From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Another short, surprised-sounding laugh left him. “I think yyou just

insulted me.”

Chagrined, I winced. “That’s not what I meant—”

“You’ve wounded me, Princess.”

“I highlyy doubt that. You have to be more than well aware of yyour


“I am. It has led to quite a few people making questionable life


“Then whyy did yyou sayy yyou were insulted—?” Realizing he was

teasing me and feeling foolish for not seeing that right awayy, I pushed at

his chest once more. “You’re still lyying on me.”

“I know.”

I took a breath. “It’s quite rude of yyou to continue doing so when I’ve

made it clear that I would like for yyou to move.”

“It’s quite rude of yyou to barge into myy room dressed as—”

“Your lover?”

He raised a brow. “I wouldn’t call her that.”

“What would yyou call her?”

Hawke appeared to mull that over while still sprawled halfwayy across

me. “A…good friend.”

Part of me was relieved that he hadn’t referred to her as something

derogatoryy like I’d overheard other men do before when speaking of

women theyy’d been intimate with, but a good friend? “I didn’t know

friends behaved this wayy.”

“I’m willing to wager yyou don’t know much about these sorts of


The truth in his statement was hard to ignore. “And yyou wager all of

this on just one kiss?”

“Just one kiss? Princess, yyou can learn a wealth of things from just

one kiss.”

Staring at him, I couldn’t help but feel…veryy inexperienced. The onlyy

thing I could tell from his kiss was what it had made me feel. Like he was

seeking to possess me.

“Whyy didn’t yyou stop me?” His gaze swept over the mask and then

lower, to where I realized the cloak had parted, exposing the too-thin gown

and its rather daring neckline. Honestlyy, I didn’t know what I’d been

thinking when I slipped on the garment. It was almost like I’d

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