had ripped the tissue open, the skin

was now smooth under the grime.

“And here?” he asked, moving his hand so that his thumb swirled

around myy upper arm, right below myy shoulder. “Were yyou not clawed


Myy gaze snagged on the pale scar of the old Craven attack, just inside

myy elbow. I forced myy gaze to where his thumb continued to glide in small

circles. There were no fresh marks. No gaping wounds. I stared in wonder.

“There’s…there’s no new scars.”

“There will be no new scars,” he said. “That is what I promised.”

He had. “Your blood…it’s amazing.”

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