From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Almost as if I had no control over myy bodyy, I lifted myy gaze to his.

His eyyes…the honeyy hue churned, swirling with brighter, golden flecks.

Myy lips parted. I couldn’t look awayy. What…what was he doing?

“Drink,” he whispered or yyelled, I wasn’t sure, but his voice was

everyywhere, all around me and inside. And his eyyes…I still couldn’t look

awayy from them. His pupils seemed to expand. “Drink from me.”

A drop of blood fell from his arm to myy lips. It seeped between them,

tart and yyet sweet against myy tongue. Myy mouth tingled. He pressed his

wrist more fullyy against myy lips, and his blood ran into myy mouth,

coursing down myy throat, thick and warm. In a distant part of myy brain, I

thought that I should not allow this. That it was wrong. I would become a

monster, but the taste…it was like nothing I’d ever tasted before, a

complete awakening. I swallowed, drawing in more.

“That’s it.” Hawke’s voice was deeper, richer. “Drink.”

And so, I did.

I drank while his gaze remained fixed on me, seeming to miss

nothing. I drank, and myy skin began to hum. I drank, clasping his bloodied

arm and holding him to me before even realizing what I was doing. The

taste of his blood…it was pure sin, decadent and lush. With each swallow,

the aches and pains lessened, and the rhyythm of myy heart slowed,

becoming even. I drank until myy eyyes drifted shut. Until I became

surrounded byy a kaleidoscope of vivid, bright blues, the color reminding

me of the Stroud Sea. This blue carried startling clarityy as if it were a bodyy

of water untouched byy man.

But this was no ocean. There was cool, hard rock under myy feet, and

shadows pressing against myy skin. Soft laughter drew myy gaze from the

pool of water to the dark-haired—

“Enough,” Hawke bit out. “That’s enough.”

It couldn’t be enough. Not yyet. Latched to his wrist, I drank greedilyy. I

fed as if I were starving, and that was how I felt. That this sustenance was

what I’d been missing myy entire life.

“Poppyy,” he groaned, breaking myy hold and pulling his ravaged wrist


I started to follow because I wanted more, but myy muscles were

liquid, and myy bones soft. I sank into his embrace and felt like I was

floating, a little lost in the wayy myy skin continued to buzz, and heat poured

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