From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Hawke stared at me, at the bloodyy, seeping cut, for too long. Myy pulse

picked up, and I could too easilyy recall how his teeth—no, his fangs—had

felt against myy skin. I shivered. Was it revulsion? Fear? A leftover,

unwanted sensation that the memoryy triggered? Mayybe all of them. I had

no idea.

“Gods,” he said, his voice guttural as thick lashes lifted, and his gaze

met mine. His cheekbones seemed sharper as shadows blossomed under

them. “You could’ve been disemboweled.”

“You’ve alwayys been so observant.”

He ignored that comment as he stared down at me like I was nothing

more than a sillyy girl. “Whyy didn’t yyou sayy anyything? This could become


It took everyything in me to keep myy arms at myy sides. “Well, there

reallyy wasn’t a lot of time, considering yyou were busyy betrayying me.”

His eyyes narrowed. “That’s no excuse.”

I barked out a harsh laugh and wondered if I was alreadyy developing a

fever. “Of course, not. Sillyy me for not realizing that the person who had a

hand in murdering the people I care about, who betrayyed me and made

plans with the one who helped to slaughter myy familyy to use me for some

nefarious means would care that I was wounded.”

Those amber eyyes turned luminous, filling with a golden fire. His

features turned stark, and goosebumps pimpled myy skin. Ice hit myy veins

at the slow reminder that he was not as I’d alwayys assumed. Mortal. I

refused to shrink back, even though I wanted to run.

“Alwayys so brave,” he murmured. He let go of myy shirt and turned

awayy, calling out to Delano, who apparentlyy hadn’t gone too far because he

was in front of the cell within seconds.

I leaned against the wall, quiet as Hawke waited for Delano to return

with the items he’d requested. The fact that he kept his back to me for so

long said everyything I needed to know about whether or not he viewed me

as a threat.

Delano appeared with a basket, and it made me wonder exactlyy whyy

such things were kept handyy. Myy gaze flickered over the cell. Were theyy in

the business of keeping their prisoners healthyy? Better yyet, was this where

all the Ascended and the Lord from the keep had ended up?

When Hawke faced me, we were once again alone. “Whyy don’t yyou

lie—?” He glanced around the cell, his gaze centering on the threadbare

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