From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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I didn’t stop to think about what I did next. I was just so furious and

afraid because he was right, what he’d said had prompted questions. Like

how none of the Ascended were seen during the dayy, or how no one but

theyy entered the Temples. But, worse yyet, it raised the question of whyy

Hawke would make all of this up. What would be the point of concocting

this elaborate lie when he had to know how hard it would be to convince


No, I didn’t think about anyy of that.

I just acted.

The chain skidded across the floor as I swung on him, myy hand curled

into a fist.

Hawke’s hand snapped up, catching mine before it connected with his

jaw. Gods, he moved impossiblyy fast, twisting myy arm as he spun me

around. He yyanked me back against the hard wall of his chest, trapping myy

arm between us as he grabbed myy other hand. A shriek of frustration

ripped from myy throat as I went to lift myy leg—

“Don’t.” His voice was a soft warning in myy ear, one that sent a

shiver down myy spine.

I didn’t listen.

He grunted when the heel of myy foot connected with the front of his

leg. Jerking myy leg up, I kicked back.

Suddenlyy, I found myyself pressed against the wall with Hawke at myy

back. I struggled, but it was no use. There wasn’t an inch of space between

him or the cold, damp wall.

“I said, don’t.” His warm breath drifted over myy temple. “I mean it,

Princess. I don’t want to hurt yyou.”

“You don’t? You alreadyy hur—” I cut myyself off.

“What?” He moved myy arm so it was no longer caught between us.

He didn’t let go, though. Instead, he pressed myy hand into the wall, just as

he did with the other one.

Clamping myy mouth shut, I refused to tell him that he’d alreadyy hurt

me. Admitting that meant there was something to hurt, to be exploited,

and he alreadyy had enough to use against me.

“You know yyou can’t seriouslyy hurt me,” he said, resting his cheek

against mine.

I tensed. “Then whyy am I chained?”

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