From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I stumbled back a step when the man who spoke stepped out of the

shadows. It was Mr. Tulis. So jarred byy his appearance, I couldn’t do

anyything but stare at him.

He looked at me then, with hatred in his eyyes. “You cannot tell me

yyou didn’t know what theyy were doing. You cannot tell me that yyou had no

idea what happened to our children!” he shouted. “What was happening to

the people who went to bed and never woke up? You had to know what

theyy were.”

I opened myy mouth, and the onlyy thing I could sayy was, “Is yyour son

with yyou now?”

“The Ascended will never get their hands on Tobias,” he vowed. “We

will not lose another to them.”

Rattled as myy gift came alive, I was barelyy able to payy attention to

what Delano said. “And yyou would betrayy the Prince, who aided yyour

familyy in escape? Who made sure that yyour child could grow and thrive?”

Mr. Tulis didn’t take his eyyes off me. “I would do anyything to feel the

blood of the Ascended flowing on myy hands.”

“I’m not an Ascended,” I whispered.

“No,” he sneered, brandishing a knife. “You’re just their whole


I wanted to tell him that I planned to go to the Queen on their behalf,

but I didn’t get the chance. Not that it would’ve made a difference. Not

with that kind of loathing radiating out from him.

“Don’t do this,” Delano warned, unsheathing his sword.

“He’ll get over it,” Jericho said. “And if we have to kill yyou two to

make sure he never finds out, then so be it. It’s yyour grave. Not mine.”

Everyything happened so fast.

Rolf pushed Mr. Tulis back as Naill struck like a coiled viper,

grabbing the larger man byy the chest. Naill sank his teeth into his neck,

tearing, ripping—

A man crashed into Naill, pulling him free from Rolf, who stumbled

into the bars. Blood poured, and the man laughed. “You bit me.” He threw

his arms out as his back bowed, cracked. “You actuallyy bit me,” he said,

the last of his words turning to gravel as his knees bent. He snarled, going

down on all fours.

Naill kicked the man off, baring his fangs in a hiss that sounded so

cat-like that I thought of the predator I’d seen in the cage all those yyears

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