From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Myy legs weakened.

Several voices answered, “We will rise!”

“No one touches her.” Hawke scanned the group in the yyard, silencing

them. “No one,” he repeated as he turned back. “No one but me.”

The moment I saw the dank and gloomyy cells under the keep, and the

twisted, white mass of bones that covered the entire length of the ceiling,

the fight in me came back. There was no wayy I would just allow myyself to

be placed somewhere it appeared people never left. Not even when theyy


Delano hadn’t been prepared.

I broke his hold and made it to the end of the hall onlyy to realize the

sole exit was the entrance. I squared off with him but was cornered, and

with backup in the form of another who had eyyes that were almost as gold

as Hawke’s, I was dragged into the cell that had a thin mattress on the

floor and then shackled, the cold iron snapping over myy wrists.

And then I was alone.

I turned around, seeing no wayy out. The gaps in the bars were too

narrow, and when I pulled on the chains, the hook theyy were connected to

didn’t budge.

Panic bubbled up as I took a step back. How had this happened? How

did I go from anticipating a future that would be all mine, where I

controlled what I did and what happened to me, to this? To being chained

in a cell, surrounded byy people who wanted to chop me into pieces?

I knew the answer.


The slice of agonyy cutting through myy chest overshadowed the pain in

myy stomach. Myy throat and eyyes burned. Hawke…he wasn’t even mortal.

He was an Atlantian, His people had created the Cravens that had become

an unstoppable plague upon this land, the veryy same creatures who’d

murdered myy parents and almost killed me. He supported the Dark One,

who had killed the last Maiden and was after me. Hawke and the wolven

were the embodiment of anyything the gods had turned against and the

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