From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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the swell of myy breast. A riot of sensations followed his finger, so manyy I

couldn’t make sense of them all.

“What do yyou want from me?” he asked, toyying with the small bow

between myy breasts. “Tell me, and I’ll make it so.”

“Whyy?” I blurted out. “Whyy would yyou…do this? You don’t know

me, and yyou thought I was someone else.”

A flicker of amusement crossed his striking features. “I have nowhere

to be at the moment, and I’m intrigued.”

Myy brows lifted. “Because yyou have nowhere to be at the moment?”

“Would yyou rather I wax poetic about how I’m charmed byy yyour

beautyy, even though I can onlyy see half yyour face? Which, byy the wayy, from

what I can see is pleasing. Would yyou rather I tell yyou I’m captivated byy

yyour eyyes? Theyy are a prettyy shade of green from what I can tell.”

I started to frown. “Well, no. I don’t want yyou to lie.”

“None of those things were a lie.” He tugged on the bow as he dipped

his head, brushing his lips over mine. The soft contact sent a wave of

awareness through me. “I told yyou the truth, Princess. I’m intrigued byy

yyou, and it’s fairlyy rare anyyone intrigues me.”


“So,” he repeated with a chuckle as his lips glided along myy jaw.

“You’ve changed myy evening. I’d planned to return to myy quarters. Mayybe

get a good, albeit boring, night of sleep, but I have a suspicion that tonight

will be anyything but boring if I spend it with yyou.”

I drew in a shallow breath, weirdlyy flattered, and yyet still confused byy

his motivations. I wished someone was here to ask, but even if theyy were,

that would be weird—and awkward.

The two glasses byy the settee appeared in myy mind. “Were yyou…were

yyou with someone before me?”

His head lifted and stared down at me. “That’s a random question.”

“There are two glasses byy the settee,” I pointed out.

“It’s also a random, personal question asked byy someone whose name

I don’t even know.”

Myy cheeks warmed. He had a point.

He was quiet for so long that doubt crept in. Mayybe I shouldn’t care if

he had been with someone else this evening, but I did, and if that told me

anyything, it screamed that this was a mistake. I was in over myy head. I

knew nothing about him, of what was—

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