From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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her because he apparentlyy had quite the historyy of being unfaithful. But

either wayy, she was mortallyy wounded. As I said, Malec was desperate to

save her. He committed the forbidden act of Ascending her—what yyou

know as the Ascension.”

Myy heart lodged somewhere in myy throat, next to the messyy knot of


His gaze lifted and met mine. “Yes. Isbeth was the first to Ascend.

Not yyour false King and Queen. She became the first vampryy.”

Lies. Utter, unbelievable lies.

“Malec drank from her, onlyy stopping once he felt her heart begin to

fail, and then he shared his blood with her.” His head tilted, those golden

eyyes glittering. “Perhaps if yyour act of Ascension wasn’t so well guarded,

the finer details would not come as a surprise to yyou.”

I started to sit up but remembered the wound and the fizzing liquid.

“Ascension is a Blessing from the gods.”

He smirked. “It is far from that. More like an act that can either

create near immortalityy or make nightmares come true. We Atlantians are

born nearlyy mortal. And remain so until the Culling.”

“The Culling?” I asked before I could stop myyself.

“It’s when we change.” His upper lip curled, and the tip of his tongue

prodded a sharp canine. I knew this. It was in the historyy books. “The

fangs appear, lengthening onlyy when we feed, and we change in…other


“How?” Curiosityy had seized me, and I figured that whatever I could

learn would help if I managed to get out of this.

“That’s not important.” He reached for a cloth. “We mayy be harder to

kill than the Ascended, but we can be killed,” he went on. I also knew that.

Atlantians could be killed just like a Craven could. “We age slower than

mortals, and if we take care, we can live for thousands of yyears.”

I wanted to point out everyything was important, especiallyy how

Atlantians changed in other wayys, but curiosityy got the best of me.

“How…how old are yyou?”

“Older than I look.”

“Hundreds of yyears older?” I asked.

“I was born after the war,” he answered. “I’ve seen two centuries

come and go.”

Two centuries?

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