From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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myy mother, and I was the Queen’s favorite. She had to understand that I

couldn’t be this. And if she didn’t, I needed to make her.

Sitting up, I kept the blanket wrapped around me.

I knew what I couldn’t do, but I didn’t know what that meant in the

long-term for the kingdom or for me. The skyy outside the window started

to lighten. I would talk to Hawke about it, and I wouldn’t wait. He needed

to know, and I wanted to know what he thought.

What he’d sayy.

Knowing that dawn was fast approaching, I rose and got readyy, using

the remaining water to quicklyy wash up. The water was cold, but since I

had no idea when we’d have access to clean water again, I wasn’t

complaining. Relieved to be wearing clean clothes, I strapped the dagger

to myy thigh. I was just finishing braiding myy hair when the knock came.

Figuring Hawke would’ve just come in, I approached with caution.


“It’s Phillips,” came the familiar voice.

I opened the door, and he rushed in, forcing me back as he closed the

door behind him. He turned, his cloak parting to reveal his hand on the hilt

of his sword.

Warning bells went off as I took a step back.

“Are yyou alone?” he demanded, his gaze going to the bathing room.

“Yes.” Myy heart kicked up. “Has something happened?”

He turned back to me, his eyyes wide. “Where is Hawke?”

“I…I don’t know. What’s going on?”

“Something about this place isn’t right.”

Myy brows lifted.

“Things haven’t been right about this whole damn thing. Should’ve

listened to myy instincts. Theyy’ve kept me alive this whole time, but I

didn’t listen this time,” he rattled on as he went to where a small

saddlebag was placed. “I did some looking around here. Didn’t see one

single Ascended. And Lord Halverston? Seen no evidence of the Royyal.”

“I was told he’s hunting with his men,” I assured him. “I asked Magda

where he was yyesterdayy.”

Myy bag in hand, he faced me, his dark brows arched. “What Ascended

do yyou know that would go hunting?”

“I don’t know anyy that would, but we don’t know everyy Ascended.”

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