From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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vampryy cannot make another vampryy. Theyy cannot complete the

Ascension. When theyy drain a mortal, theyy create a Craven.”

“What yyou’re sayying makes no sense.”

“How does it not?”

“Because if anyy part of what yyou’re sayying is true, then the Ascended

are vampryys, and theyy cannot do the Ascension.” Anger burned through

myy chest, worse than the liquid he’d used to clean out myy wound. “If that’s

true, then how have theyy made other Ascended? Like myy brother?”

His jaw hardened, eyyes turning glacial. “Because it is not the

Ascended who are giving the gift of life. Theyy are using an Atlantian to do


I coughed out a harsh laugh. “The Ascended would never work with

an Atlantian.”

“Did I misspeak? I don’t believe I did. I said theyy are using an

Atlantian. Not working with one.” He picked up a jar, screwing off the lid.

“When King Malec’s peers discovered what he’d done, he lifted the laws

that forbade the act of Ascending. As more vampryys were created, manyy

were unable to control their bloodlust. Theyy drained manyy of their victims,

creating the pestilence known as the Craven, who swept across the

kingdom like a plague. The Queen of Atlantia, Queen Eloana, tried to stop

it. She made the act of Ascension forbidden once more and ordered all

vampryys destroyyed in an act to protect mankind.”

I watched as he dipped his hand into the jar and then set it aside. A

thick, milkyy-white substance covered his long fingers. I recognized the

smell. It was the same salve that had been used on me before. “Yarrow?”

He nodded. “Among other things that will help speed up yyour


“I can—” I jerked as the chilled ointment touched myy skin. Hawke

spread the mixture over myy stomach, warming the balm and myy flesh.

And then me.

Myy knuckles began to ache as an unwanted shiver of awareness

skated over myy skin. He betrayed you, I reminded myyself. He played you. I

hated him. I did. The knot in myy throat expanded even as a headyy flush

swept through me.

Hawke seemed to be entirelyy focused on what he was doing, and that

was a blessing. I didn’t want him to see how his touch affected me. “The

vampryys revolted,” he said after scooping out more of the ointment. “That

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