From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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“So inappropriate,” I muttered, letting go of the Craven. I turned and

danced out of the grasp of another. I shot toward it as it grabbed hold of

myy cloak, slamming the dagger into its chest. It went down, nearlyy taking

me with it

Myy blade was effective. Unfortunatelyy, however, it required close

contact. I quicklyy scanned the area and saw Kieran moving with the grace

of a dancer, a sword in each hand as he took down one Craven after

another. Luddie was making great use of his spear, as was Phillips with his

bow. Airrick stayyed close to me, the mist now to our thighs.

Wailing, a Craven rushed me. Grip tightening on the wolven bone

handle, I waited until he was within grasp and then darted to the left as I

shoved the bloodstone up under its chin. Sucking in a sharp breath, I took a

step back as I willed myy stomach to settle. The smell…

“Princess. Got a better weapon for yyou.” Picking up Noah’s fallen

bloodstone sword, Hawke tossed it to me, and I caught it.

“Thanks.” Sheathing the dagger, I turned and struck out, slicing

through the neck of the closest Craven.

I loved the dagger, but the lightweight bloodstone sword was far more

useful in this situation. Able to keep a bit of distance, I cut down another

Craven as myy heart thumped against myy chest. The back of myy leg

bumped into something, and I jerked to myy right, putting myy foot down.

Myy boot slipped into the roots as I swung out, catching the Craven in the

chest. It wasn’t a clean blow. I’d missed its heart. I yyanked the sword free

and shifted myy legs to brace myyself as I went for his neck.

I’d forgotten about the roots.

Foot snagged, I tripped and tried desperatelyy to catch myyself, but I

went down as someone crashed into me, knocking me free of the roots.

Airrick. He caught the Craven as I fell, tackling him as theyy both

disappeared under the mist.

Myy head slipped under the fog, and for a moment, there was nothing

to see but a white film. Panic exploded in myy stomach. Myy free hand hit

the ground. It was too slick under myy palm. I was thrown back through the

yyears, to when I was tinyy and frightened, myy grip on myy mother desperate

and slipping—

I heard Vikter’s voice in myy mind. A warning he’d given me in

training at the veryy beginning. Never cave to panic. If you do, you die.

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