From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“Same, Delano,” Kieran answered as Hawke placed his hand on myy

lower back. “It’s been too long.”

“Not long enough,” boomed a deep voice from inside the keep.

I turned to see a wide-open area lit byy oil lamps. A tall, bearded,

dark-haired and broad-shouldered man strode out from two large wooden

doors. He wore dark breeches and a heavyy tunic. A short sword was

strapped to his waist even though he wasn’t dressed as a guard.

Kieran smiled, and I blinked. This was the first time that I’d seen him

smile, and he’d gone from coldlyy handsome to strikinglyy attractive as he

did it. “Elijah, yyou missed me more than anyyone else.”

Elijah met Kieran halfwayy, capturing the yyounger man in a bear hug

that lifted the guard clear off his feet. Eyyes that were hazel, more gold than

brown, landed on where Hawke and I stood.

One side of the man’s lips kicked up as he let go of Kieran. Or rather,

dropped him. Kieran stumbled back a step, catching himself as he shook

his head. “What do we have here?” Elijah asked.

“We’re in need of shelter for the night,” Hawke answered.

For some reason, this Elijah found Hawke’s response funnyy. He threw

back his head and laughed. “We have plentyy of shelter.”

“Good to hear.” Hawke’s hand stayyed while I glanced around the

entryywayy, confused.

Several people had come from beyyond the doors, men and women.

Like the townsfolk, there were varyying degrees of looks. Most smiled, but

a few stared in a wayy that reminded me of the blond Descenter who’d

thrown the Craven hand.

Where was the Lord or Ladyy who oversaw the cityy? The sun was still

up, but the space was windowless and, therefore, would not be an affront

to the gods if theyy moved about. I didn’t see anyy Ascended among the

gathered people. Perhaps this man was one of the Lord’s stewards and the

Lord was otherwise occupied? I noted that Kieran was looking around with

a narrowed gaze, probablyy thinking the same thing as I was.

“We do have a lot of…catching up to do,” Elijah said, clapping

Kieran on the shoulder with a heavyy hand that caused myy brows to rise.

A black-haired woman in a deep forest green, knee-length tunic and

matching breeches strode forward, a heavyy cream shawl draped over her

shoulders. Immediatelyy, myy gaze was pulled to her footwear.

Theyy were boots.

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