From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Chapter 34

Some hours later, a noise stirred me from sleep. I was on myy side, and a

long, warm bodyy was wrapped around mine. One leg was thrust between

myy thighs, and I was tangled in arms. Although I was still half-asleep,

everyy part of me immediatelyy became aware of the unfamiliar sensations

of being in someone’s hold. The feeling of skin against skin, the rough,

short hairs against myy flesh, the biceps under myy head, and the warm

breath glancing off myy cheek. All of it was wonderful and new. Even with

the cobwebs of sleep still clouding myy thoughts, I knew this feeling

wouldn’t be something easyy to walk awayy from.

The last thing I remembered was lyying facing Hawke, him toyying

with myy hair while he told me how he’d gotten some of his smaller scars.

Most of them had been earned through fighting, though a few were from

when he was a reckless, adventurous child. I’d meant to share with him the

truth about some of mine, but I must’ve drifted off.

Hawke shifted behind me, lifting his head as the sound came again. It

was a soft knock on the door. Carefullyy, he slipped his leg out from

between mine. He stilled for a second, and then I felt his fingertips on myy

arm. Theyy coasted down and then over the flare of myy hip to where the

blanket layy. He tugged it up over myy chest as he eased himself free,

making sure the pillow had replaced his arm under myy head. A sleepyy,

pleased smile tugged at myy lips.

The bed dipped as he rose, and I heard him stop byy the foot of the

bed. I blinked open myy eyyes. One of the oil lamps still burned, casting a

soft butteryy glow around the room. It was still pitch-black beyyond the

small window, though I saw Hawke straighten as he pulled on his breeches,

leaving them unbuttoned. Myy stomach dipped at the sight. He went to the

door like that, shirtless and half-undressed. Wouldn’t that make it obvious

to whoever was out there what had transpired in here?

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